Is Michael Jackson Guilty?

by shamus 63 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • DevonMcBride

    In a Court of Law he's innocent until proven guilty. In a Court of Public Opinion, he's guilty.

    The more I hear about this case, the more I believe he is guilty. Unfortunately the court system has turned into a contest between the Prosecutor and the lawyer. Many times the guilty go free because the Defendents lawyer knows how to play the system.


  • shamus

    I guess that I, too, havwe some problems with it...

    The DA and sheriff who arrested him were very "jovial" at the press conference... it is a real media circus. It was very unprofessional... (I watched 20/20 last night)

    He could very well be innocent, but how is he going to prove it? I just can't imagine.... he has millions and millions of dollars and he would be a big target for scam artists, that's for sure!

  • mouthy

    I believe he is innocent. I dont think he is "normal" but I think he is " a little boy" in his mind. Giving to thousands -that what he missed as a kid.I believe some one is out to get what the last kid got a couple of million $....??

  • ISP

    It will come out in the end. How can you assess guilt or otherwise without knowing the facts. lets wait and see.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Well said ISP, and so I will bite my lip for now.

    Just in case no one has read it, here is the transcript of MJ's first accuser:

  • patio34

    This is a side point, but related. I heard on the news that when he was sued in civil court for child molestation about 12 (?) years ago, the family settled with him financially. At that time, California law had no way to force a victim to testify in a criminal case. So, MJ was let off.

    However, California enacted a law because of that case that does force a victim to testify in a criminal court. So now the prosecutor has a case against him with it being ensured that the alleged victim will testify. MJ can't settle out of court since it's a criminal case brought by the state of California.

    It won't be as easy this time for him.


  • Mulan
    What parents would let a grown man have a "sleepover" with they're kids?

    That's what I have been asking too. Of course he is rich and famous, and people don't want to believe he would do anything like that.

    It seems all the high profile celebrities that stood behind him last time are saying a "no comment" this time. And then there is that "secret room" and the former security man who said he had several locked-out areas, that he would go into with one or two boys. He said there were 100's of them over the years. It is hard to believe that only two have ever come forward. Were there ever little girls who spent the night? If not, that is really suspicious.

    I don't buy the story of him being a man who wasn't allowed to be a child so he is acting it now. (sorry Grace) His brothers and sisters were children too, being forced to be performers, and they haven't done this stuff. A psychologist I saw on TV said if this scenario were true, he would enjoy all children, not primarily boys, and 12 year olds at that, and he would not PREFER their company. It would be a part of his life, but not the MAIN part.

  • stillajwexelder

    lets be honest --the guy is at least one sandwich short of a picnic --- I would not trust my kids with him - yes I think he is as guilty as hell

  • freedom96

    Before I make my comments, be assured that I do not support child molestation at all, and if in fact he is guilty, then he must serve the punishment. The fact is that we probably will never really know without a doubt what has happened.

    That being said, I do not believe that just because someone might be weird does that make them criminal. Michael Jackson is a huge celebrity, who obviously has some issues. I don't doubt for a second that there are many demented people out there who will use that to their advantage.

    You have people out there all the time, stealing, commiting horrible crimes, just for a few bucks, with absolutely no regard for anyone else. They will use others for their financial gain, at any cost.

    We must look into the backgrounds of those accusing Jackson. Where did they come from? What financial opportunities have they had? From what I have read, this family is extremely poor, and it sounds like a lot of it is self imposed. Meaning to me, that this family has no real way of getting a lottery type payout in their life, unless they do something drastic.

    This kid has or had cancer. For that, I feel for him. That sucks. His dream is to meet Michael Jackson. He realized his dream, and they strike a friendship.

    Side point, remember 10 years ago or so, a kid named Ryan White gets aids, and Elton John and him become very good friends. It does happen, where the celebrity comes attached to a kid, in a friendship kind of way. Though Elton John certainly is not as weird as Jackson, no one accused him of anything inappropiate.

    Michael Jackson has made a history of helping people and causes. He has given away 10's of millions of dollars to charities and people in need. This is undeniable fact. But there are those who are quick to say, it is all a set up to get around kids.

    When I watched that tv show last February, I was very curious. My take on it was this. Yes, he is weird. Yes, very talented. But to me, seemed very child like and naive. Here is the body of a 45 year old man, yet looks at the world from a 5 year old boys perspective on many things. We can all agree that his childhood was far from normal. In fact, I would go as far to say that he did not have a childhood. He was constantly performing, or at least practicing his talents. Could it be said that his inner self badly needed that childhood? I think so.

