Are most people just plain stupid?

by logansrun 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DFWnonJW
    District Overbeer of the "Languishing In Mediocrity" class

    "Only a mediocre person is always at his best"
    That's my motto and I'm sticking to it.

  • czarofmischief
    Almost all of your post was haughty, scornful and, in my opinion, inflammatory. Bradley did not use a single ad hominem attack but talked about concepts. One of the most important principiles of debate is to discuss ideas and not the people involved in the debate. You broke that from the very inception of your post. I tend to agree that the concepts of fundamentalism, new age belief and blind nationalism are ridiculous. I don't choose to characterize those that believe in these things as stupid just wrong.

    Shrug. I got edited. I think the red edit signals add a certain cachet to my post. Like a parental advisory warning.

    Condescending? How can I help it? He started it with the title of the thread!

    Inflammatory? Try rubbing some Neosporin on it.

    Yeah, it was haughty. If he doesn't like it, then he shouldn't play the haughty game. Haughty and scornful is something I wanted to show off, to point out the intrinsic troll effect of such a topic thread and title.

    I like LR too! I've had nice chat sessions with him. It seemed like he wanted to play mudslingers with someone who had another opinion, ergo, I took up the challenge.

    I don't choose to characterize those that believe in these things as stupid just wrong.

    Ah, well, your boyfriend DID characterize those who believe them as being stupid. Ergo, I objected. Or should I just let him call my worldview stupid and therefore dismiss everything I have to say? Plus, he never did clue me in as to which "spiritual" beliefs he views as NOT being stupid. And I've NEVER gotten the impression that LR respects other people's beliefs. Notice the way in which he dismissed my entire post as irrelevant to the thread.

    Not a single ad hominem attack? My dear, the whole original thread WAS an ad hominem attack. Anything that seemed like an ad hominem (the ape jokes) in my own post was intended to make the overall vigorous defense seem more friendly, and to let LR know that I'm not "taking this too seriously". I just want him to THINK before he posts a thread like that, one with words calculated to insult and wound people, not beliefs. There are people who actually get seriously enraged and hurt when things like that get thrown around - especially on a thread dedicated to those who are struggling to emerge from a cult.

    However, LR did back away from the one statement, so I'm going to let him up off the mat. I'm done.


    Greatteacher - you make me laugh. Good on yer, mate. (just wanted to point out he called my beliefs stupid, and I'm not angry at all. But I guarantee that those same words could hurt a newly exJW.)

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    (just wanted to point out he called my beliefs stupid, and I'm not angry at all. But I guarantee that those same words could hurt a newly exJW.)

    You're right.

  • Aztec
    Shrug. I got edited. I think the red edit signals add a certain cachet to my post. Like a parental advisory warning.


    Inflammatory? Try rubbing some Neosporin on it.

    No thanks!

    Haughty and scornful is something I wanted to show off, to point out the intrinsic troll effect of such a topic thread and title.

    Again Czar, he didn't attack people, he attacked belief systems. Why is that wrong? Show me please! I've had my beliefs challenged many times and I thank the people who did so.

    I like LR too! I've had nice chat sessions with him. It seemed like he wanted to play mudslingers with someone who had another opinion, ergo, I took up the challenge.

    He's a good guy so I'm not surprised that the two of you got along. You're both interesting people. I don't think he wanted to play "mudslingers" though. He actually seemed a bit distraught when I talked to him on the phone. (Sorry Brad)

    your boyfriend DID characterize those who believe them as being stupid

    Number 1) not my boyfriend although he is a boy (errr man) and my friend. Number 2) He's correct. The things he mentioned are stupid although, I disagree with him that those who believe in them are. People believe things for whatever reasons and it's not really for me to judge.

    should I just let him call my worldview stupid and therefore dismiss everything I have to say?

    Of course not but, there is a better way to debate things. He didn't ad hominem attack YOU he attacked your belief system. Major differance!

    I just want him to THINK before he posts a thread like that, one with words calculated to insult and wound people, not beliefs. There are people who actually get seriously enraged and hurt when things like that get thrown around - especially on a thread dedicated to those who are struggling to emerge from a cult.

    I agree with you completely! Bradley is a piece of work sometimes. He's really a nice guy who is just a bit over curious at times. Maybe I overreact in defense of him cause I truly view him as a little brother and I just want to protect him. This board does need some controversial posts though. It can't all be healing and support. We need to step out and challenge our thought systems at times. Actually, that is an important part of the healing process; learning to think critically. I'm not great at it but, I'm learning.

    Thank you Czar for your response.


  • patio34

    Regarding your original question of the title of the thread, my answer is no. I think most people are very intelligent, maybe just not interested, as another poster said.


  • czarofmischief
    He's a good guy so I'm not surprised that the two of you got along. You're both interesting people. I don't think he wanted to play "mudslingers" though. He actually seemed a bit distraught when I talked to him on the phone. (Sorry Brad)

    Oh, jesus, I'm sorry Brad. I never meant to be that hurtful. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I take it all back. Sorry.

    Never mind. This has gone on long enough. I really am done this time.

    Crap. Now I feel awful. I'm sorry brad. forgive me?


  • bikerchic

    sheese after breezing through parts of this thread I'm sticking with my first impression when I read the title and hadn't even clicked onto it...........NO MOST PEOPLE HAVE TO WORK AT IT!


  • Aztec
    Crap. Now I feel awful

    Don't Czar! Good debate is a healthy thing and I'm sorry that I took you on. I'm just protective of people that I care about. You weren't all that bad, really!


    Well, Kate, I agree and disagree but, we'll chat about that some other time.

    I think most people are very intelligent, maybe just not interested, as another poster said.

    Patio, it was MEEEEEE! LOL! Yay! Someone agrees with me! *Jumps up and down with joy*


  • Cassiline

    I find this part of Bradley?s post most humorous:

    I find ignorance all around me it seems -- astrology, new-age beliefs, creationism, militant nationalism, irrational views of self and others.~~ Logansrun

    Bradley admitted his own ignorance in his 'irrational' views of others. He fits right into his ?most people? statistics. I also believe he went as far to include himself twice. He goes onto mention that he may even have irrational views of himself, so give him a break.


  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    For a nice summary of why astrology, tarot-cards, new-ageism, creationism etc. are "stupid" beliefs, check out the following link --

    And the sources at this site are to be trusted because.....? How do I know this site isn't just somebody's opinion? And I'm supposed to take the word of a few people to wipe out every other belief out there? Wait a second, don't we know another organization like that? Hmmmm.....

    And do most people really take tarot-cards seriously? I thought it was mostly for fun. I know for most advertisements for readings, there is some fine print that says something to the effect of "This is merely for fun and not to be taken literally."

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