Anointed Class? What Anointed Class?

by never_a_jw 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JCanon
    Hi Never, welcome to the board. Russell wasn't a Jew; like Earnest said "His parents were Presbyterians of Scottish-Irish descent".

    JCanon is quite mad and believes himself to be the Messiah so I wouldn't put too much stock in anything he says.

    Hi Funky D, et al. I didn't make it up. I found a reference about about Russell being a Jew as well as Rutherford. I couldn't confirm Rutherford was Jewish but there is documentation that Russell was. His parents were originally "Roessel" and changed their name (like many Jews) when they went to Ireland. One reference that discusses the Freemasons and Illuminati and the connection between JWs discusses some of the older families and Russell is one of them and it extensively discusses the family tree of Russell. I'll hunt down the reference and post it.

    What concerns me is that this is something that could probably easily be found on the internet and checked out. Trusting that I'm crazy and a lunatic as your best defense against anything I say, however, simply isn't good enough. You should look some of this stuff up FIRST.

    I'm going to do a search for "Russell jew family line freemason" and see what I come up with. I think it is connected with "mind control" and all that stuff related to the organization. As far as his "religion" goes, that's one thing. This concerns his actual racial background, i.e. descendant from Abraham, etc. as a "Jew".


  • JCanon

    I found this on the internet by doing a search of Russell and bloodline. There's lots of stuff on it, but this basically would have to be contradicted about Russell and his Jewish roots. Of note this is WHERE this information comes from and not something I just made up, even though it still might be challenged.


    Once there was a Jewish family whose name was Roessel. They lived in early 17th century Germany. They moved to a country called Scotland. There they re-spelled the name Russell. They took on the ways of their new homeland. The English tried to settle Protestants from Scotland in Ireland in order to control the Irish. When the opportunity opened up to go to the Emerald Island (Ireland) with the Scottish settlers who went to the plantation Ulster they went. It is possible, but not known for sure that they learned to know the Rutherford's either in Scotland or Ireland. Scotland repeatedly appears as the source of much of the religious heresy connected with the Power. That C . T. Russell?s family were in Scotland for a period, and also from the German states which seem to be a hot bed for Jewish Satanism may be only a coincidence and then again it might be a clue to understanding the origin of the Watchtower Society. This Author?s previous book The Watchtower and the Masons tells the story how the Arian heresy began at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and spread to the the Presbyterians of the Synod of Ulster. The book gives this Author?s reasons for believing that the C . T. Russell?s family in northern Ireland were Arian in belief before coming to the U. S. and chances are they were involved with Freemasonry also.

    Do a net search for more information..... PLEASE, FOLKS, DO YOUR RESEARCH's not that difficult.


  • seedy3

    Hey folks, Just my $.02 worth,

    I noticed A&F's quote of scripture:

    2 TIMOTHY 3:16:" All Scripture is inspired from God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,"NWT

    2 TIMOTHY 3:17:" that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."NWT

    I always get a kick out of the Christian application of these 2 scriptures as well as the one in Revelations that says "Not to add or take away"

    Gumby was quite right in his statement that that reference had to have only been to the Old Testement, because there was no New Testement when it was written in the letter. There was no decision and no one knew what would be in the NT until somewhere in the thrid and fourth centuries. And the reference in Rev. could have only applied to that book it's self and no other due to the same reason.

    As far as Russell being a Jew, if he were a Jew he hid it quite well. And also if he were a Jew he was only in race and not Religion. I have seen references that try and say he was a jew but they have little concrete evidence, and the only evidence used to say he was a Mason, are the qoutes that he himself made at an assembly saying we are all masons, but later in the speach he made the statement that he was not a member of the mason soceity, but had faith like the masons, and we all should have that same faith.

    If there is more evidence to that I would love to see it.


  • Earnest
    Once there was a Jewish family whose name was Roessel. They lived in early 17th century Germany. They moved to a country called Scotland. There they re-spelled the name Russell...It is possible, but not known for sure that they learned to know the Rutherford's either in Scotland or Ireland. Scotland repeatedly appears as the source of much of the religious heresy connected with the Power. That C . T. Russell?s family were in Scotland for a period, and also from the German states which seem to be a hot bed for Jewish Satanism may be only a coincidence and then again it might be a clue to understanding the origin of the Watchtower Society.

