PIMI wife told to go against her husband and take the vaccines?

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Diogenesister

    If a ruddy vaccine destroyed their marriage it was pretty shit to begin with methinks.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    It wasn’t the vaccine that destroyed the marriage it was the choice she made to end the marriage by putting her church ahead of what the Bible says about headship.

  • Samcats

    It's headship not dictatorship

  • jehovaxx

    The JW coerced, bullied, guilted and emotionally blackmailed peope into keep on taking the jabs..but still if someone took it, they have to own the responsibility.

    She had a choice disobey Jehovahs direction and stay married or follow direction from Jehovah and end her marriage. That was the choice and all the watchtowers say follow the direction from Jehovah no matter what.

  • punkofnice

    Were this a real scenario, I'd question their relationship. But even then, it'd be none of my business

  • Vanderhoven7

    At least, as a Witness, she is now free to remarry.

  • Listener

    I agree with Samcats. Her husband was a control freak.

  • jehovaxx

    Who would have her? It’s very hard for females past middle age to find someone especially if the are fully vaxed up. Middle aged men would be looking for younger women who are unvaxed.

    same goes for single young females looking for prospects….

    Dating before 2020

    Is he good looking?

    Does he have a good job?

    Could I see myself marrying him?

    Dating after 2022

    Is he unvaxed?

    Could I see myself homesteading off grid with him?

    Is he post apocalyptic warlord material?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath
    Elmer3 months agoWell, according to your current “bio”, you are allegedly a seasoned elder from Bethel.
    You should be able to answer your own question. But since you’re a troll, it won’t happen.

    i must have missed this--was it ever established that exBpima was a troll--or not

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    I guess it depends on what your definition of a troll is? Go ahead ask me some questions and then make up your own mind if I’m a troll or not by your definition?

    I don’t really care either way, some people have some funny definitions of what a troll actually is and it’s none of my business.

    Now getting back to this situation of the fully vaccinated sister who chose to end her marriage by following the direction of the GB. I am familiar with a case of exactly this happening a sister who has an unbelieving husband who would not let her take the vaccines. He actually said you are forbidden from taking these vaccines and she talked to the elders who told her to obey your husband unless it goes against Gods direction.

    She thought she had to obey God rather than men and kept taking the vaccines to remain fully vaccinated and this ended the marriage.

    It was a choice she had to make, she chose to take the vaccine knowing it would end the marriage. She is now alone in a tiny bed sit been kicked out of her husband’s house and he has a younger unvaccinated woman living there.

    Apparently she blames the GB for ending her marriage. Of course the talk in the circuit is that her husband is a conspiracy theorist saying the shots are not safe, we know they are safe because Jehovah wouldn’t tell the GB to get everyone fully vaccinated if they were not safe.

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