If JW is not the truth, then what is the true religion?

by TxNVSue2023 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    How do you defend (Divine) TRUTH having any imperfection?

  • Kosonen

    Yes, Sue2023 I agree that the Jehovah's witnesses as a religion is best compared with other religions who are even more wrong. I tried to get reinstated. I went to meetings in person this year for 6 months. And then 3 elders had a meeting with me to see if I can be reinstated. But our conversation did not go so well. 15 years ago I was disfellowshipped for not agreeing with a couple of the WT organizations teachings and for trying to inform others about it in the congregation. I did it because we should worship Jehovah God in spirit and truth as Jesus said. This time the elders demanded that I answer if I believe that the Governing body is the faithful and discreet slave? I answered that I belive they are a slave giving spiritual food, but they could be in the end the wicked slave. The elders did not like that. I said also that I have decided not to disturb with my own Bible research as long as the Governing body exist. But the elders did not like that, because then I would not be an enthusiastic supporter of the Governing Body. I asked is it enough that I believe in Jehovah God, Jesus Christ and the Bible and in the core doctrines of Jehovah's witnesses. But nope, that was not enough.

    So in my opinion it is time to form a new brotherhood that is better than the Jehovah's witnesses and better than all other churches and religions.

  • enoughisenough

    Matt 7:16 By their fruits you will know them....What do you think about this fruit? The concealing of known child abusers. The JW are spending millions in lawsuits to victims and in lawsuits to suppress evidence. What about the shunning-you know what that is now- is that a good fruit? They like to preach about the love they have among themselves, but think about it...where is that love? are you feeling it? Why do you suppose people lied about their time in service...because they knew they would be judged adversely, as spiritually weak and therefore not be considered good association...Is that love among yourselves? As to what is the true religion? Jesus said to the Samaritan woman, it wasn't in that mountain, or in Jersalem ( where you would have thought it to be ) but to worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Can you worship in truth when you must obey 9 self appointed men. ( because they were not appointed the faithful and discreet slave. )

    Matthew 24:45-47
    New International Version

    45 “Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time? 46 It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. 47 Truly I tell you, he will put him in charge of all his possession.

    Notice vs 46 "doing so when he returns"....If Jesus returned in 1914, why is the memorial still celebrated? 1 Corinthians 11:26

    New International Version

    26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes

    Matt 26:28 tells us that the new covenant was for the forgiveness of sins for the MANY , not for just 144,000-cross reference Luke 22:20.

    They print lies and JW can't dare challenge them on the lies...those that studied the Bible and discerned the lies were DF or took themselves out ( I took myself out ) or are pretending to be JW so as not to loose their friends and family.

  • Phizzy

    No Religion can be true. Truth is only established upon irrefutable Facts and Evidence, no Religion has, or will ever, have that.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Hi Sue,

    Thank you for being willing to open up a can of worms with your question. I believe Christianity is the one true faith and is made up of all Spirit begotten children of God wherever they may be or fellowship. God knows those who are His.

    I believe the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses has some truth, but much error. In fact, every unique belief and teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses is not in the Bible. Here is a list for you.


    a. the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is the one true religion

    b. all other churches are part of Satan's organization, Babylon the Great, defined by the Watchtower Society as part of “the world empire of false religion”.

    c. God is soon going to destroy the Whore of Revelation 18 at Armageddon, which includes all churches of Christendom, Catholic and Protestant, as well as all their followers and supporters.

    d. with rare exceptions, only faithful Jehovah's Witnesses will survive Armageddon. The billions who perish at Armageddon will be forever destroyed without any hope of a resurrection.

    e. doctrinal unity at all costs. they are to accept every official teaching that comes down from Watchtower headquarters and if they, as adults, vocalize any disagreement and persist in it, will be disfellowshipped and shunned by friends and family.

    f. proper disfellowshipping offenses include ongoing unrepentant celebration of birthdays including Christ's birthday, unrepentant acceptance of blood transfusions, refusal to quit smoking and willing ongoing association with a known disfellowshipped or disassociated person or persons.

    g. the 9 member Governing Body serving at Warwick New York headquarters represent the channel of truth for mankind. Together they are the Faithful and Wise Servant spoken of in Matthew 24:45-47.