    JCanon, I found these ideas particularly fascinating but do not see why they should carry any more weight simply because you found the information on the internet. You say : "...this is WHERE this information comes from and not something I just made up, even though it still might be challenged." But presumably you accept it and did some verification before posting it. Where actually does it come from ?

    This Author?s previous book The Watchtower and the Masons tells the story...

    The author of The Watchtower and the Masons is Fritz Springmeier, a writer and speaker on the Illuminati and mind control. He spoke of this in an interview on the CKLN-FM Mind Control Series which is worth reading through in full to completely assess his credentials, but this part is pertinent to the subject :

    Everybody has probably heard of Jehovah's Witnesses and how they would go out and knock on people's doors. I was the opposite. I was a Christian missionary to bring Jehovah's Witnesses to Christ and I was getting tired of working with these little Jehovah's Witnesses on the street, and I was praying to God to be given the power to decapitate the authoritarian organization that is over these Jehovah's Witnesses. At that point, I got my prayer answered. I got this confidential information that the heads of the Watchtower Society were collaborating with the heads of the Latter Day Saints church. That information totally changed my life. I had bumped into the Illuminati and their mind control, ...

    He is somewhat disingenuous here. In his youth he became interested in JWs and, while attending the Kingdom Hall he met his first wife, married her, and they had a son named James. His wife later divorced him on grounds of child abuse and she retained custody. He kidnapped his son and moved to Oregon where he was arrested almost four years later. He was sentenced to prison and after his release he became involved in Witness Inc, a counter-cult ministry to JWs. He left them over disagreements with the leadership, and joined and left another ministry. He married a second time and in the early 1990's began his own ministry, writing on the Illuminati in collaboration with Linda Anderson (also known as Cisco Wheeler). As this collaboration extended to staying overnight his second wife filed for divorce in August, 1995. He is currently serving almost ten years for armed bank robbery and using a firearm during a violent crime. Further information can be obtained from European-American Evangelistic Crusades with an update (Sept.15, 2003) which includes information about the bank robbery.

    Lest one thinks that the EAEC is biased you could always search the archives of The Oregonian for 'Springmeier' or checkout the Anti-Defamation League, the Clackamas County Sheriff's Office and articles by John Stevens in the Oregon Spotlight.

    JCanon, you said regarding your assertion that Russel was a Jew -

    Of note this is WHERE this information comes from and not something I just made up, even though it still might be challenged...PLEASE, FOLKS, DO YOUR RESEARCH's not that difficult. - JCanon, 29-Dec-03 16:31 GMT

    As neither he nor you provide any evidence for your assertions we can only credit it with the honesty and integrity he shows as a person.


  • JCanon
    As neither he nor you provide any evidence for your assertions we can only credit it with the honesty and integrity he shows as a person.

    I can understand your position and it is valid if Springmeier was ad libbing. But as you noted, Russell being Jewish is not critically significant to this reference. In a way, though, it's IRONY.

    But CASE IN POINT: My information was being doubted regarding Russell simply being a Jew since everything I was claiming was presumed to be inaccurate, when in fact, my reference to Russell being a Jew did not come from my delusional state but was a research reference which has to stand on it's own merit. But likewise, whehter Springmeier invented this information or is simply quoting the facts which he then uses for his own argument is entirely dependent upon the detail here. Most conspirators take the facts and then use them in their own context. Question is was Springmeier inflating the historical bloodline of Russell and his family being Jewish, or is this something that was common knowledge from another reference.

    Additionally, this is not the only reference I saw regarding Russell being Jewish. In another anti-Jewish, anti-Freemason reference (I might be able to find it) it said BOTH Russell and Rutherford were Jewish. That was the first I'd heard of that and I believe led me to do some research at which time I came across the elaboration by Springmeier about the family tree, etc, which by the way his being Jewish seems only incidental here. I could not confirm that Rutherford was Jewish and so I just have that one reference.

