Do You Feel Your Rights Are Being Trampled On By Government Regarding Coronavirus?

by minimus 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    I guess some people dont have respect toward governments, might be because of how they were taught/programmed as a JWS ?

    No..............I think because the wiser & more experienced ones have come to realize that when someone tells you: "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you", things are about to go to shit.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    Stupid, selfish people will always make life harder for people who are trying to do the right thing.

    If we cant find a vaccine, then, apart from treatment, the next best thing is to eradicate the virus by way of no new cases occurring, anywhere.

    Sadly, the only way to achieve this is to lock down movement and interaction. If people decide to ignore medical advice, then the virus will keep spreading, forcing authorities into stricter control. There is no easy way out.

  • minimus

    This virus like others will have to run its course.

  • RubaDub

    The proposed cell phone tracking scares the shit out of me.

    hoser ...

    I am in no way an expert in this matter but I thought cell phones already track us. When someone gets lost, kidnapped or something, the companies can tell where you were based on your phone's "pinging" to the tower. If you are within range of two towers, I would expect they could pinpoint you to a very small radius.

    Some phones even ping when they are turned off. It used to be that you had to take the battery out to prevent that but newer phones don't have removable batteries (except I think LG phones still have removable batteries).

    Anyway, I think they already have the technology to do that.

    Rub a Dub

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    There is a big difference in can track you and will always do so.

    I am sure bots read everything here and elsewhere we post. I am sure my phone/computer/wifi listens to me picking out giveaway words.

  • Steel

    Good god are Americans stupid.

  • RubaDub

    Good god are Americans stupid.

    Steel ...

    Was that a rhetorical question or were you expecting an actual answer?

    If you wanted an actual answer, just take a look at Washington DC and see who the American people voted into office.

    It's a modern-day version of the Addams Family.

    Rub a Dub

  • mrquik

    It's a question of risk over freedom. Where do you let the government draw the line. Think 60,000 Americans who have died of this disease warrant the government to decide your freedom? Try 480,000 Americans who die every year from smoking. Should we allow the government to outlaw cigarettes? How about other activities that have risk? Lowering the speed limit to 55 MPH would save 10,000 lives every year. What we're talking about is having the government & not you decide what is acceptable risk. If you believe this pandemic could kill you, feel free to use all necessary precautions. Stay at home. Wear a facemask. Hell, wear a Level A spacesuit. It's your right to decide what level of risk you're willing to take, not the government's.

  • minimus

    Mr... interesting post

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    300,000 American soldiers died in WWII defending your freedom from an oppressive government. 750,000 died in the Civil War defending your right to freedom from an oppressive state government. Many more have died since.

    Why would you accept an EU-style all-powerful government bureaucratic dictatorship today when we (UK, US, Belgium and France) kicked the Germans out of power twice already? Because you got a scary cough?

    I’d rather die than go back to the EU and their inane taxes and regulations, because that’s the only way you’ll get a government large enough to manage tracking down every citizen with a weird cough.

    People point out how well China and South Korea handled the crisis - they’re also de-facto dictatorships, the government doesn’t have to ask permission to board you into your house and shove a mask up your face. South Korea doesn’t have protections in place for ‘colored people’ or gays or Christians. China will simply disappear you if you talk too loud.

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