I conclude evolution is guided

by KateWild 532 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty

    It would be a novelty if even once you made the effort to grasp the facts that are being discussed in a thread before posting your verdict.

  • Ruby456

    i think i have an excellent grasp of the facts cofty and indeed the facts I have shared in this post copied from previous page are well supported by astrophysicists and by those working in chemistry, so I will paste it once again as they are well worth researching

    hya Kate

    this has been a great thread

    Your conclusion that a creator guided evolution is logical and reasonable - I cannot deny that. hats off to you.

    My own conclusions stem from how conditions during the the short period that the early universe was forming favoured one part of a pair over the other for an infinitely short period of time and this resulted in the differences we see over the longer term. It all boils down to the uncertainty principle formulated by Heisenberg in the 1920s.

    This principle has exciting and enchanting outcomes as it incorporates an important element of the quantum world - that whatever is allowed to happen will happen sooner or later. The coin toss, probability and change take on new meaning. Some tend to dismiss chance as luck but according to this principle chance is not about luck but is about incorporating all of the steps of the dice throw and the trajectories they follow as part of the chance event - we cannot have one without the others. hope this makes sense

  • Caedes
    My own conclusions stem from how conditions during the the short period that the early universe was forming favoured one part of a pair over the other for an infinitely short period of time and this resulted in the differences we see over the longer term. It all boils down to the uncertainty principle formulated by Heisenberg in the 1920s.

    Could you let the people at CERN know that you have solved one of the biggest questions in physics, I'm sure they would be delighted. Saves doing all that unnecessary experimentation if you have found out it all boils down to the uncertainty principle.

    I would warn you, they are going to want to see your maths. But that shouldn't be a problem, I mean who would go around claiming to have concluded the answer to one of the big scientific questions if all they had was nothing more than the most superficial knowledge of science.

  • Crabby

    Dude there is no way to argue with people who know how the Universe began as they are far more intellectually proficient than the average person. Schizophrenia does that.

  • KateWild

    Crabby, who told you I was in a mental hospital. Just because I am loopy doesn't mean I am not credible xx

  • OrphanCrow


    That is a leap

    From crabby making a comment about schizophrenia to kate making the jump to mental hospital


    And now we know how the OP came about

    *just gotta re-post this picture...it accidentally got deleted from when I posted it before...

  • Crabby

    Crabby, who told you I was in a mental hospital. Just because I am loopy doesn't mean I am not credible xx

    I was not speaking about you personally, but about all people who are sure they know how the Universe began, as this can not be known from our position in time and space here on the Earth. One may feel free to speculate, but those of any background who know the truth about everything going all the way back to the beginning of the Universe that we live in can only know this from the perspective of mental disease.

    To demonstrate, you can not know what is in my left pocket, but you feel that you know where the atoms that that thing are made up of came from and when they were created at the beginning of time.


  • Ruby456

    deleted because a below the belt shot - i apologise

    edit: short free course here for anyone who is interested. my privilege was to pay for a more in depth course but this one is good for starters.

  • Caedes

    I studied physics as part of my engineering degree, despite this I wouldn't dream of suggesting that I know enough about physics to actually make the kind of statement you did. What I do know is that the question you claim to have concluded that the answer is the uncertainty principle is not one that has been answered yet and is in fact being studied by the folks at CERN using the large hadron collider. Finding evidence for the answer would be world news in the science community.

    I can't see any subterfuge in my post, I thought I was just plainly calling you out for claiming something that you cant possibly know. I can't recall having crossed paths before, were you talking nonsense on another thread?

  • Viviane
    I agree viv. and indeed as you can probably see I am not using quantum physics to invoke a higher power but to understand why another power/s may be invoked.

    Proof of Viv's Law.

    The processes here are similar (but not the same of course) to the electrochemical processes in physics - the interactions of quarks that is. please stop misleading

    And more proof.

    Actually, I am updating Viv's Law to state "anytime someone uses science in an effort to prove an incorporeal spirit creature, i.e., higher power, exists, did exist or took or takes action in the physical, material universe, you can be 100% certain that person doesn't know what any of those things means and lacks critical thinking skills".

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