    h. that in October 1914 Jesus second coming occurred invisibly; he then became king and from 1914 on has been ruling in the heavens giving his attention to the earth which initially involved the examination of the churches of Christendom. The last generation that Jesus said surely would not pass away...began in 1914. (note: the youngest of the 1914 generation i.e.,babies born in 1914, are 107 years old today)

    i. in the spring of 1918 the apostle Peter and all anointed ones who died (less than 145,000) were raised to heavenly life. The rest of mankind who are not part of the 144,000, good and bad, remain in the grave until the second resurrection which will take place soon.

    j. in the fall of 1918, Jesus finished examining the churches and rejected all of them.

    k. early in 1919, Jesus found a group of faithful Bible Student leaders serving at Brooklyn New York and appointed them to exclusively channel his truth to the nations via the publishing company they were using (Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania). This group of men was the original Faithful Slave of Matthew 24, whose office, mandate and ability to interpret the scriptures accurately was passed down to all subsequent Watchtower leaders. These leaders are not perfect and they can err in doctrine or organizational instruction, but they must be believed and obeyed nonetheless.

    l. that prior to the 20th century (from AD 33 to 1900) there were less than 145,000 faithful Christians that ever existed. (Note: this means that the millions who perished as martyrs before the twentieth century were not real but only professed Christians in the Watchtower Society's eyes).

    m. a new group of non-anointed Christians began being called early in the 20th century; today there are 8.5 million of these Christians in the world. These are not born-again; they do not have a heavenly hope; they are not in the New Covenant and therefore are not entitled to partake of the bread and the wine symbolizing Jesus' death; they do not have eternal life, the indwelling Holy Spirit or the imputation of Christ's righteousness. They will only have a chance to earn eternal life if they survive Armageddon and serve God during the 1000 year millennium and prove themselves faithful to the end.

    And Sue, any JW expressing views contrary to these extra-biblical teachings will be thrown under the bus.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    Golden rule and book of James wrap it nicely. But not what is seen in practice. Other religions and some secularists often come closer.

    The last days is a common theme in all doomsday religions. The outcome depends on which one: rapture, living through to paradise, reincarnation.

    My feeling is either God doesn't care, or doesn't exist. Maybe ( witness belief ) waiting for a greater number to destroy

  • AugustHest

    I think--and this is just my opinion--that for some people, they can leave the Watchtower, but the Watchtower never really leaves them.

    When a person is a JW, they preach: "I have found the Truth. I am in the true religion. The true religion is Jehovah's Witnesses." And then when they find someone who is asking for help or questioning, they all jump at the opportunity and can't wait to preach the Watchtower message at that person--almost like rabid dogs.

    There's no way a person can ever digest all they throw at you the way they come at you.

    Should they leave the Organization, this type of person does the same thing once they find their new panacea. They don't change their song, just their new brand or affiliation.

    Now they preach: "I have found the Truth. I am in the true religion. The true religion is X."

    Today you are questioning, asking for help, and behold, they all come at you the exact same way.

    This is neither helpful, nor Christian, nor religious, nor godly, nor humanistic, nor neighborly.

    If there is another way, it is peaceful. It is kind. It let's you do so freely.

    But it doesn't immitate the Watchtower way. It's not as simple as replacing the "X."

  • Riley

    Think of yourself as a christian and not a member of a club. That is your first step.

  • AugustHest

    "Think of yourself as a christian..."

    I worry about those who tell us that we should think of ourselves as Christian. There are other ways to be: atheist, agnostic, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, etc.

    I always think of red flags when someone tell us, "think like this."

    You can think any way you like.

    The Watchtower and groups like them teach followers how one should or shouldn't think. Or that Christianity or religion is the only way. It isn't for everybody.

    While I chose a path that includes religion after leaving the Watchtower, I learned that this is not how one shows others leaving or wanting to leave the JWs the way to make it on their own. You might choose a life path outside the Watchtower without religion that will be very happy and rewarding.

    I learned how to think independent of religious dogma, adopted critical thinking habits, and built a circle of friends from differing backgrounds while gaining years of different life experience before making any decisions regarding choosing if there would be any spiritual paths again in my future.

    I was definitely not going to get advice from JWs, former JWs or the like. If anything, if I was ever going to make a decision, I would do so by seeking the opinion of the opposite types--experienced academics, clerics, scholars, etc.

    JWs led me to ruin. So why would I trust my future to them ever again? Even to exJWs after choosing another religion? I'm no expert on a religion. Look at me. I was in a cult! Do I have a good track record on religious advice?

    Be smart.

  • Samcats

    You're not going to get any balanced responses here. Only negative ones. Focus on getting reinstated, you will be much happier

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