My wife stole my books!!!!

by dmouse 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    My question is: who pays the mortgage/rent? Does your wife work? If not, and if the sole responsibility for the roof over your head depends on you, I say the bed is yours. Working people need their rest, and an airbed in the dining room doesn't qualify as proper rest.


  • Panda

    Dmouse, I remember when this started. Weren't you and the wife supposed to go to counseling?

    I agree with everything Nosferatu commented on. You have slept on that air mattress long enough. Either you sleep in your bed in the bed room or sleep in your bed in the dining room. If you do this and she goes into a rage just tell her you'll have her committed. Even better call an elder while she's ranting and let him listen to her. Be strong for yourself and you'll be whole in the end.

  • tink
    Did she take a gun to your head? If she didn't, you get your ass back into that bedroom and sleep on the bed

    go nos the disciplinarian!! man, did i just hear the crack of a whip? seriously...i totally agree, though i know it's easier said than done.

  • Elsewhere

    Call the elders and tell them that she is not giving her "due".

    Naaa... really... go lay in bed tonight. What's she going to do? Kick you? Hit you?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ...Dmouse, it seems to me like it's time for you to play "Dump That B!tch"

  • Dansk
    Even better call an elder while she's ranting and let him listen to her.

    That's the LAST thing you should do! If you get the elders involved they'll use some ruse on you. Keep 'em well out of it and let them know you don't recognise their authority (I know you don't anyway!). As long as your wife is in "good standing" - which means she can call you all she wants because you'll be deemed responsible - your side of events will be ignored. Don't let any JWs near your door!!!!!!!!!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Dmouse, document everything....and keep your documentations where she won't find 'em and can't get her hands on 'em....remove everything of yours that she might consider to be demonized and store it in a safe place...JMHO

    Frannie B

  • 68storm


    I would be willing to bet, that she has been hearing voices in her head and other strange sounds. She spoke to the elders and other jws and they confirmed that something in your home was demonised. Of course everyone knows that apostate literature, antiques, etc. are the likely hiding spot for such things and she was advised to burn/and/or at least dispose of them.

    You know (better than I do, never been a jw) that she will never admit to this. They are taught to lie through their teeth!


  • dmouse
    My question is: who pays the mortgage/rent?

    I do. In fact I pay 80% of the household bills and it's crippling me. My wife has her wages paid into a separate account from which she pays an insurance and a consolidation loan. Two thirds of her wages are hers to do with as she pleases.

    Last month I asked her to help out with the household bills and she refused. Here's the scary wages have (until now) been paid into a joint account. She has been 'stealing' money from that account - my wages. I have asked her repeatedly not to spend anything from that account but she refuses to listen. So I have this week had my wages transferred to another account I just opened, as well as all the direct debits etc.

    I informed her of what I had done and asked her to pay the grocery shopping bill from her account, as she normally does the shopping.

    Her response? On Monday she is going to hand in her notice rather than pay anything into the household pot other than what she's already paying. This is so incredibly destructive to all concerned, including herself and the children, that my mind boggles at it. This is the kind of mentality that I am dealing with. Logic and reason just won't work, and force is illigal.

    Did she take a gun to your head? If she didn't, you get your ass back into that bedroom and sleep on the bed

    No, but she physically barred my way. If I had forced my way past her would I then be guilty of assault? Would I then become a wife-beater? Wouldn't that be playing into her hands? Believe me, if she does quit her job, nothing would please me more than to throw her out onto the mercy of the WBTS (who of course would look after her in her tribulation!) but I think it would come back to bite me.
  • BluesBrother

    Sorry to hear of your troubles dmouse, especially since you live "not a million miles" from me.

    It is easy for others to tell you what to do, but you are the only one who is actually there and can weigh the issues involved - especilly since you have children.

    Nos speaks as an angry young man.Those of us who have invested many years into a marriage will know that it is not just as simple as that. We all make compromises all the time and it takes a bigger man to accept tempory injustices for the sake of the long term good.

    Your household is not the only one where the "Quiet and mild spirit" seems to be reserved for the Kingdom Hall

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