this website is having an impact

by dothemath 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bikerchic


    Glad to have you here Dothemath!

    I'm sure you will be more than enlightened hanging around here and we don't have cooties like the WTS wants you to think we do, they just don't want you to know what we know about them.

    BTW PopeOfEruke nice to see you posting again, seems it's been awhile.

    KateButterfly With Cocoon

  • JamesThomas

    A big fat alt to you Dothemath. Hope to hear more from you soon. j

  • Gretchen956

    Welcome! Good to hear there are some inside that have an open mind. I hope it's contagous.


  • Tashawaa

    Welcome! As you've probably already noticed, there are LOTS of different thoughts and opinions... its what I love most about this board. FREE thought Look forward to hearing yours!

  • drwtsn32

    Welcome!! Glad there are still some open minded thinkers in the organization.

  • Enishi

    Welcome! We're glad to have you here, the organization needs more people like you who are open-minded and willing to face the problems facing the witnesses.

  • jst2laws

    Hello and welcome,

    I too was an elder when I first posted here. Relax and enjoy it. Just don't reveal too much about yourself until you are ready. You are safe if you use restraint.

    Here is my first thread on this board as an elder, (17years a PO) for your amusement.

    More importantly, you have found more people here than you have in your entire JW life who feel the same way as you feel. Sure, there are some you will not agree with, but countless you will recognize as expressing your own feelings.

    And we are not "bad" people, no gnashing of teeth, eating our vomit (yuck) in darkness and despare, but very well adjust, spiritual, and happy people.


    YES, there is life.

    Hope to talk with you more sometime.


  • Panda

    Welcome to this forum. From your post I gather you are really trying to teach the Christian basics. Do people appreciate that in the congregation? I'd imagine some don't, but I could be wrong.

    Your post is very sincere and I hope you continue to let us all know what you're thinking and how you're doing.

    Please be careful about revealing your personal information because you never know who might be monitoring these sites. I think some of the x-JW elders here will have some good advice for you too. Again Welcome!!! And I look forward to your posts.


  • DanTheMan

    Welcome dothemath.

    Around 2000-2001 I found the increasingly frequent and shrill warnings about "apostates" in the literature and from the platform were getting a little over-the-top, to put it mildly. I thought, if this is the rock-solid indisputable without-a-doubt truth that they say it is, then it should withstand criticism. It isn't and it doesn't.

  • cruzanheart

    Welcome to the forum, dothemath! You've got a great attitude and balanced viewpoint. Have fun reading some of the old posts and we look forward to hearing more from you!


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