Hidden Images in the JW Publications

by Hunyadi 73 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Hunyadi

    Greetings and thanks for your kind encouragement. I truly never thought I would be in the position I am now; that is, facing the possibility of being denounced as an apostate. I know for a fact that the very presence of subliminal or hidden images in the publications undermind the scriptural ideal of our God-given free will. Questions arise and they must be answered honestly. It is not acceptible that the WTBTS replies with "it isn't so". There is far more to this than I can go into here, however, my site will be updated regularly with commentary, new images, and documentation.


  • Hunyadi

    Please go back to my webpage and perhaps with the updates you will see and understand just a bit more. Thanx for your response.


  • Hunyadi

    Yes, thank you for your reply. I realize the site was initially far from complete and I have been working to give everyone something more to digest. Please check back periodically for updates and more images and information.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hunyadi

    Thank you kindly for your reply. I have partially addressed your practicle argument with updated pages. I will add more as time permits. Please be patient as I am realizing that I must present more substantive information to add creditble weight to this topic.


  • Hunyadi

    Thanks, and please revisit my site for updated information.


  • Hunyadi

    Yes, I actually knew Derek Barefoot and his family before they were apparently sandbagged and drummed out of the organization. I am looking for a copy of the book and am working on addressing key questions and issues on my site. Check back for updated info.


  • Hunyadi

    I am sorry, but I do not have any information about that at this time. I am quite resourceful when I want to be and certainly intend to get at the truth in these matters.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hunyadi

    Thank you for your reply.

    The phenomenon you are talking about was once called "backward masking" and it was never intentional on the part of the recording artists. It is actually a little known natural phenomenon now referred to as "speech reversals". For more info on "speech reversals", simply type it as a keyword into any search engine and you can read about what it actually is. John David Oats is a pioneer in this field of science.

    Subliminal or hidden images within art is not random or accident. The guy who blew the popcorn texture onto my ceiling had absolutely no control over the patterns the hose sputtered out. An artist, however, is in control of the brush. Every stroke, broad or narrow, is deliberate. We find the "subliminal" or "hidden" anomalies where the technique in his peice is interrupted illogically, rendering certain aspects of the composition without semmetry. Please check back at my site for updated info.

    Kind Regards,


  • Hunyadi

    Thanks for your reply. I do know about the pentacle, and while it may or may not have satanic origins, or even if it is merely the star of David, it simply does not have a place in Christian worship, especially in a WT publication. Their publications often point to scriptural admonition regarding the use of symbols in worship. It is just odd and way out of place. Please revisit the site for more images and info.


  • Hunyadi

    Your reply is very much appreciated. Yes, do check back at my site for updates. Your further comments and thoughts are always welcome.


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