Putin presents the Order of Parental Glory to a Russian Jehovah's Witness family

by OrphanCrow 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • millie210

    Me too Rebel8,

    That was a great summary of events!

  • Nimble duck
    Nimble duck

    Why are Russian women having so many children? Because Putin is paying for it. In cash.

    And why is Putin doing that?


    He is preparing for large scale conflict.

    Is it not good, comrade, that sister Novik has shown herself a true patriot of the Russian motherland? Dah.

    She has made many children for the coming day of Russian glory. She should be rewarded.

  • smiddy

    Are /were they a family in good standing ? if not they certanly are now in the organisations eyes.

    Was /is brother Novik an Elder ? ministerial servant ? or just another ordinary publisher with too much time on his hands,and more interested in pushing out babies for Mother Russia and the accolades he would get from Vladimir Putin.

  • sparky1

    "Because Putin is paying for it. In cash." - Nimble duck

    Yes, according to the last information I read, his government was paying approximately $9,200.00 for every child over and above 2 children.

  • Nimble duck
    Nimble duck

    There's plenty of information concerning the why's and wherefor's. Putin is building a youth army and some have compared this to Hitler's plan. Putin is modernizing his army and navy and to go along with its new firepower, he needs young boots, men and women. Tanks and jets don't drive themselves you know. That is, unless Putin starts working with Google for self driving tanks.

  • OrphanCrow

    I have a suspicion that this JW family receiving this award was orchestrated by the org itself.

    To receive this award requires an application from the recipient themselves or someone else has to apply on behalf of the one receiving it. It isn't like Putin personally travels around Russia seeking out large families. The award process starts with an application.

    So, it leaves a person questioning why now? Why would the Noviks apply now - right at the same time that the JWs are up against the Supreme Court of Russia? Why now? Why not when they were eligible to receive the award? The Noviks were eligible for this award when their seventh child turned three. The little girl pictured in the photo is three - but she is the eight child, not the seventh. The Noviks could have applied for (and didn't), this award at least 3 or 4 years ago. But they didn't. They did it now - only months after the Supreme Court ruling and just weeks before the appeal will be be held.

    Which is another thing - why does the Russian website reveal that there are 8 children in the Novik family yet the org press releases only acknowledge 6 children?

    I think the application process was instigated and encouraged by the higher ups in the organization and that the elders would not have stood in their way and in fact, would have facilitated the application process. Along with all the ones up the chain of command. "An opportunity to give a witness".

    Aude: Two different families are pictured in this thread. The one by Freelikeabird is not the same family as in the OP.
    Which is the JW family?

    The JW family appears at 6:40 in the video that freelikeabird posted. The image you see is simply a frame from the full video that features several families.

    freelikeabird: . Families have an opportunity to say something. The JW guy says (my wife translated it for me) "do not interfere with how we raise our children" with a surprised Putin

    Really? I am going to call "not likely" on that claim. If he had indeed said that, I would think it likely that that quote would have showed up on at least one of the numerous articles and comments about this event. Not even the European and Russian apostates have picked up on that supposed statement.

    Any Russian speakers on this forum? Can this statement be confirmed? Did the father say that?

  • OrphanCrow
    nimbleduck: Putin is modernizing his army and navy and to go along with its new firepower, he needs young boots, men and women. Tanks and jets don't drive themselves you know. That is, unless Putin starts working with Google for self driving tanks.

    Technology is Russia's future. Who needs soldiers (or google self driving tanks) when you have robots?


  • darkspilver

    Which is another thing - why does the Russian website reveal that there are 8 children in the Novik family yet the org press releases only acknowledge 6 children?


    The news item on jw.org states:

    NEW YORK—On May 31, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded the Order of “Parental Glory” to Valeriy and Tatiana Novik, Jehovah’s Witnesses from Karelia, who raised eight children, during a ceremony in Moscow at the Kremlin.


  • OrphanCrow

    Thanks darkspliver. I missed that. I had read the jw-russia org site that claimed six children.

    My mistake.

  • darkspilver

    no worries - I think there was perhaps confusion because six attended

    As per jw-russia.org (via Google translate)

    May 31, 2017 in Moscow, at a meeting in the Kremlin, the President of the country handed Valery and Tatiana Novik, Jehovah's Witnesses from Karelia, the Order of Parental Glory. Six of the eight children of Novikov also attended the award ceremony.


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