My wife stole my books!!!!

by dmouse 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    I agree, the elders have probably told her that the books are demonized and to burn them. She is of course trying to get u to leave,so it will not be her fault. But the concern here is the children , and for that u will need a lawyer. I don't think u are going to be able to salvage the marriage, unless u go back and be jws. Your wife is not going ot fight fair. I know this is bad, this is the woman u marrried and had children with. It is hard to believe she would betray u and lie about u. But she is. So defiend yourself, and your kids. U sound like a wonderful guy, and i'm sure there is someone out there who deserves u. very best to u


  • fran

    Be very careful i agree the Elders are probably giving her advice,She may have packed her job in because of this,.....don't leave for if you do you may lose all and end up paying for her,She may even be taking notes of everything.I would advice some legal advice.

    I know of a man who was married to a JW.she drove him mad.took notes accused him of unreasonable behaviour (he was opposed)on advice from her elders they are now divorced (he is in bits)she literally drove him out,when he returned she would not allow him in.He lost his home,half of his money,his sanity for a while,she took him to the cleaners.

    The Elders divorce people,and we sisters used to run to them about everything.I hope this does not happen to you.....take care fran

  • Momofmany
    . Take him to court and demand that you remain in the house to look after the children.

    Didn't you say your daughter is 14? Some judges will listen to children over the age of 12 as to who they want to live with. If your daughter wants to stay with you, I know each state is different, but it is an idea.

  • avishai
    No, but she physically barred my way. If I had forced my way past her would I then be guilty of assault? Would I then become a wife-beater? Wouldn't that be playing into her hands? Believe me, if she does quit her job, nothing would please me more than to throw her out onto the mercy of the WBTS (who of course would look after her in her tribulation!) but I think it would come back to bite me.

    That's actually great for you, keep all your receipts & say that she REFUSES to support her children & quit her josb to spite you. That'll look great in a custody court. Trust me, keep ALL the receipts, including hers if you can find them, or pay for everything you can by cheque or debit card. She's abdicating parental responsibility. Oh, while your at it? Burn every goddamn watchtower that comes into the house, if she wants to make you into an opposer, fine. I don't like this lady one bit from your description. Plus, she is'nt "rendering you your due. Get out, buddy.

  • rem


    Sorry to hear your troubles. I do think you have been given some valuable advice. I would NEVER tolerate what you have gone through. I'm a pretty mellow guy, but I know where to draw the line and I can be quite firm when I feel like I'm getting a raw deal. I think you really need to start sticking up for yourself. If you don't nobody will. Remember, according to the WT theology you are still the head of the household.

    Confront her about the books and her other lies before you lose your self respect. This is no way for a man to live.


  • tink
    This is no way for a man to live

    It's no way for anyone to live! i'm sorry you're going through this, dmouse. i just don't understand how people can be so completely vile to one another.

  • kgfreeperson

    No advice, dmouse, just lots and lots of good wishes. I hope you won't have to continue to deal with this much longer.

  • czarofmischief

    sympathy... can't say much else. Don't know enough.


  • Xandria

    I would by a book case that has lock and key. That way she would have to break into it. Then there is proof :D


  • La Capra
    La Capra

    And get to the solicitor, post haste. And pay to consult with the top three or five, this knocks them out of eligibility to represent your wife. Your colleagues/employment organizations can probably recommend the best. But don't move out, don't even go away for even one night. On her next meeting night, just go to bed early, and when she comes home, and gets pissed tell her it's her night in the dining room, and refuse to move. Don't stop paying the bills (yet) it will all come out in the asset assessment and you'll just look like a jerk. Let her take on that role. Try not to do anything retaliatory, so that neither of you cross the line. Hang in there dude, this WILL NOT last forever, once you take action it will sort itself out. You won't get everyting you want, but take heart in knowing she won't either. (And you don't ever have to grant her a scriptural divorce, now do you?). Shoshana

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