Cart Witnessing....They deserve the same ''cold shoulder''

by RULES & REGULATIONS 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Here is a man named Jerry. On a public sidewalk, he asks attendees leaving a Jehovah's Witness Convention in San Diego a simple question, ''Do Jehovah's Witnesses have the truth."

    Not one person acknowledges him. Not even a ''hello.''They all walk away from him like he has bubonic plague.

    Here is a Jehovah's Witnesses cart witnessing ( getting in field service hours). She will try to hand out bible literature to passersby. DOUBLE STANDARDS, ANYONE!

  • DesirousOfChange

    "They deserve the same cold shoulder"

    Trust me. That's about all they get (unless it's a former JW attempting to help them awaken). I've never seen anyone interacting with the JW's at the carts. They are just "counting time".

  • DomineIvimus-DI
    i guess because the ones leaving the convention haven’t had a meeting for field ministry and a prayer, they are not in ministry mode. Being a Christian should be something you are, not something you turn on and off like a tap for an hour or so a week.
  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    If the "apostate" waited a couple of days and went to a trolley to ask the same question, the JW's would gladly acknowledge him. It's just the wrong place & wrong time for JW's to respond.

  • punkofnice

    I'm surprised the 'sister(tm)' is actually trying to engage anyone. I bet the GovBod (piss be on to them), wouldn't approve................unless she has money.

  • Vidiot

    Like I keep saying, easy duty.

    Hell, not having to actually talk to anyone is probably the icing on the cake.

  • truth_b_known

    I remember when Jesus and his disciples made their first literature display in Jerusalem. The disciples were overjoyed Jesus wrote a book explaining his teachings. The disciples didn't understand their own beliefs and lacked the knowledge to defend their faith so they referred non-believers to the book.

    Yeah. Literature carts are just that ridiculous.

  • punkofnice
  • mrquik

    I enjoy cart witnesses. They're stuck there. So when I approach & engage in conversation, they're not going anywhere. Great time to torture them with questions about "generation, pedophile cases, dwindling congregations & attendance, etc." I never tell them I'm an ex-elder, just a well read worldly person.

  • Phizzy

    If they really believed they had the truth, they would be eager to share it. This "experience" shows that the majority of J.W's today do NOT believe they have the truth.

    When I was fully in, I would have engaged anybody, anywhere who posed that question to me. I was confident I could make a very good job of defending my faith. I had crossed swords with Vicars, Priests and one time a full blown ( no Pun intended LOL) Bishop !

    Admittedly ,looking back, I know all those Seminary trained guys actually got the better of me, they won the debate !

    But I was still never afraid to talk to anybody about my beliefs.

    The Cognitive Dissonance of constantly hearing " the truth, the truth, the truth" and yet deep down knowing it is not, must be mental agony for today's JW's, who I think evidently are dishonest and have no integrity.

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