    He grows up, has more money than he knows what to do with, so he creates a home, that is a childhood fantasy. Some are quick to jump at the idea that this is a big cover, this is his evil way to manipulate little boys. OR, could it be simply that this is a 5 year old child that can actually build a fantasy home? I know my own kids at 5 or 6 would build a home like his in a second if they had a chance.

    There has been talk of a hidden secret room hidden behind Jackson own room at the mansion. A Peter Pan room, secluded and very private. But there are those who say "Ah ha!! This proves it!! This is where he takes the kids." OR, could this be his private get away, where he can think of what is would have been like to be an innocent young child?

    We are so quick to condemn someone who is not like us. For many of those who have been connected in some way to the entertainment world, they know that it is at times a snake pit. People out for themselves. People wanting to friends with a star, just because of what it might get them. Maybe Jackson, as he has said, enjoys being around kids, because they don't think like adults.

    So, back to this current kid and his situation. Supposedly, the mother went ape shit when Michael decided enough was enough. He had paid tons of money for medical help, and financial help to the mother, reportedly to the extent of even helping the mothers boyfriend get an apartment. The kid gets better, and now life goes on. According to Jacksons camp, then Michael tried to go their seperate ways. This family went from nothing, to having money, being friends with one of the most famous people in the world, back to where they came from. Very possible, and in my opinion, very likely that the mother is not the most stable person in the world, and sets out to find out what she can do. Vindictive and pissed off, feeling jilted, she seeks other peoples opinions. A 12 or 13 year old kid, going through what he did with the cancer, and an unstable mother, is very vunerable. The kid no longer has contact with Michael, and he hears crap from his mother about the whole situation. Gets the kids all wound up, and together they work out this plan. After all, this all worked out great for the last kid 10 years ago, right? Never in a million years is this family going to see that kind of money. And if there is no money in the end, well it serves Jackson well after he dumped them.

    This is possible, is it not??

    And get this: Last night the kids father talks. He does not neccessarily believe the accusations! He does not feel that this is in Michael Jacksons charactor.

    Of course, Jackson has shown bad judgement. All of this has never sat well with the public, and we all find it very odd, at best. Under the circumstances, he needs to watch what he does.

    As easy as it is to blame someone who is different, and does indeed have issues, we must be fair and look at all the viewpoints until it is proven one way or another. I do hope that Jackson is innocent, but we will have to wait and see. Maybe he is really a guy who cares about kids, in a non sexual way. Even so, he has got to change his tactics.

    Interestingly, there has been no talk of child porn found at the home, or on the computer. Many times child molesters have that kind of material around, nowadays on the computer mostly. And that is not something that one can erase off of the computer.

    Time will hopefully tell. If he is innocent, I have no problems with him going after anyone telling lies about him. This shall certainly be interesting.

  • joelbear

    My feeling has always been that Michael is gay and just cannot cope with that fact. I think he has buried it inside himself and that it ekes its way out by his associating with young boys. I think in his mind he is a little boy and therefore it is not bad to "play" with other little boys. I sure did it when I was a little boy.

    Sex is a strong drive. Michael has suppressed his to a) please his mother, b) not alienate his fan base.

    I have always wanted to meet Michael, become his friend and try to free him from the obvious tortured soul he is.

    I know that from the age of 13 to 30, I suffered everyday, not just from sexual desire, but from guilt from the sexual desire.

    My mother once told me she would rather me be dead than be gay. On my last visit she reminded me at least 3 times that I had broken her heart.

    In my experience, gay men are very tender hearted and tend to be very sensitive in general. At least more so that most straight men.

    It is a living hell to think that being yourself will hurt others who you love. For most it is a huge step to let go and be yourself and accept the consequences.

    I don't think Michael is able to do that. I'm afraid he may be guilty. I hope he is not, mainly because I hope no young child is the subject of coerced or forced sex.

    I also blame all of Michael's family and so called friends for continuing to support him in having young boys sleep over and have him spend all his time with little boys. It is not healthy for the little boys and it has allowed Michael to dive deeper and deeper into some pretend Never Never Land where he doesn't have to take responsibility for his actions.

    If he is guilty, I believe he will kill himself before he goes to prison. If he is forced to face his true identity this late in his life, he may go insane. He has already committed identity suicide. He has had his face butchered to the point that he doesn't even look human. I don't think that is an accident. I think its a way for Michael to avoid seeing himself in the mirror.

    Its a shame that people still have to deny who they are and be able to live the life they are meant to live. It sometimes has tragic consequences for them and for the ones who love them.


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