    If I come up with something more definite I will. Your point is well taken. However, I think my position is valid to contradict Funky D's presumption that I was simply lying about Russell being Jewish when he at least could have checked out that detail before simply dismissing it, especially in the absence of anyone else directly contradicting this point about Russell or providing some other family tree information. Or perhaps my only point is I did not originate that possibility--it did come from another reference, however, questionable.

    A final point of reference, MY OPINION, is that information about Illuminati activities or the like is usually to inform their own members or others actually participating in the secret socities and rarely to whistle-blow on these secret societies. Thus posing as an opposing "but crazy" person is often how this is done...and it's "very Jewish". Is Springmeier Jewish too?

    In a way, I'm doing the same thing and so is God, allegedly. Christ is suppose to arrive 'in the clouds" and "as a thief" and all that. If too many people believed me then I couldn't get anything done and I'd lose my privacy. By staying in the potential category of being insane or crazy or ridiculous I basically can say what I want and only the people who really need the information anyway will understand it's valid. That is, I don't encourage it, but probably do a little "courting" of the insanity, even now (like publishing recent pictures of myself in drag...just as a few borderliners were about to believe, right?) So I wouldn't put it past Springmeier sensationalizing his personal behavior and background to create an escape clause for most people from paying attention to the details of his research. In fact, maybe the Illuminati SELECTED someone with his background to do just that, publish the details they needed published by a crazy person or a person without credibility so that the masses wouldn't know the difference, but the insiders would--the information is still there. It's part of "hiding in plain sight".

    ACTS 13:41 "Behold it, you scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in your days, a work that you will by NO MEANS BELIEVE even if anyone relates it to you in detail."

    Christ at the second coming arrives as a STONE OF STUMBLING for the non-believers. He's designed as a sieve, to keep as many undeserving people OUT of the kingdom as providing room for those "gems of the earth" whom he wants in the kingdom.


  • Earnest
    I think my position is valid to contradict Funky D's presumption that I was simply lying about Russell being Jewish - JCanon, 30-Dec-03 03:09 GMT

    I agree, although Funky D did not suggest you were lying but that you were mad which is an altogether different thing. Besides which, he is Irish and your assertion that their blood is not 100% Catholic probably touched a nerve there.

    It is possible that Russell's ancestors were Jewish as Springmeier suggests and it should not be too difficult to trace his lineage back to the 17th century and confirm whether or not he is a descendant of Roessels from Germany. It is more difficult to establish whether such Roessels were Jewish which is why the complete absence of references does not inspire confidence. And while the climate in England did allow for some Jews to enter the country I don't think that was the case in Scotland. Two centuries later Mark Twain wrote of Jews in Scotland : "There are a few Jews in Glasgow, and one in Aberdeen; but that is because they can't earn enough to get away." (Concerning The Jews, Harper's magazine, March 1898).

    Thus posing as an opposing "but crazy" person is often how this is done...and it's "very Jewish". Is Springmeier Jewish too?

    lol. Springmeier is not his birth name, he had it changed in 1987. His birth name was Victor Earl Schoof. Hmmmm.


  • JCanon

    Hi Earnest...

    I'll try to see if I can find my original reference for both Rutherford and Russell being Jews, which again, was only reported in passing. In the meantime I found this...just for our amusement!!! It links Russell and Rutherford with the same general lineage...

