Anointed Class? What Anointed Class?

by never_a_jw 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LittleToe

    The ends such evolution might serve might be to raise man to the same level as the creator (though many religionists would balk at that idea, probably as much as you balk at the idea of a Creator, perse - which was one of my earlier points).

    For textual support - being "conformed to the image of His Son" (Rom.8:29, and surrounding chapter, which key's back into the "anointed" thing.

    You still seem fixated with the idea of eternal suffering for those who don't meet the mark.
    I wasn't going there as, to be honest, I have no experiential data to validate such a theology.
    Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned my interest in Calvinist doctrine, as it seems to have warped how you view my position. Another good reason for me to avoid labels, huh - consider it a lesson learned - back to simply being an unorthodox Christian.

    Perhaps I just enjoyed Arthur C. Clarke's visionary works, including his 2001 series, a little too much.

    Maybe the purpose of the Adam and Eve story wasn't so much to denigrate us, as to give us a world view that we can better ourselves beyond our birthright and achieve something that we "allegedly" once had.

  • Abaddon


    The ends such evolution might serve might be to raise man to the same level as the creator (though many religionists would balk at that idea, probably as much as you balk at the idea of a Creator, perse - which was one of my earlier points).

    I balk for reasons. You believe for reasons. Different strokes... oh, and Mormons essentially believe a version of the evolve to god's level thing...

    You still seem fixated with the idea of eternal suffering for those who don't meet the mark.

    No, although there are strains of Calvanism in it, you've not implied that. What I have implied is that if mankind is slowly spiritually evolving, then god is performing lab experiments on sentient being... and as (if mortal or immortal souled) the experimentees suffer disadvantage compared to those in the future who are more advanced, then there is unfairness in outcome (in my opinion), just as there would be if a Cavanistic god cooked those it had determined were not 'saved'. Thus your theory carries an unavoidable level of punishment for those who are less 'evolved', even if that's not your intent.

    Maybe the purpose of the Adam and Eve story wasn't so much to denigrate us, as to give us a world view that we can better ourselves beyond our birthright and achieve something that we "allegedly" once had.

    Errrrr... okay, but with that lattitude of interpretation and divergence from context and presumable (given period) intentions of the author, I could make out Jesus was not walking on water but water-skiing.

    I'm of to Germany for a couple of days tomorrow; catch ya later.

  • amac

    Just had to chime in to say that I loved this comment by Noko:

    don't follow the blind especially when they say they can see

    Never heard that before...

  • LittleToe

    But, but, but... he WAS water skiing!!!!
    Poor Peter was paddling his arms off!

    Enjoy the well deserved vacation, my friend

  • Abaddon


    Nah, business trip...

    I saw the Reeperbahn last night; to those of you who are not Beatle nuts, the Reeperbahn is where a very young Beatles played in stripclubs. The client I'm visiitng took us out for a meal and gave us a walk around the area as I'd mentioned I'd love to see what was once the Star CLub and the Kaiserkeler (sp?).

    Of course, this being the 21st Century I can still get internet access and email away from the office... which is half good half bad...

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