Short stay

by midnight 65 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • midnight

    Well thanks for your kind replies and advice , the little voice has started already 😟 I just find it odd how it's wrong to ask certain questions at the kingdom hall and certain topics are taboo this raises my suspicion once again .

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel
    Hope your sincere.
  • ToesUp

    Yes...I had that voice all my life. I always use the example of a child. Imagine your child comes to you with a question and you punish the child for asking the question. Good grief, how will they ever learn? As a JW you are not allowed to ask questions. What is wrong with that?

    Right before we left I asked a Brother..."do you not see the contradiction on this point?" He replied "no". I knew then and there that these people will not see matter what. I dropped it and and never asked a question again. What's the point? I will spend my time enjoying my life and not banging my head on the wall.

  • Giles Gray
    Giles Gray


    I apologize for the insensitive tone of my response to your OP.

    If you really are having doubts, why not allow some time to pass by? There is no rush. The Watchtower isn't going anywhere.

    Why not take some time out, a few years if necessary, just so that you can look into the Watchtower and not leave a stone unturned?

  • midnight

    Yes Giles thanks for that I'm just a bit messed up psychologically I think

  • Giles Gray
    Giles Gray


    Well if you are feeling "a bit messed up psychologically" then you should definitely wait until you get back to some sort of equilibrium, before making any life changing decisions. Else you are leaving yourself vulnerable to acting irrationally.

    For example... now would not be a good time for you to enter into a committed relationship with a boyfriend/girlfriend. Many people have, and regretted it for the rest of their lives. Easy mistake to make.

    It's the same with the Watchtower. I would be interested to know how many people on this forum were taken in by the JWs when they were in a vulnerable state of mind.

    Sounds like you need to talk through what is causing your emotional issues, in order to be able to clear your mind of its agitation.

    People here are very understanding, although being selective would be a wise thing. So why not talk it out with someone you are comfortable with?

    Hope you get peace of mind soon.

  • zophar

    Great advice Giles. And very humble to recognize if you were insensitive. It's hard to tell whether someone is sincere or trolling. Like you, I would rather err on the side of kindness and tolerance.

    As Toes Up mentioned, we have had enough experience with not being to ask a reasonable question and expect any kind of answer.

    bravo to both of you on your helpful attitudes

  • LisaRose
    Well thanks for your kind replies and advice , the little voice has started already 😟 I just find it odd how it's wrong to ask certain questions at the kingdom hall and certain topics are taboo this raises my suspicion once again .

    Yes, it's a huge red flag when you are not allowed to ask questions. Think about it, if what Jehovah's Witnesses believe is "The Truth", what are they so afraid of?Truth, real truth, stands up to challenge, it is only lies that are exposed by scrutiny.

    I was shocked when I left the religion and found out how much I had been told was exaggerations, half truths and outright lies. In particular the chronology, the 607 date for the fall of Jerusalem. No reputable bible scholar believes Jerusalem fell in 607, yet it's the basis for much of their teachings, that the last days started in 1914, and that the end must be close because of that. I had also been led to believe that because of this chronology Charles Taze Russel predicted the last days would start in 1914, that this proved he was being directed by God. The truth is that he thought he already was in the last days, and the end would be in 1914, that Jesus would return then. It was only later, when the world didn't end that they came up with the notion of an "invisible return" by Christ.

    Don't stop asking questions.

  • Giordano
    Well thanks for your kind replies and advice , the little voice has started already 😟 I just find it odd how it's wrong to ask certain questions at the kingdom hall and certain topics are taboo this raises my suspicion once again .

    Here's what happens: Something is Taboo when it contradicts the WTBTS's teachings. To guard against going against the society's teachings one has to use rational ignorance.......Rational ignorance is refraining from acquiring knowledge when the cost of educating oneself on an issue exceeds the potential benefit that the knowledge would provide.

    The deliberate choice of a person not to acquire (not to pay attention to) a certain kind of information because of it's cost in terms of time and effort that yields little or no benefit.

    One should add 'no benefit' within the JW congregation.

    Example if you can't have a discussion about say Evolution with your congregation members so why take the time to study it? If you think that the creation account isn't real who are you going to discuss your perceptive with?

    So your average JW has given up the right to critical judgement the right to question, the right to doubt or form a separate but valid opinion about a large measure of available knowledge like evolution, medical practices like blood transfusions. Are you aware how many JW's die each year by refusing a blood transfusion? How from 1967 - 1980 they banned transplants calling it cannibalism.

    As a JW you are expected to be obedient in all matters...... even those doctrines which are life threatening. You are expected to march in step. You are expected to parrot the teachings of the WTBTS. And when they change a teaching you are expected to accept the new understanding. Your devotion is not towards Jesus but to God's so called chosen organization. To answer your question they don't need Jesus.

    Instead the organization believes it's has God's love and blessing in spite of the fact that they don't safe guard the JW children in their congregations from sexual abusers.

    Let's understand something the Pew Religious survey indicates the following:

    Jehovah’s Witnesses have a low retention rate relative to other U.S. religious groups. Among all U.S. adults who were raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses, two-thirds (66%) no longer identify with the group.

    Furthermore their divorce rate is 11% which is the same as most Christian Faiths.

    Their level of education is now the lowest in the USA with most just having a High School diploma. Which explains why they have the lowest income level.

  • midnight

    OK thanks people 😀

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