    This type of combination typifies so many of the elite who I have researched. In the Be Wise As Serpents book, chapter 1.11 discusses how the Satanism within the Illuminati and the Watchtower Society could be tracked by an understanding of Enochian magic. Readers may want to refer back to that chapter after reading this paragraph. The Illuminati operating within the Watchtower Society use the Enochian Language which has its own language and its own Enochian alphabet (letters in boxes). According to eyewitnesses who have left the J.W. part of the Illuminati, the Enochian alphabet is known and used as the cult language by those Illuminati operating in the high levels of the Watchtower Society. In other words, their ceremonies are done in this ritual Enochian language. Sir William Sinclair in the 16th century was one of those who introduced Enochian Magic to Scotland. The Scottish connection in the Watchtower Society is overpowering. Both the Russell and the Rutherford families came from Scotland as well as MacMillan and many other key eariy Watchtower leaders. From this it appears that the Scottish type of Illuminatism that created the early Watchtower Society has always practiced Enochian magic. Remember from the Be Wise As Serpents book that knowing the Watchtowers is the key to Enochian magic. The same type of winged-sun-disk that C.T. Russell used was also used on the ......... Magic. Two phrases that were popular among satanists who practiced Enochian Magic in Rumli's day were ?Millennial Dawn and ?Golden Age.? The following are some of the Illuminati operating within the Watchtower Society today (names may be spelled incorrectly in some cases):

  • JCanon

    Hi Earnest......YIPPPEEEE!!! I found it!!

    This is the first I had heard that Russell was a "Jew" but also that Rutherford was as well. Per above, I only recently came across a reference that said that both Rutherford and Russell had similar family backgrounds.

    You'll have to put this reference in context though. It's from an Islamic source and part of 1000 quotes about Jews, so it's anti-Semitic, generally and anti-Freemasonry. So so far we have two circumstancial references which are interesting, one which claims Russell and Rutherford had the same "Scottish" family background, and one that says they were both "Jews". To that I'd just add an interesting note with regard to Hitler's interaction with Jehovah's witnesses and in particular Rutherford. Hitler persecuted the witnesses, not because of their religious convictions but because he thought they were part of an international Jewish conspiracy and were being backed by Jewish money. Rutherford then flippantly told Hitler that basically the Jews controlled England and New York, calling NY "Jaimitown" and that their control and money was the chief enemy of the Germans. I thought that was a bit overboard and implicates Rutherford as a Mason. On the other hand, if Rutherford were a secret Jew, his references to Jewish money and control would have been part of his context, including considering the Jews as distinct.

    Here's the reference I first came acorss about both Russell and Rutherford being Jews, found in an anti-Jewish, anti-Freemason webpage:

    "Given by Senator Joseph McCarthy, six months before his mouth was closed forever: George Washington's surrender: 'And many of the people of the land became Jews.' (Esther 9:17). The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown has been well hidden by historians. History books and text books have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century.

    Jonathan Williams recorded in his Legions of Satan, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that 'a holy war will now being in America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.' Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradiction: 'Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government they believe to be divine will be the British Empire [under the control of the Jews]. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry [Lucifer - as Albert Pike disclosed in Morals and Dogma].' And indeed George Washington was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army."

    Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of World Catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accomplished through a false religion. What he predicted has come to pass!!! Of that, there is no longer any doubt. A brief study of American religious history will show that Masonry and Judaism has infused into every church in America their veiled Phallic Religion. Darby and the Plymouth Brethren brought a Jewish Christianity to America. Masons Rutherford and Russell [both Jews] started Jehovah Witnesses' in order to spread Judaism throughout the world under the guise of Christianity.

    See, now what has this got to do with my being crazy as long as I'm not incapaciated from reading and quoting others?


  • Abaddon

    Hey, there's nothing like a good selection of nuts at Christmas is there?

    It's traditional , it's festive, pass me the nut crackers someone...

    Here we have the utter nut, JCanon (Jesus Christ ANON, oh, the modesty, oh nurse, pass the needle and thread lest my sides burst with laughter at the rapier like wit).

    He basically says he's Jesus, but hasn't been able to demonstrate it in any way comprehensible to humans on this board. His take on thing normally involves assertion enmasse; he'll quote stuff and say "See, I'm Jesus". I'm quite sure under the right stimulus he'd cite the Microsoft Word 97 manual as proof of his Jesus-ship. Another nice twist to his delusion is him taking the fact he is a wind-bag with no proof of what he says - and a nice line in alienating people through his condemnatory tirades - and using it to come up with the logic 'I am a stumbling block therefore I am Christ'. What a fruitcake!

