High Unemployment Among Apostates

by Joker10 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    Employed here too....sorry to skew your figures joker

  • iiz2cool

    larc, that sounds so familiar. I started getting similar responses from potential employers, and that started as soon as I had 2 years experience in the IT industry. Since then I've had to tailor my resume for each job I applied for, eliminating or downplaying much of the experience I have.


  • SanFranciscoJim
    The guy told me that I wouldn't be hired, because as soon as the chance came along I would leave and teach at a big school.

    We are taught that our purpose in life should be to climb up the corporate ladder as high as we can get. If we do not work 80 hours a week at a management job we despise, we are losers.

    In my personal experience, nothing could be farther from the truth. I made my way up the corporate ladder, and managed to be a senior supervisor for the past several years. I was utterly miserable, especially when my superiors tried demanding I increase my workload to set a good example to those under me.

    My reply: "This is my job, not my religion."

    They didn't like that at all.

    I have been unemployed for health reasons since April. I can't say that I miss the day-to-day stress. As some of you have seen in another post, I have a sci-fi novel about to hit the market shortly. I hope that my writing will be enough to sustain me. If not, I will be forced back into the work mill if for no other reason than to be provided with health insurance coverage, which I cannot afford out-of-pocket. With a strong management resume, I'm certain that I will run into the "overqualified" syndrome myself. Maybe I should lie and tell them I flipped burgers at McDonald's for the last 30 years......

  • MegaDude

    Another employed person here, 20 + years.

    Never stole from the government to collect welfare to pioneer like some JWs.

  • shamus

    In my old cong, you couldn't pioneer on employment insurance. Strange...

    I think this thread should be

    "Lurking Trolls Have No Life... The Truth Revealed. "

  • Aztec

    Thank you Larc! I'm glad that someone understands. You too Walter! All of the jobs I am qualified for aren't hiring. Believe me I've called almost every art gallery or frame shop around! All of the other jobs I've applied to have told me I'm over qualified. I just want to scream sometimes! Oh well, I have an interview tomorrow at a restaurant and I'm going to put in more ap's too. We'll see. It gets dark here early now and, trust me, you don't want to be a woman walking around alone in Detroit after dark, so I have a small window of oppurtunity most days.

    I also wanted to say that just because Joker is saying things that aren't entirely kind it doesn't mean he or she is a troll. Benefit of the doubt is a good idea sometimes eh?



    I have this lil thing if I get wicked upset I am up for days happened just a few times but I am wound so tight Thunder is ready to strangle me
    Please tell me you're getting some rest now Sheila. I've dealt with insomnia and it's horrible. At least you have Thunder there for you eh?
  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D

    Just weighing in to help Joker with his Zogby poll.

    Employed at a great architectural firm, sorry bud.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Whatever the case, as a whole it is still too high.

    How do you know all "apostates" post on the net and read your posts? I didn't read your thread asking about employment. I work two jobs. See, here is one person you didn't count. Maybe the more accurate thing to say is that message boards in general tend to attract people who are disabled, or unemployed, or lonely, or bored, or unhappily married, or single and lonely, or students or people have too much free time on thier hands, etc. etc and so on and so on? Then there are people who work but post on boards for a hobby or to find support or to give support.

    There are people who are "apostates" who don't even own computers much less post on the net. There are likely many who are members here who are too busy to post very often. This is just amusing, your little employment study.


  • asleif_dufansdottir

    How about a thread titled:

    High Impotence Levels Among JWs Who Troll on Apostate Sites


    I think we could get alot of good stats on that.

  • SheilaM

    Aztec: No really Thunder was so sweet he made me rice krispie treats n cocoa trying to get me to relax enough to calm down. I finally did around 4 this afternoon YEAAAAAAAa just woke up so I slept like 7 hours. I feel better. I just get wicked silly alternating between bursts of grumpy LOL

    As far as the overqualified they tried that at Citibank. I've dealt with that forever even when I knew I wasn't LOL Thunder had been in the bad car wreck we had no medical insurance and the insurance company of the loser that hit us was bankrupt. I interviewed for front end collections and he kept infering I was overqualified I ended up hitting the table with my palm of my hand and I leaned into the conversation and said " you know what I will PRETEND I am not overqualified, I will not leave and I will do a damn good job. IF I GET A CHANCE." So I worked there for 6 years . I was one of only 2 transferred for front end collections to back end collections,.

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