Worst song you've ever heard.

by FlyingHighNow 118 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    Good thread Minimus! Hilarious!

    Yes, all the kingdom melodies are in there... with Michael Bolton on top.

    Hey drwtsm, you sure know your office space. I just watched it last night (or rather downloaded it, LOL!)

  • FlyingHighNow
    Good thread Minimus! Hilarious!

    Why thank you. (


  • FlyingHighNow

    Oh, I don't like anything by Jewel: too cutesy sounding and she takes herself all so seriously. It was pretty sad when she used the word casualty incorrectly in her poetry book and Kurt Loder called her on it and rather than handle it in a classy, dignified way she got very irritated and said, "You're a smartass for pointing that out. " She should have held her blonde hair up and said, "Well, what do you expect?" Or some other self deprecating humorous thing.

    I feel similarly about Sarah Mclaughlin. Hey, I grew up with Carol King, Carly Simon and The Great Joni Mitchell, not to mention all the Motown and soul gals like Aretha Franklin. What can I say? Oh and the same goes for these phoney new "singer/songwriters" such as Avril Lavigne. I guess they figure an awful lot of 13 year olds will fall for that one. But hey if you like them it's cool. Andy likes Sarah McLaughlin a lot, especially Building A Mystery. They played it at the restaurant tonight and one by Jewel and I felt like I was being tortured.


  • starfish422

    Paradise by the Dashboard Light; and actually, pretty much anything else by Meatloaf.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Paradise by the Dashboard Light; and actually, pretty much anything else by Meatloaf.

    Hey, wasn't he canabalized in The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Hmmmmmmm?


  • wednesday

    come on u guys, quit picking on Meat Loaf. u may not like him, but he has a lot of fans, me being a major one, and he is very well liked. A lot of people really like rock opera. me for one.

  • doodle-v

    Who let the dogs out?? by the BaHa Men

  • shotgun

    Anything by Yoko Ono

  • c5

    I would have to say that "Ballad of Bilbo Baggins" by Leonard Nimoy is the worst i have ever heard. I love Lord of the Rings, and Star Trek, but the 2 combined by Leonard?? lololol

  • FlyingHighNow


    come on u guys, quit picking on Meat Loaf. u may not like him, but he has a lot of fans, me being a major one, and he is very well liked. A lot of people really like rock opera. me for one.

    Meatloaf isn't my favorite singer but I don't dislike him. I remember watching him one time on a live TV show and I thought: hey, that guy may not be the prettiest man I've ever seen but there is just something tough, smokey and sexy about him.

    I liked him in Rocky Horror Picture Show. I saw the edited version a few times.Then imagine how I felt when I saw the uncut version in which they ate him for supper. It STILL upsets me if I think about it. I have turn my eyes away when the movie gets to that part. It was very mean of Frankenfurter to kill him in the first place. Frank got his comeuppance in the end though, didn't he?.

    I like rock operas, too. Jesus Christ Superstar and Tommy are my favorites.

    Feel better now? I hope so.


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