Should "Merry Christmas" Be Replaced With "Happy Holidays"?

by Kenneson 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    There's nothing wrong with saying Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year.

  • Badger

    Just about all of my students are Christian (85% Catholic, 13% Baptist, a rough guess) so I will throw out "Merry Christmas" constantly.

    I'd change and add Haunakah (sic) if I taught in North Dallas.

  • heathen

    I really really hate christmas so I really really wish the term merry christmas would would not be used to people in general . Happy holidays seems a little more of a term that can be used in general because it covers any thing . I wish they would stop playing that God aweful christmas music in shopping malls and department stores . Can America grow up and get past a bunch of fairy tales ? I would really really appreciate it .

    heathen of the grinch class . This year I think we are celebrating festivus . ( as described on Seinfeld ) .

  • Yerusalyim

    Glenn Beck had a song on his radio program today that was quite was done in the style of Beryl Ives "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas"

    The first line was

    "Have a Rama Hanna's the PC time of Year"

    I laughed my keister off.

  • missylissy


    lol -missy

  • freelife

    No Way!!! You wouldn't say "happy holiday" for Valentines day or fourth of july or st. patricks day or "happy anniversary of your birth" why change christmas? just because there are a bunch a religions having different celebrations around the same time of years doesn't mean that we all have to change the way we refer to what we beleive.

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