    Sadly, we shouldn't laugh too hard at him, he conforms far to closely to the DSM-V description of Schizophrenia (Delusional Disorder) to feel anything other than sympathy for him, even if he is an unpleasent little toad, and I hope he gets treatment soon. They're coming to take you away, haha, they're coming to take you away, to the funny farm where life is good and everything is beautiful...

    AGuest is a nice nut... probably has a very similar disorder, but I have it on very good assurance she is an extremely nice person who can function in society and feel this comes over in her posts, even if she's barmy. Hell, my Aunt is barmy, I like her too. She also, for god's spokeswoman, is quite charming and free of the "your going to die" schpeel most of her ilk spout.

    AwakenAndFree unfortunately doesn't seem to have mental illness as an excuse.

    She claims to be a Christian, yet basically acts like a re-warmed Witness.

    She holds the Bible to be the literal inspired word of god, but has failed to prove this. History shows the Bible as we know it is a collection of books stuck together to back-up the faiths of those who stuck it together. If it's contents had had been set two hundred years before or after they actually were, even fifty years before or after, then the selection of books would have been different as the beliefs of the then Christian church were still at a formative stage and changing regulary.

    She also appear unaware of the ludicrous nature of quoting "All are scriptures inspired... ".to 'prove' the Bible is god's word. On her reasoning then, Mien Kampf and The Little Red Book would also be indisputable as they contain passages which claim they are irrefutably right. Those are the books written by Hitler and Chairman Mao AAF; great company there!

    PS, I KNOW it's ludicrous that she quotes that scripture as a proof, as I am still embaressed I ever did...

    Going beyond her credulous acceptance of literal divine inspiration in the absence of evidence for and against a lot of evidence against, we have her basically failling to distinguish between commenting on whether certain actions measure up to the standards the Bible say a Christian should have (which is fine) and judging people worthy of destruction (which the Bible condemns). I've always found the smell of self-rightousness to be nauseating, and it comes of her in waves.

    Finally (well, there's a lot more, but it gets boring) she rounds this off by acting exactly like the description of a Pharasee that Jesus is said to have given, and then has the almost blasphemous cheek to claim people disagreeing with her is a sign that she is right.

    No AAF, people disagreeing with you is a sign you are wrong.

    They show you where and why you are wrong;you just mouth empty scriptures you can't even apply properly from a book whose provinance you are hysterically ignorant of.

    Either you have need of counciling to help you escape the cultic prison you have built for yourself, or you are of a stunningly low level of reading comprehension and general education.

    I'm not saying you're stupid AAF, but you seem to be ignorant of so much and incapable of analysing things in a critical manner to such an extent that what intelligence you have is severly hampered. Don't worry, it's not your fault you're that way; many of us were similarly educationally disadvantaged or incapable of close reading when we were dubs.

    You have a simple choice; you can either stop pretending everything makes sense (in the twisted way you do), and make a genuine enquiry as to the nature of the world around you, or you can you look into Calvinism, which will enable you to claim you are right because you say you are right, which is exactly what you are doing.

    I think this Christmas, this New Year, is a good time, not to play 'whose god is right', but to appreciate the sacred nature of human life and of how obscene it is that anyone kills in the name of god. I think if there is a god, the only time were EVER going to hear from him is when we stop killing - or condeming each other in 'his' name

    One thing is for certain, and that's either ONE of JCanaon, AGuest and AwakendAndFree are right, or all are wrong.

    As none of them can prove they're right, and as it would be morally repugnant of an entity to blot people out because they didn't believe something that wasn't provable (and that other people with the same amount of evidence disputed), I think we can sleep safe in our beds tonoght knowing that, thankfully, whatever god is, these three people don't know $hit about it.

  • LittleToe

    Hey, easy on the criticism - I'm a Calvinist (generally speaking )
    I'm also a nut...
    ...or was that, "has nuts"???

    I think this Christmas, this New Year, is a good time, not to play 'whose god is right', but to appreciate the sacred nature of human life and of how obscene it is that anyone kills in the name of god.


    I think if there is a god, the only time were EVER going to hear from him is when we stop killing - or condeming each other in 'his' name

    Could be. It'd be worth trying

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