Does Death & Aging Frighten You?

by Guest 77 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Forty!!!! The only thing you will accomplish by killing yourself & others is a rotton name- The WT will love you they will say ( He was mad-he was never really a JW) & all those you kill will pass into the loving pages of the watchtower.... Of how an apostate did it. Why not try the pray what have you got to lose???? Just a suggestion. I am sure you wake up in more pain after the booze & the pills. In my humble opinion it isnt worth it & nor is the WT ---they will have won


    ((((Mouthy)))) - how could we not love our JWD Forum Granny?

    She's irresistable, gives off more warmth and love than anyone I know.

    Believer/unbeliever, she treats everyone the same.

    No stones or rocks, ever tossed in her direction, because we have boulders waiting for you if you try.

    Forty, the depression and post-JW life, can be rough, but Mouthy means well, and has your best interest at heart.

    Take pride in yourself Forty-Homey, because a destructive life is what the WTBTS will point to, when they recall you: couldn't live outside of the organization. They'll try to prove to their lost followers, that a life outside of the WTS is not happy nor fulfililng.

    Forty-Homey, we've all been down that road, and it's a personal struggle, but you are here, and we're here to offer our experiences (Tried and True) and we hope to see you get past some of what has been plaguing you.

    Show them you can do it! Not only will you prove them (WTS) wrong, but you'll feel better and look like a million dollars before you know it.

    Wishing you well. Keep your chin up bud, and focus on some good stuff, I'll bet you have something good to share. Work with that, and you'll be surprised at what follows.

    As for Mouthy's remarks: as the granny of this board, she has EVERYONES best interest at heart, and she LOVES us little monsters (laughing here/winking my eye) here, unconditionally, believer/unbeliever.

    Take care,

  • GentlyFeral

    Yes. Well, death especially. It's getting a little better, slowly, over time, as mystical experiences reshape my beliefs. I'm not afraid of being dead. I have a feeling that I'll be aware of everything in the universe but my own existence - a highly interesting state! I got a foretaste of it one evening. But my flesh is still terrified of the Big Dissolve.

    I've asked my gods to cure me of the fear of death. They couldn't really understand why I should ask, and they said: No; we would just as soon cure you of your skin and bones; but we will hold your hand when you die. That's going to have to do.

    Aging doesn't frighten me much; it's already started: mild diabetes, nearsightedness, creakiness in the joints. So I take my pills & eat like a hippie & get new glasses every couple years, no particular problem. I do worry sometimes about being helpless and penniless. That's getting a tad unlikely, though


  • Momofmany

    I am looking forward to getting older. I am looking forward to seeing how my children are, and maybe see my grandbabies. Death? Doesn't scare or bother me at all. Either I will be asleep, and finally getting some well deserved sleep. I will be in heaven with loved ones, or burning in hell with the rest of my loved ones.LOL or maybe I will be reincarnated, and get another shot of all this.

    I do worry about growing old and having to need my family to care for me. That is my only worry. Hopefully I will retain my mental facilities until I die in my sleep in my loft in Philly

  • Blueblades

    It is the unknown ,the not knowing that troubles me.It is the missing of my family that troubles me.Death and aging don't frighten me,its the way of all mankind.I just don't like the idea of not knowing what happens to us when we die.I know that one day I will just have to accept the inevitable,and I will miss my family when that day comes.But until then,there is this constant uneasiness in my mind that I just cannot shake.


  • dh

    i don't wanna live forever, i always found life difficult and a tragic accident would be fine by me, not that i want to die or anything, just that i never felt comfortable with life and the only value it's ever had so far has been 'for the sake of it'.

    ageing used to bother me because there were so many things i wanted to do by a certain age, now i'm past all of the ages i set goals for, so to an extent i'm free to live knowing i never achieved what i set out to, it's actually quite refreshing, and i'm not old so i'm cool enough with it.

    death itself i look forward to, not in any romantic way, just to see if there is anything else or not, that in itself doesn't frighten me, but there are many ways of dying that certainly would.

  • Gozz

    No, death and aging doesn't frighten me. I'll hate to be so old and frail that I'm unable to get by on my own, but I wonæt be unhappy to live long. what I'll hate is to sleep one night, hale and hearty and alive, and find myself on the other side, dead and buried, say, by mudslides, without any warning and any chance at all to fight, like tens of thousands have in Iran. It'll be a cruel joke by Nature on life for that to happen.

  • obiwan

    Aging..nah. I think anyone can age gracefully, it just takes some effort to do it as you get older.

    Now as for death, the only thing that frightens me about it, is losing loved one's in death. As for my own, I'm not that concerned. Personally, I think it will be a relief when death comes. I think I am at the end of my journey in this life.

  • Undecided

    I hate the effects of aging. I will turn 68 in about a month and the last year I have begun to feel what getting old is like. My eye sight is getting worse, especially at night, I can tell my hearing is beginning to fade, I can't lift heavy things anymore. My skin is getting thin on my hands.

    I'm still enjoying life but know it's not long before something will kill me. I don't like the idea of dying but I'm not scared of it. I have no faith that I will have any life after this one but wish there was something out there.

    Ken P.

  • gumby
    I will turn 68 in about a month and the last year I have begun to feel what getting old is like. My eye sight is getting worse, especially at night, I can tell my hearing is beginning to fade, I can't lift heavy things anymore.

    Damn Ken......what are you complaining about! I'm only 49 and I have all the ailments you are just now getting! I'm totally screwed! I will never make it to 68!


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