Are most people just plain stupid?

by logansrun 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • logansrun

    I'd like to clarify something about this thread:

    The usage of the word "stupid" was not the best choice on my part. Perhaps, "ill-informed" or "willingly ignorant" would have been better.

    People can change, of course. I once believed that the UN was satanic and that seven guys in the 1920's were a major fullfillment of Bible prophecy. Was I stupid? No. Ignorant? Most certainly!


  • Aztec


    I don't think muddling along can serve all a person's needs, maybe just some of the basic ones. We also have a need to grow intellectually. I prefer to challenge myself continuously, otherwise I feel I'm stagnating.

    Well, that just proves that you're special. I know too many people, family members included, who are more than happy to muddle along through life without ever really challenging anything, beliefs included. I feel sorry for them.


  • iiz2cool

    I might add that there is a potential downside to always needing a challenge. I've had over 40 jobs in my life, as well as 2 businesses. I usually leave a job when I need a new challenge. But it makes for an interesting career path though.


  • jgnat

    I have a theory that people strive in areas they have confidence they can excel at. That might explain the hospitality of the poor, and jocks. I exercise my mind, because I am good at it. I am pretty sure that there are jocks out there that feel sorry for me. In fact, I am pretty confident they do, based on the sorrowful glances I receive at the gym.

    I think the current interest in pseudo-science is a societal trend that will eventually reverse itself. My sister is a doctor, and we have talked about this at length. Doctors (and science) have been alternately revered and despised. Of course, they are neither gods nor devils. By nature of their calling, Doctors tend to be a conservative bunch. They prefer treatments that are proven to work, and are loath to try untested alternatives. I have seen this for myself, as my sister becomes very despondent when she loses a patient. ...and here we live in a society that is bored with uniformity, craves the latest trend, and demands consumer choice.

    I partially blame the media, and the speed at which information (and misinformation) is disseminated today. Politics is no longer about issues, but polls. Vote for the most popular, or you are a dork! but...but...but... what does the politician stand for? What do they believe???

    Average joe public walking down the street has a microphone thrust in his face. What is your opinion on....? Is he given time to study the issues? Does he talk to an opponent with differing views in order to help shape his own? Why does his opinion hold his weight? Because it is no longer about principles or issues, it is about popularity.

    If people have given up on becoming self-informed, it is because they have somehow been convinced it is too hard to do, or will have no effect.

  • Brummie
    Was I stupid? No

    I think you are far too kind to yourself :) ..I'm just kidding...but it is a pity you dont spare other people the same grace as you do yourself.


  • SheilaM

    Nothing is black and white..Thunder does home repair and Inspections. Speaking to some of these clients makes me want to gouge my eyes out, I have to remember many of these clients are very succesful Doctors, Lawyers etc.

    Just because they have no common sense or idea how things work does not make them stupid. Even if they are incapable of leaving their number when leaving a 30 minute dissertation on our answering machine and complain when we don't call back. LOL

    I worked at Citibank for years and some of the wealthiest and most influential people know nothing about how their credit works or that their accountant or office Manager is not paying their bills on time.

    As for the truly stupid. Life has a way of culling those that truly have no clue. ie: Darwin Awards

    I love truly intelligent people that don't shove it down your throat. Valis,Slippy,Thunder,Dottie, XW, Lady Lee are good examples. They can discuss everything from science to History etc. and they know there stuff. I know so many that think they have to jump up and down spouting their IQ and speaking down to others, that is just annoying and makes me doubt their intellect.

  • Aztec


    but it is a pity you dont spare other people the same grace as you do yourself

    I'm working on him....LOL! He's a tough nut to crack at times. (No jokes please)


    I worked at Citibank for years and some of the wealthiest and most influential people know nothing about how their credit works or that their accountant or office Manager is not paying their bills on time.

    Wealth and influence obviously do not equal intelligence. No one said that they did. I think Bradley is saying something entirely differant. He is saying that those who do not question or investigate their beliefs but only trust blindly are truly ignorant. Poor souls. I happen to know that he has done an enormous amount of research into what he used to believe and I respect the hell out of him because of that. He is one of the main people who helped me realize that all I was taught as a child was fiction. I respect him as a person because of that.

    As for the truly stupid. Life has a way of culling those that truly have no clue

    Let's hope. Remember Tony?

    They can discuss everything from science to History etc. and they know there stuff.

    I respect people like that too. Unfortunatly very few people here know their stuff. Most of the people who do post very infrequently. I post way too much so that obviously disqualifies me...LOL! I'm fortunate in that I've managed to cull most of the truly intelligent people here into my email or phone list. They make me think about things my poor brain doesn't want to and, for some damn reason, care about me and what happens in my life. I'm very fortunate!

    What I said earlier still stands for me: most people are truly apathetic about the world around them. They do not care about politics, science or philosophy. This does not make them bad people! It does serve to frustrate those of us who are thirsting for real knowledge. One of the reasons I get along so well with Bradley is that he and I are much alike in many ways. Although I am usually more tactful, he asks questions that I have wondered about myself. I don't have the guts to ask them but I appreciate that he does. Don't think that he and I don't argue because we do. Almost viciously at times. He's still a truly wonderful person with a lot to share and I will not put up with people denigrating him.

    I think that's it for now.


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    No, on second thought I won't respond to you...

    Then why did you send me a PM right after writing this Bradley?

    The PM was polite and respectful but you can see poor Bradley must be hurting. He asked me why I've never written a substantive comment. Again dear Brad is being an elitest as that says my posts aren't substantive and that his are.

    I'll try to make my posts as substantive as yours Brad, maybe I'll mention trying to pleasure myself while thinking about an attractive older woman or perhaps wondering why everyone is so much dumber than I am.

    Naw, I can't pull that off.

  • Aztec
  • xenawarrior

    LMAO @ Stacy !!!

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