What Is God Doing?

by Satanus 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SixofNine
    The FACT is that the things you listed ARE is proof that HE IS.

    Why do you use the gender designation "HE", elemona?

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Why do you use the gender designation "HE", elemona?

    6 'O' 9'er

    Only a 'HE' would give it's creation so much space to work things out on their own.

    If 'HE' was a 'SHE', 'SHE' would be contacting us everyday telling us what we were doing wrong

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    I'm kinda with mega on my beliefs right now.

    I think there is a HIGHER BEING out there partly because of creation.

    But like mega said,

    I was in a cult too and believed 12 men when they said that college was bad, so WTF do I know?

    Whatever anyone has for a belief system, as long as they are happy with their beliefs, don't force their beleifs on others, and are a productive member of society, I'm happy for them.

    My $.02

  • peacefulpete

    Ti Chi....reread mt post. I said the a large problem is how Creationist misrepresent the model science is offering for the formation of the universe. As a JW I was taught thaT science was claiming that 'poof!' out of nowhere a green and blue planet appeared. That was a misrepresentation of the model offered by science. While the model has undergone improvements as our science improved, (and that is the purpose of a model)never has it been as simplistic and childish as I was led to believe. This is why I said the model is being misrepresented.
    I see know hypocrisy in this statement.

    And if you read my comment I also did not say I or anyone else could "prove" there was no supernatural hand involved in steering the physics. I simply said that if anyone concluded there was a supernatural hand involved he is do so, not because the facts suggest it but because he wills it to be so for philosophical reasons.

  • ThiChi


  • obiwan

    What is God doing? God is laughing at all us poor shlubs!!

  • Globetrotter


    I?m new here, and in fact this is my first post. I found this site about a week ago. While I will get my story up in the appropriate area soon enough (it?s rather long so it will probably be tomorrow), I felt compelled to respond to the notion that atheism requires one to prove the non-existence of god - that one must submit evidence that atheism is true. This is a misconception, and a fallacy of reason and logic.

    Atheism is merely the absence of, the lack of, a theistic belief, with or without a conscious rejection of it. Nothing more. Atheism is not a rival belief system. An atheist does not assert the existence of anything. Proof is applicable only in the case of a positive belief system. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the theist to submit evidence to support his belief in the existence of god ? to demonstrate the truth of this assertion, not the other way around. If he does not succeed, then theism should not be accepted as true.

    I?ll stop there. Don?t want to make a bad first impression . There are a lot of other topics I want to discuss.

    Nice Hofner.


    re: the thread topic - one might ask "The god of the old or of the new testament?"

    (neat emoticons here!)

  • Satanus



    re: the thread topic - one might ask "The god of the old or of the new testament?"

    Yes, one could, since their natures are quite different. I lumped them together in my question, because christians claim that they are one and the same. Perhaps a chasid could answer from the ot/torah perspective, if there are any passing through.


  • rem


    There is no point arguing whether "athiesm is true" or not. Atheism is just a lack of belief in a deity - so of course it's true in the sense that atheists exist. Atheism does not say that there is no god. Hence, there is nothing to debate.


  • rem


    It seems you are behind on your physics. Things do indeed just "happen". Uncaused events are commonplace in Quantum Physics. This is nothing new.


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