Cart Witnessing....They deserve the same ''cold shoulder''

by RULES & REGULATIONS 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ToesUp

    Turnabout is fair play!

    I'm sure we have all heard the "some JW's loose their family, once they start studying with the witnesses." Oh, they don't like it when it's done to them but they have no problem treating others the way they don't like. THEY ARE THE BIGGEST HYPOCRITES WALKING THE PLANTET!

  • eyeuse2badub

    If every fader and or apostate would approach those poor souls that are 'cart witnessing' and d politely ask them some difficult questions about generations, overlapping, merging congregations, etc., I believe that it would certainly start them to thinking or even questioning the jw beliefs. I believe that being civil, genuine and non confrontational is the key. Should we try to humiliate or educate them?

    just saying!


    How to Witness Using a Literature Display

    Witnessing with a mobile cart or a table display is proving to be very effective in drawing honest hearted ones to the truth. (John 6:44) Therefore, elders have been encouraged to organize public witnessing in areas of the congregation’s territory where there is high pedestrian traffic. Since mobile displays are not stationary, generally there is no need to ask permission from the authorities. Who are qualified to participate? Publishers who demonstrate good judgment, present themselves in a dignified way, and have good conversation skills. The following are some dos and don’ts that will help publishers have more success.

    • Be friendly, welcoming, and helpful to passersby. Some publishers give a warm, genuine smile and say a friendly greeting. If someone looks at the display as he passes by, you might say, “You can take something if you like.”

    • Stand at an appropriate distance from the display. In some places publishers experience success when they stand within a few feet of the display. Others find that this method makes passersby hesitant to stop, so they stand a little farther away and wait until someone stops at the display. Once a person approaches the display, try to engage him in conversation, perhaps by asking, “Have you ever thought about that question before?”

    • Use the Bible as often as possible.

    • Explain the Bible study arrangement to anyone who takes one of our study publications, such as the Bible Teach book. Offer to play the video Why Study the Bible? on an electronic device.

    • Obtain contact information from interested ones when possible. If the person does not live in your territory, fill out a Please Follow Up (S-43) form, and give it to the secretary as soon as possible.

    • Be aggressive, insistent, or pushy or stand next to the display like a sentinel.

    • View this form of witnessing as simply a way to distribute literature. When we are in the ministry, our goal is to start Bible studies, so we should try to engage individuals in conversation.

    • Block the display or become too engrossed in conversation with your partner. If you must use your cell phone for a personal call, it is usually best to step away from the display.

    • Get involved in debates with opposers. If an opposer becomes abusive, it may be necessary to move to another location.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses use a literature-display cart to share the Bible’s message with passersby
    More Than 165,000 Literature Carts
    The house-to-house activity is still the primary way in which the Witnesses make known Bible truth. Yet, literature carts have proved to be very effective. Consider some examples.
    In Peru, a man named Raul approached the Witnesses at one of the carts and said: “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for the Witnesses for three years! When I saw your cart, I thanked God.”
    Though the area where he lived was often visited by Jehovah’s Witnesses, Raul was never at home during the day or on weekends. He explained that he had previously studied the Bible with the Witnesses, and he wanted to resume his study. Arrangements were made for him to do so.

    So, (made up) Raul, lives in an area where Witnesses often preach house-to-house ( Raul never seems to be at home), (supposedly) had a Jehovah's Witness Bible study at one time, ( miraculously) walks near a literature cart and approaches a Jehovah's Witness with these words:

    “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for the Witnesses for three years! When I saw your cart, I thanked God.”

    Raul: For your information, there are telephone books and internet sites which would have led you to find the Jehovah's Witnesses faster than the three long years it took you to find a literature cart.


  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    If street art is legal where you live, you could always write something thought provoking on the spot where they are going to park their sandwich board on wheels.

    How about about, "30 minutes in a coffee house is worth 2 hours standing beside a trolley - make it your goal today."

  • Diogenesister

    Th0se Witnesses exiting the convention are typically robotic....just like lemmings they do whatever they see the witnesses in front do.

    If the ones in front walk by...they walk by. If the ones in front had talked to him....the ones following would have also talked to him!!!

    Anna Marina you really do think outside the box! Good idea!

  • Under No Illusion
    Under No Illusion

    Jerry looks to be outside Qualcomm Stadium, the location of the only outdoor convention I attended.

    On the Sunday afternoon I was waiting at the bottom of one of the ramps and observed several sisters being positioned around exits to man 'donation points'. It was stinking hot and oppressive and after a few minutes one of the clearly uncomfortable sisters located a nearby chair and pulled it to her station.

    An elder raced over and jerked it off her, so she had to continue to stand in the heat. Hardly anyone came over to donate, people were ignoring them and just milling around waiting for their rides so they could get the hell out of there.

    The sisters looked bored beyond belief, bedraggled, resentful, tired. I actually cringed watching their discomfort,

    It was a strong 'This Is Pathetic' moment for me.

  • redvip2000
    She will try to hand out bible literature to passersby.

    No she won't, and that is the sad part about it. She will stand there, looking at her phone, basking in the realization that her target hours for the month are being met.

    The man in the video Jerry at the very minimum is trying to engage people and make them think. To me that is more in line with a type of work that is supposed to be urgent.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Very misleading to call it "Cart Witnessing"! Unless the passersby witness that they saw a cart!

    Better name is "Cart Sitting". 2 highly trained jw's sitting by a cart!

    just saying!

  • Dagney

    That picture is great...but...has anybody here actually seen any cart sitters deep in conversation or even engaging at all with any passerbys?

    I haven't.

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