Are most people just plain stupid?

by logansrun 245 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • SheilaM

    As far as the website you posted about, you should know that only a fool would make any judgements based on a website alone. Most websites are rubbish and not worth the banwidth they use. Do you have any sources you can cite REAL SOURCES?

    Aztec: I know what Bradley referred to in his first post, I chose to address my post in a tongue and cheek manner, wish is of course my perogative. Didn't want you to think I didn't understand.

  • Panda

    As an answer to the original post, I think many ppl become satisfied with what they learn in the first 12 years of their lives. I'm not saying that's bad, but it leaves a lifetime of experiences off the books. Someone mentioned that TV plays to the 8th grade level of vocabulary in the US. That's certainly true. TV has also contributed to the short attention span of US viewers, is this because no one likes to read anymore. For me I am astounded at how many ppl I meet tell me they HATE reading... not dislike or lack the time for it but HATE reading. I'm thinking how is this possible? But we should face that our society has let the ball drop on this issue. I often wonder how a college student can say to me "I hate reading" what the heck do they think they'll be doing for the next 4 to 8 years?

    PPL take offense at being called stupid, do you blame them? Now if you asked "do most people just plain lack common sense?" Well , Of course that's the strawman in the polk, but many young people lack experience which leads them to make uninformed decisions. Lack of experience is not stupidity. Lack of experience may simply be caused by a lack of knowledge, and as the philosopher said "Knowledge is power." I was thinking that knowledge empowers us to want to know more. More about ourselves, our universe, or our micro brothers.

    Why don't ppl have a curiosity about themselves or the world around them? I think it's something we see in the reading of daily horoscopes, they appear to be a read on our future which shouldn't be taken seriously, but they are short, quick and require no input of much energy from the reader. But if you are truly curious and willing to search for answers then gaining knowledge isn't hateful, I'd think you would never be able to get enough.

  • Sirona

    Well I'm joining this thread a little late!

    As many of you know, I'm pagan and a member of a Wiccan coven. I have used the tarot to good effect. It has been suggested that such beliefs are "stupid". Those who are not religious in any sense use the old argument that unless something can be tested and proven 100% by scientific methods, then it isn't worth believing in. The fact is that there are many things that we (the human race as a whole) accept as probably true that aren't 100% proven. We act on those assumptions in our daily lives. There are other things that appear totally irrational in which people seek and gain comfort. That is not stupidity.

    I am a member of mensa, my IQ falls within the top 2% of the population. That in itself doesn't make me "intelligent" because as we know noone can really define what intelligence is. However, throughout my life I've found that I'm able to concentrate for long periods of time and learn very rapidly (in comparison to the average person).

    Does the fact that I have pagan beliefs now make me "stupid"? What is "stupid" anyway?


  • LittleToe

    Apparently stroking a cat to calm you down isn't stupid, but licking a toad for a headache is.
    Now I'm all confused

    I've seen some pretty amazing results from Tarot, too.

  • SheilaM

    I do believe that their are things not understood and that haven't even been explored. I too have had a few eerie Tarot reading as has Thunder. I am so intuitive it scares me and freaks my family out.
    I chose to tap into that and the results scared the be-livin Jesus out of me. LOL

    As I have gotten older and some say wiser I tend not to discount or nay say others.

    My best example was when I had my son at home. My Mid-Wife was a 70's hippie in-tune type of gal. I in all my 21 years knew she was a little "out there" LOL I was upset cause my daughter was asleep (this child couldn't wake up fast to save her life. Slept like a stone) and my son was ready to be born, I wanted to share the moment with my daughter(2),

    My mid-wife says "the vibes in the room will be so intense when the baby crowns, she will pop out of the bed." I was like Ya lady WHATEVER you have no idea Mel won't wake up for an bomb. Well, he crowned she popped up the exact moment saying "Baby Baby" LOL I learned that day to respect someone that has seen things I haven't and to be tolerant cause I may be the ass not the person that believes.

    BigT: Good point :D

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    As far as the website you posted about, you should know that only a fool would make any judgements based on a website alone. Most websites are rubbish and not worth the banwidth they use. Do you have any sources you can cite REAL SOURCES?

    Exactly. Plus we learned from the WTS that it is very easy to use card stacking techniques to make something look like absolute truth. How do we know that wasn't done on the website? Remember, at one time we all thought the WTS were giving us reliable, black and white information, but now we know that's not the case. With that in mind, I'm not sure I can trust anything that claims it can prove something is right or wrong beyond a shadow of a doubt. That sends up a red flag that they are using card stacking, or are distorting something in some way.

  • Abaddon

    I've come to this thread rather late...

    My opinion is that stupidty is not nearly as much of a problem as ignorance is.

    I have very, very rarely felt that someone 'wasn't getting it', or whatever, because they were unintelligent. Yes, some people are brighter than others, but if we're talking about the matters that occupy 90% of our lives... well, they ain't rocket science (unless of course one IS a rocket scientist). Going to the shops, work, social interaction; these are things that, in everyday terms, 'everyone' can do regardless of intelligence.

    Normally problems are caused by ignorance, either a genuine defecit of information, or a mental paradigm that is resistant to information that doesn't fit a template of some description.

    Having said that logans, I gotta say you're jaw-droppingly stupid; exceptions prove the rule, eh?

  • JH
    My opinion is that stupidty is not nearly as much of a problem as ignorance is.

    Well said.

  • Sirona


    Apparently stroking a cat to calm you down isn't stupid, but licking a toad for a headache is.

    Good point, but there you go again mentioning my tongue.... LOL BTW, I find paracetomol a less disgusting option for headaches.


    My mid-wife says "the vibes in the room will be so intense when the baby crowns, she will pop out of the bed." I was like Ya lady WHATEVER you have no idea Mel won't wake up for an bomb. Well, he crowned she popped up the exact moment saying "Baby Baby" LOL I learned that day to respect someone that has seen things I haven't and to be tolerant cause I may be the ass not the person that believes.

    That's a pretty cool experience. Being a little more open minded about such things doesn't hurt....


    I've met a fair few people who I'd say are unintelligent, although I don't know if that is a reflection of my impatient nature. When I'm struggling with organising finances etc. I often wonder how some people manage. Its a challenge for me to keep up-to-the-minute with things like that and I'm used to filling in forms and making telephone calls. Take the example of a girl I know, she complained all day of sore feet, only to find that her shoes had been on the wrong feet (someone pointed it out to her). If clothing yourself is a challenge then what about life's real problems?


  • Sunnygal41

    Yep, definitely works at being rude, along with his friend there............ I find these types of threads a total waste of time, quite frankly. I have better things to do with my time than become involved in trying to prove something to someone(s) who really have no interest in being open minded. Have a great day everyone....................

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