Return To God, and He WIll Forgive You in a Large Way!

by AwakenedAndFree 270 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AwakenedAndFree

    (((((((((Dear Acsot)))))))

    Jesus Christ's message is bitter-sweet . If I came here on this forum to show you the sweet side only of our message, I wouldn't be truthful to you and to myself!

    I love my fellowmen as they are. To all who disagree with me, I love them all as well : it's a Christian obligation to do so. If they don't like the Scriptures I quoted them, I want them to know that it is done out of my love for them: for their benefit and instruction.

    I call posters: Dear ; and I mean it! And it includes you too, Acsot.

    Christian Love,


  • AwakenedAndFree

    Dear All,

  • AwakenedAndFree

    (((((((((Dear All Peoples,)))))))))

    I leave you with this Scripture so you know that Jehovah God does NOT declare us righteous on the account of our works.

    GALATIANS: 2:16:" knowing as we do that a man is declared righteous, not due to works of law, but only through faith toward Christ, Jesus, even we have put our faith in Christ Jesus, that we may be declared righteous due to faith toward Christ, and not due to works of law, because due to works of law no flesh will be declared righteous."NWT

    Christian Love,


  • acsot

    Sorry I took so long to get back to this topic. I am touched that you feel Christian love for me, AAF. If we met I'm sure I'd really like you. However, the problem I now have with the Bible/Christian point of view is:

    Christian obligation

    It's seen as an obligation. I guess if agnostics and atheists show love to others then it's without any ulterior motive or being forced to out of obligation. In their case it really does come straight from the heart.

  • AwakenedAndFree

    (((((Dear Acsot)))))),

    You said:" "Sorry I took so long to get back to this topic."

    Please take your time, don't worry.
    " I am touched that you feel Christian love for me, AAF. If we met I'm sure I'd really like you."
    You a are very loving person! Thank-you.
    "However, the problem I now have with the Bible/Christian point of view is:

    Christian obligation It's seen as an obligation. I guess if agnostics and atheists show love to others then it's without any ulterior motive or being forced to out of obligation. In their case it really does come straight from the heart."

    I refer to the term "Christian obligation" in the sense that we, Christians have God's Laws of Love to comply to. God's children have to adhere to His Laws of Love. When we exercise/apply God's Law of Love towards Mankind, we become a child of God. Godly Love ultimately becomes complete within ourselves, and this Love for our neighbor becomes genuine: " straight from our hearts", like you say, Acsot. You attain this Godly Love when you become a Christian . God's Holy Spirit dwells in you when you are a Christian, thus God's Holy Spirit guides you to do what is right in God's Eyes: in this case having genuine Love for our fellowman. ROMANS 13:8:" Do not YOU people be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one another; for he that loves his fellowman has fulfilled the [law].NWT Christian Love, AAF
  • Abaddon


    Well, you've failed to address a single major poiint regarding the fact you are expecting people esentailly to worship your opinion, as you cannot prove one single thing.

    ...and you judge me ... how.. Christian...

    What a fine Witness...

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper


    i apreciate your kind hearted feelings towards posters here but your attitude really troubles me. You have left an organisation which controls it's flock by the twisted use of scripture to deny the opportunity to question it's edicts, yet we are clearly encouraged in scripture to question what we are taught.

    Those who do not question are open to being mislead by the interpretation of men, if there is a god (and I am not totally convinced) then he wouldn't be the egotistical being described in the bible. Wake up and examine what you are being taught, It's BS

    Why would you escape from false religion to dive straight back into slavery?

  • Abaddon


    I agree about the dive back into slavery, but being lost in what is still essentially a cultic mind set AAF will not agree with you. This time he or she is making their own chains.

    As for kind hearted feelings; with one hand AAF giveth emoticons and nice expressions, with the other AAF quoteth scriptures that basically say "you're ?ucked" with the implication that those who shalt be ?ucked shalt be those that disagreeth with AAF's opinion...

    I'd rather have genuine animosity than mealy-mouthed expressions of felicitude, any day of the weeks.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I totally agree, basically he is agreeing with a belief construct that says that might is right, because the christian god says 'worhip/love/respect me or I'll kill you' where's the love in that?

    I am firmly of the belief that religion truly is the opium of the masses and appeals to those in pain or with some hole in their life - the loss of a loved one or the breakdown in a relationship. Why would someone with a fulfilled life fall for this crap?

  • AwakenedAndFree

    ((((((Dear Abaddon and Satans Little Helper,))))))))

    According to my Christian beliefs, you have have both chosen Satan's side. Jehovah God gave You free will. And you have the right to choose the path that you feel most comfortable with..

    No need to add anything else. But you are welcome to do so, if you see a need to say whatever you like.

    Christian Love,


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