What Music Do You LOVE To Listen To? What Do You HATE?

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I love much music, but don't care for most rap, and much of the "music" in clubs that people dance too.



    Has been and will always be my LOVE........

    I really dont hate any certain kind of music.

    Rest In Peace Jerry.....We miss you .

  • blondie

    I like most music if it has a good tune and I understand what they are saying.

    I'm no fan of rap though I like Will Smith and Beyonce (Destiny's Child).

    I have started learning and liking newer groups/individuals because of the music in my TV shows. They play as background music, I say hey I like that, and at the end of the show they tell me who it is. I go out and buy then.

    I am a jazz fan and go to shows in Chicago when I can. Some of my piano training was with a man who worked/traveled with Duke Ellington.


    Some other favs......Echo and the Bunnymen - Nirvana ( pre neverind ) - OutKast - The Doors - Bob Dylan - Duran Duran.. Still one of the best shows I have been to

    NwS - Musical Carnivore

  • gaiagirl

    I like a number of 'New Age' musicians, such as Jonn Serrie, Tangerine Dream, Mars Laser, Michael Stearns, Steve Roach, Enya, Constance Demby, Cerridwynn, Ronan Hardiman, and the 'Hearts of Space', and 'Omni' collections. Some of these can make me feel like I'm drifting through interstellar space, and actually FEEL the starlight on my skin. When I want to dance, I enjoy electronica, such as TUU, Sounds From The Ground, Higher Intelligence Agency, Starseeds, A Positive LIfe, G.O.L., Zero One, and other music such as that found on the Waveform label. Liz Phair, Juliana Hatfield, the Bangles, Pat Benetar and the B-52s are all good, and Weird Al Yankovic always makes me smile. I enjoy his satirical depiction of Western culture. Some will take exception to this, and may even be offended, however I don't enjoy rap in the slightest, and I offer no apologies. Rap may speak to some, but it doesn't speak to me at all.

  • Sentinel

    When I'm on the computer, I listen to "GotRadio", the New Age section. No commercials and rarely any voice. Just plays and plays. Most every night when I go to bed, I play a CD called "Rain", and it lulls me to sleep with the sound of falling rain and water splashing.

    I really have a distaste for high pitched opera, rap music, and honky tonk country; but I enjoy most all other types.

    Instruments that I like are the piano, flute, harp, bells, chimes, violin, drum, and guitar. I don't care much for too much brass.


  • HadEnuf

    I am willing to give a listen to just about any type of music...but I do have a certain aversion to rap music and any kind of music where you can't understand the lyrics and it leaves you with a raging headache from hell. But mostly I like slower stuff and opera like Andrea Bocelli, Josh Groban, Enya etc. BUT...I also like Creed, some of Metallica's stuff, Smashing Pumpkins, Aerosmith, Simon & Garfunkle, THE BEATLES, Rolling Stones, Peter Paul & Mary, Secret Garden, Hootie & the Blowfish, Sally Harmon, Lori Line, Joan Baez, Jim Brickman, Barbra Streisand, Frank Sinatra, Bee Gees, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Neil Diamond, George Strait, Patty Loveless, Bette Midler, The Monkees (don't laugh at me now!) and in particular (shameless prejudicial plug for my kid's band) Tree of Woe because my husband and I are roadies for them and get to listen to them live all the time plus have unrestricted access to their great new CD "Withered Oak" (which may be purchased at www.treeofwoeband.com ). Well...a mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do!

    I can't imagine life without music. Cathy L.

    P.S. And for any of those artists that I failed to mention in my little speech here I certainly apologize to and hope that you will forgive me.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    I would rather eat shit than listen to J.ho music

    You could of course do both at the same time just to prove that there are worse things than death.



  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    Some of my piano training was with a man who worked/traveled with Duke Ellington.


    Cool, I'll have to listen to your rendition of "Take the 'A' Trian" in the future

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Right now I'm listening to the Beatles, currently Sgt. Pepper, and feeling centered and mellow.

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