What Is God Doing?

by Satanus 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby

    I';m with megadudemeister.

    Why is it we feel like there is a creator? Because we have come to an age in which we realise that shit just doesn't happen. When I look at my dog, and watch her, and study her eyes, and see an intelligent life inside her....I believe something created her........and that's just my dog.

    I do not see time and circumstances, evolving into what we now experience today.

    It's easy to understand how someone can come up with a brilliant explanation to life, and gather sheep like nobodys buisness! People want answers so bad, they'l grab the first thing that makes sense to them. I'm GLAD I've been through what I have......I learned something.


  • Satanus


    If there is a bible jehovah, i'll be toasted near the beginning.


    I don't have the answers. Pruning away false assumptions should help us get closer to what is.


  • bebu

    I'll never tell...


  • MegaDude

    As long as man has wanted to know how we got here, there have been no concrete answers that can be shared objectively. I have given up trying to create, define, or conjecture an *absolute box* of answers, but I don't have a problem going with my gut feeling or personal theory or theology as long as I don't take it as absolute truth. It seems obvious that since man has not been able to come up with verifiable concrete answers on how we evolved here, or who put us here, take your pick, that it is rather a waste of time to devote one's life to trying to get an answer to that *specific* question concerning our origin. Still I like bouncing my ideas off my ex-JW friends who kindly allow me this cathartic pleasure while trying not to look or sound too alarmed. lol.

    What I have noticed that is important is the quality of my intent, the quality of my thoughts, the quality of my choices, and the quality of my attitude, and how they impact me and how they impact others. That to me is a hell of a lot more important than being dogmatic or wishful about where I came from and where I'm going. Like I said, I feel connected to a higher wisdom outside of me that has led me to this point, but that is my purely subjective experience and interpretation. It's true...true for me. I don't feel anyone should believe me because I have had tremendous faith in enormous bullshit in the past. And yet I feel I'm on the path of truth. lol.

  • frenchbabyface
    SS : If we cannot prove that god is doing anything at the moment, how can we possibly say w certainty that he did this or that 2000 yrs ago, 6000 yrs ago or millions of yrs ago?

    To me you just resumed it here ... so ... yeah no proof anyway

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Let's chew the fat.

    I'm with you megadude, except it's not a gut feeling. At a tender age I came to my own conclusion that there was a Creator. No one has shaken or rocked that conclusion from me.

    People can believe as they will, (one's choice) just as they 'believe' there is no Master Creator, yet, they have their own belief system. What is their belief system based on? How concrete is there belief system? Are they willing to die for that belief system without having second thoughts? Remember, without having second thoughts. If someone where to put a gun to your head and asked you to renounce your belief system, would have second thoughts?

    Without Prejudice

    Guest 77

  • elamona

    The FACT is that the things you listed ARE is proof that HE IS. Matter (energy) cannot be made or destroyed, it can only be transformed. All that you see and do not see, galaxies and universes and other things not visible to human eyes, exist because it had to be transformed into existence from a being who exists OUTSIDE of His creation. He used a tiny part of His own limitless supply of energy/matter to create everything. It didn't "just happen" as that defies the nature of matter/energy.

  • elamona

    The FACT that more than 95% of matter cannot be "found" by scientists should be a clue. Scientists refer to it as CDM, cold dark matter; invisible, but they know that "it" is there because they say that "it" holds the universe together.

  • peacefulpete

    This has turned into a debate about whether God/gods exist and inevitably will be perceived as an attack upon the faith of believers if a naturalistic explanation if offered in a public forum.

    I have no desire to change people's opinion agaisnt their will. Nor do I pretend this is possible.

    However the comments of some here have been largely those of the 19th century Cosmological Arguement. "Things don't just appear from nowhere! We are too smart to believe that so there must be a god."

    First it is reasonable to remove the discussion from the very first nanoseconds of 'creation" as our present understanding of the exotic physics that were involved is thus far too incomplete to support any debate upon the relative merits of one opinion over another.

    That being said, the problem lays in our perception of the world around us. Science is focused on the whys and hows of the physical word and has led to a clearer understanding of the interplay of physics within phenomana once considered "miracles". We know why and how water becomes solid when cooled to 0 deg. We know why baking soda and vinager react violently. We know the process of crytalline formation that makes snowflakes. We recently discovered that proteins can be formed without DNA. There in fact is little that defys some explanation. The "mysteries" remaining are largely due to the incompleteness of the study not some mystical nature of the phenomenon. As I said the problem lays in our perceptions. We see the world as a whole rather than the result of millions of minute elementary processes.

    Additionally we have the Creationist misrepresentation of the model science has given us for the formation of the universe. Your objection to supposing that the universe everything in it including us and the deep blue sea resulted from some chaotic massive moment is quite reasonable. NONE HAS EVER claimed this. The process of planet formation alone takes many millions of years. Each step of the universe's evolution took time and the natural interplay of the atoms that formed in the cosmic birth and subsequent nuclear processes in the stars. Life is presently seen on earth in such preposterously simple forms that the line between self ordering physics observed everywhere to these simple life forms is becoming very fuzzy. Evolution is, dispite rantings from the Christian far right, a fact. The study of the processes involved are called The Theory of Evolution.
    Research is in order for those desiring to understand these things, "Climbing Mount Improbable" by Dawkins is excellent for example.

    If anyone desires to see a supernatural hand nudging the universe to follow a predetermined course to result in this present universe at this present time, he does so not because the facts suggest it, but becase he wills it to be so for philosophical reasons. Thats just fine with me as well as to the scientific community as whole. It is the misinformation and deceipt by unscrupulous or ignorant bible literalists about science and it's objectives that has marked the battle lines between the sides.

    Myself my mental makeup precludes adopting as truth anything i can't support. But not everyone (including my friends) feels this way

  • ThiChi

    ""Additionally we have the Creationist misrepresentation of the model science""

    If you use this standard, then what about the many "revisions" among the so called Science Elites as it relates to the "Modle?" The hypocrisy is very disturbing....The fact is you cannot dis-prove God's hand in the making of our universe.

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