The secret 10 year plan to save the watchtower .

by gavindlt 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vidiot

    I’ve said this before, but I have a really hard time imagining the Org succeeding at any attempts at authentic mainstream reform.

    All the things that they hold up as “proof” of God’s exclusive favor would be left by the wayside one by one.

    The ones that already want to leave will go even more readily…

    …and the ones that would otherwise want to stay will have lost any real incentive to.

    Not that having to shut down due to insolvency would feel any better, but jeezus.

  • Gorb

    Since 20 years ago, there is a story that Watchtower hired a branding firm for long term strategy.

    The GB are not the men in charge, only parrots. I think more about a deep state connection. could be taken over for gouvernement reasons.


  • Elmer

    I agree Gorb. The GB are just figureheads the way Colonel Sanders was to KFC.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The Bulgarian thing?

    Just another way the Borg reinvents itself and has it both ways.

  • nowwhat?

    If my congregation is any indication of the majority of jdubs, the gb can say and do anything and no one would blink an eye. So they don't have to worry about losing members. The problem is they are never going to get new ones to come in any more. Except for the weird ones. The average normal family is not going to give up holidays and birthdays.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    They are never going to get "new ones" now to enter the Borg.

    Only by their own birthrate.

    To marry only in their version of "the Lord".

    They rely on that,,for their cultiness & craziness to continue.

  • slimboyfat

    My local congregation has baptised three newish people in the past year or so. Two of them were long term studies and the other was contacted via letter in the pandemic and is a bit odd, but not off the scales odd, just a bit lonely and isolated.

    The JWs do still seem to attract a steady trickle of new people, not as many as they did in the past, and now usually individuals, not whole families as in the past.

    As I’ve said elsewhere on this forum, the current growth and recruitment of JWs looks poor until you compare it with almost any other church around. Many other churches have next to no new members, they are decreasing every year, and the vast majority of their members are over 60, many of them well over 60.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Hey Slim

    Just as long as " a sucker is born every minute",,,there will forever be a trickle of poor souls falling victim to this Borganization.

    Followed by victims of the suckers and the trend continues.

  • Reasonfirst
    nowwhat? - ' If my congregation is any indication of the majority of jdubs, the gb can say and do anything and no one would blink an eye.'

    That's standard for most, if not all, bible based religions.
  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    I agree Gorb. The GB are just figureheads the way Colonel Sanders was to KFC

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