What Is God Doing?

by Satanus 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    He's sitting on a couch with a filthy tee shirt eating cheezdoodles drinking a beer. The Tee shirt says "Im going to get my 99 cents worth out of this tee shirt. Hes got the remote in hand and is waiting for the next American Idol to start!

  • ThiChi


    Just adding balance to some claims made here... I suppose you have your own definition of Atheism, if this is the case, then you are right, it is pointless to argue with people like you. However, I feel that your comments are designed to avoid addressing the premise of the counter points made to the claims that there is no "proof" of God...Typical.


    Atheist: One who denies the existence of God.

    Denial: Assertion that something alleged is false.

    I stand by my points.

  • ThiChi


    Just adding balance to some claims made here... I suppose you have your own definition of Atheism, if this is the case, then you are right, it is pointless to argue with people like you. However, I feel that your comments are designed to avoid addressing the premise of the counter points made to the claims that there is no "proof" of God...Typical.


    Atheist: One who denies the existence of God.

    Denial: Assertion that something alleged is false.

    I stand by my points.

  • shera

    *shrugs shoulders* Mabey someday we will all know.Right know I believe there is a God and I haven't a clue.

  • ThiChi


    Welcome to the board! Your observations do beg the questions: What (or what not) is the biases for a belief system, including Atheism? Who invented this creed or "rule" you adhere to, and do all other Atheists follow your creed or standard? Is Atheism a fact?

    Overwhelmingly, many Atheists respond to the belief of God with "Where?s the proof?" A fair question. The counter question, "Where is the proof that God does not exist?" Is just as fair. This debate, and these questions are nothing new in the philosophical arena that have been ongoing since time itself.

    If one is to make the claim "No proof God exists," this must be followed up with proof to the claim. IF you excuse this, it only then becomes another unfounded claim or "fallacy."

    However, if you feel no proof is ever required for your Belief system, I do respect that. You may have more "Faith" than I do......................

  • Satanus


    Could you prove that a pink invisible flying unicorn does not exist? It's obvious, but could it be proven?


  • rem


    Webster's dictionary definition of Athiesm is incorrect. It is correct in the colloquial sense because that is what most people think it means, but it is not what atheists mean when they refer to themselves as atheists. When an atheist calls himself an atheist he means something more along the line of what you and most other believers might think of as an agnostic. There are many books about athiesm written by atheists that explains this quite well.

    As far as your response to Globetrotter, let's just change a couple words:

    Welcome to the board! Your observations do beg the questions: What (or what not) is the biases for a belief system, including Asantaism? Who invented this creed or "rule" you adhere to, and do all other Asantaists follow your creed or standard? Is Asantaism a fact?

    Overwhelmingly, many Asantaists respond to the belief of Santa with "Where?s the proof?" A fair question. The counter question, "Where is the proof that Santa does not exist?" Is just as fair. This debate, and these questions are nothing new in the philosophical arena that have been ongoing since time itself.

    If one is to make the claim "No proof Santa exists," this must be followed up with proof to the claim. IF you excuse this, it only then becomes another unfounded claim or "fallacy."

    However, if you feel no proof is ever required for your Belief system, I do respect that. You may have more "Faith" than I do......................

    Perhaps now you can see why your claim that Atheists are making a positive claim is nonsensical. BTW, it is well known that the question "Where is the proof that God does not exist" is not fair. This elementary philosphy.


  • ThiChi

    ""Webster's dictionary definition of Athiesm is incorrect..."

    LOL...I give up!!

    ""Where is the proof that God does not exist" is not fair. This elementary philosphy. ""

    However, "show proof that God does exist" is fair? Double standard? Circular reasoning at its best.

    This only goes back to the point: There are no good reasons to believe the Atheist?s view (popular definition?) that God does not exist.

  • rem


    Like I said, Webster's definition is only correct in the colloqial sense. Atheists in general do not deny god's existence... we merely do not believe without evidence. See What is Atheism by Douglas E. Krueger. A small minority of Atheists take the irrational "strong" stand of denying the existence of one or more deities. As with all extremists, they do not reflect the norm.

    ::""Where is the proof that God does not exist" is not fair. This elementary philosphy. ""

    :However, "show proof that God does exist" is fair? Double standard? Circular reasoning at its best.

    First off, you are confused about circular reasoning. There is no error in logic here and it does not even resemble circular reasing (where the conclusion is the same as the premise).

    Second, there is no double standard. The reason is in the original assertion: "God exists". Nobody is asserting "God does not exist" because there is no way to prove this negative assertion. Once someone makes a positive assertion that God (or anything) exists, it is quite reasonable to require proof of the positive claim. It is not reasonable to turn the burden of proof over the questioning side by implying they are making a negative assertion.

    This is how the converstation about the existence of god goes:

    Theist: God exists
    Atheist: He may or he may not. I currently do not believe he does. Do you have evidence that he does?

    See... the Atheist made no positive or negative claim (other than his belief). To imply that he has is a red herring.


  • rem

    :This only goes back to the point: There are no good reasons to believe the Atheist?s view (popular definition?) that God does not exist.

    If you meant to say "There are no good reasons to believe that god cannot exist", then you are correct. There are, however, many good reasons for not believing in any gods. Here are some:

    Lack of evidence
    Many gods are mutually exclusive (logic impossibility)
    Problem of Evil
    "God of the Gaps" keeps shrinking
    Design errors in biology
    Sloppyness in the Universe
    No authenticated contact with humans
    Not detectable by humans
    No good reason for me to believe

    Obviously some of the above do not apply to some type of distant diety uninterested in human life.

    What are the good reasons to believe that god exists?


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