Should "Merry Christmas" Be Replaced With "Happy Holidays"?

by Kenneson 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    It seems that some think that "Happy Holidays" is more politically correct than "Merry Christmas." They take offense to the word Christ in Christmas and want to replace it. What do you think?

    Personally, I think we should keep the words. They've been around a lot longer than the objecters. If they complain, no one is forcing them to use it or listen to Christmas music. There are way too many songs with the word Christmas in it that I enjoy. I intend to continue listening to them and to use the words as well.

    Oh, and while we're on the subject let me wish everyone on this forum a Merry Christmas.

    See "Ken Schram Commentary: 'Oh Winter Tree'?"

  • bikerchic

    You know that's something I've been thinking about. I'm with you on keeping the words, to each his own and I love most of the X-mas songs and music too.

    I noticed when I buy X-mas wrapping paper I don't get anything remotely connected with religion, not even angels. And when I bought x-mas cards the same thing in fact I think they say "Happy Holidays" and I've also noticed I hardly every type Christmas just X-mas........go figure!

    Slowly getting into this whole "Holiday" spirit and loving every minute of it!


  • Badger

    I have a lot of Jewish, African-American, Pagan and Muslim pals...We liberally toss around our particular celebration along with the PC term...

    In a public source, however, the neutral term should be used. Why shut someone out?

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    They take offense to the word Christ in Christmas and want to replace it. What do you think?

    I don't think it's taking offense for the majority, as much as a recognition that we live in a multicultural world and not everybody celebrates Christmas.

    I'm a Teaching Assistant at a large university. Today we had our last class. There were students there from other countries like Africa and India, and I know there were at least a few Jewish students in my class. Wishing them "Merry Christmas" would have been pretty insensitive, especially considering I'm supposed to be a social scientist and have a clue that not everybody thinks like me. (especially since that was one of the main points about the class)

    I think it's just polite to acknowledge that there are other religions and cultures who celebrate holidays at this time, and they deserve recognition and not some backhanded comment that is in effect saying, "you should be like me".

    Unlike many fundamentalist Christians I've run into, I don't see acknowledging that other religions besides Christianity exist presents a "threat" to Christianity.

    But then, I celebrate Christmas as a secular holiday and for the religious holiday I prefer Solstice So I suppose that makes me one of "those" people...

  • Sassy

    I personally sent out cards that did not have the word Christmas but instead referred to the Holidays... and I wrote a note in each and followed it up with Happy Holidays...

    but it has more to do with the fact I know half the stuff about Jesus regarding Christmas isn't accurate, so I am not celebrating it persay as being about Jesus birth...

  • Eyebrow2

    I dunno...good question....I use both every now and then. If I know some one is Jewish I may say happy chaunaka (sorry for the spelling), but I would not be offend if someone said happy chaunaka to me, or happy kwanza...

    freedom of speech and all that...happy holidays is great, but if someone gets offended because you wish them well...then they have a stick up there butt any way. Seriously, when I was a witness if someone said merry xmas to me, I just said thank you and we all got along.

    thats my story, and Im sticking to it

  • gumby
    They take offense to the word Christ in Christmas and want to replace it. What do you think?

    I don't think it's a stupid idea, just like I think all this politically correct bullshit is stupid! Good lord! Are we so damn sensative as a people that we must say everything just as not to offend anyone.

    Do these people think the word 'christmas' makes people think of christ. I don't....and I was a bible believer most of my life. I think of it as a holiday.......and that is what it has become. If Christians want to put a baby Jesus in their front yard......who cares?


  • blondie

    Holidays actually meant Holy Days, so the religious aspect is still there.

    ?I heard a radio spot a few years back that went something like this: ?B93 FM wishes you a Merry Christmas. To our Jewish listeners, Happy Hanukah. And to our atheist listeners: Have a nice day!??

  • Yerusalyim
    In a public source, however, the neutral term should be used. Why shut someone out?

    Why should it be used in the public source? Christmas is a federal holiday. No, I don't wish my Jewish friends a Merry Christmas, nor a Happy Holiday...I wish them a Happy Hannucah. That shows respect for their tradition. When it comes around I say to my Muslim friends...Ramadan my atheist friends I say...ENJOY SATAN'S BARBEQUE! (ok, I was kidding on the last one). I say to hell with political correctness...just use common sense. If someone is offended by "Christ" in Christmas...they're just looking to be offended.

  • Panda

    We say "Merry Christmas" because the holiday is called "Christmas." The days surrounding the holiday are called "Christmastime." Get it?

    If we lived 2000 yrs ago we'd give one another a Saturnalia greeting (actually a kiss on the face.) Every culture had mid-winter celebrations before the NewYear (except those in the southern hemisphere so who knows what the Aussies were up to?) And the mistletoe or golden bough figured in most. So I believe that Christmas as a celebration is just fine. It's traditional, and quite a composite when you think about it's history.

    For me changing the names of holidays or words of the pledge allegiance are NOT important. The ugliness of racism, accepted misogyny, and poverty are the true evils.

    Battling over words on advertisments or money only detour our actions to basically worthless causes. This is exactly the sort of nonsense that the Christian Right loves to hear from secularists. This proves that we want to take god away from them, so it's feed for their hate mongering campaign.

    Do you imagine that by changing the greeting "Merry Christmas" to some PC-neutral blurb will change anyones religion or the knowledge of the origins of said HOLY DAYS? Merry Christmas has not made me a christian, but I sure do love the whole celebration!

    I know How about only people who want to celebrate Christmas get to say Merry Christmas. All others will respond with the applicable "bah humbug"

    That's what I'm talkin about.

    Yeru: Brights don't have Satanic roasts. They won't roast what doesn't exist. You know I love you sweetie!

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