Was it Designed?

by Jeffro 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • budbayview

    I agree that the ark and deluge allegory have implications with the Intelligent Designer argument. However, this argument is flawed and is not a dependency, it’s information is not fact based, but rather a belief that a global flood occurred like the bible indicates.

    We can look at what the science and research has around this, based on ice core data and sites in Turkey such as Göbekli Tepe (GT).

    Ice core data suggest that there was a cataclysmic event that took place 11,000 - 12,800 years ago aligning with the Younger Dryas. However, it was very devastating, but not global. Most scholars agree, this was the event that the cultural flood myths originated from. Dating at GT far surpassed biblical chronology and there are too many other ancient sites around the globe that put sophisticated colonizing humans on this planet past 7K years by a long reach.

    Ok, now that the “flood myth” is out of way, the Intelligent Designer argument can have a better foundation to proceed…

  • TonusOH

    Flood myths are easy to account for. Humans --like many living things-- need water to live and thrive, so they would stay near sources of freshwater even when they were nomadic groups. The development of farming allowed for the establishment of communities that stayed in one place-- and that would have been near sources of freshwater.

    Thus, floods would have been a common experience, and massive, catastrophic floods would have occurred now and then. These would have become a part of their tales and legends, with the usual exaggeration that comes with time. Later generations would only know the basics of these tales and would build their own mythologies around them, with gods and heroes and extraordinary outcomes.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Wondering if snakes still could talk by the time Noah was gathering them to the Ark?

  • cofty

    All living things are wonderfully designed to kill or escape predation.

    By 'design' I mean of course the correlation of form and function. Natural selection is a brilliant designer which is why it has been employed by human designers to solve difficult design challenges.

    Christians who accept the fact of biological evolution still have all their work ahead of them. Why did god employ a process that maximised the suffering of conscious creatures?

    (Christians who deny biological evolution need to read a book not written by Iron Age goat herders)

  • slimboyfat

    The Bible doesn’t say snakes could talk. It says a snake talked to Eve and later it clarified that it was Satan the Devil that spoke by the snake.

    Did you know that house cats are descended from snakes? How do I know? My cat told me. 🐈

  • cofty
    it was Satan the Devil that spoke by the snake.


  • Jeffro


    The Bible doesn’t say snakes could talk. It says a snake talked to Eve and later it clarified that it was Satan the Devil that spoke by the snake.

    I think your autocorrect changed ‘claimed’ to ‘clarified’. 🤣 Though it’s barely even a claim. The Bible never directly states that Satan was the snake in Eden or that it controlled the snake. The closest it gets is suggesting that Satan is a serpent in Revelation (a retcon at best rather than a ‘clarification’) but doesn’t say he was the snake in the Eden myth. The concept of the devil was a pagan Persian concept introduced into Judaism.

  • DesirousOfChange

    What are you saying Cofty?

    Between the two choices, you might side with the talking snake?

    I thought of suggesting you post your 40 statements on evolution again, but . . . . probably not worth the effort. Most people only accept any "new evidence" if it supports their own conclusions.

  • cofty

    Thanks DOC, here it is ....

  • Diogenesister
    Jeffro But they seem completely unaware that this directly contradicts their notion that only very broad 'kinds' were required on the mythical 'ark'. Does anyone ever point this out to them?

    Watchtower has always believed in micro evolution. They accept "kinds" can adapt to different environments - they just get flaky when it comes to speciation.

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