JWZone website hacked??

by sf 106 Replies latest social current

  • frenchbabyface

    LOL Smack "I'm" ... Ooops ... I mean "the smilley" is working on it !

  • Swan

    It now says:

    Attention all crew members!

    The ship is no more. Please contact the Captain if you need relocation coordinates.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    Please contact the Captain if you need relocation coordinates.


    Who is the "captain" who is providing the "relocation coordinates"?

    Methinks the board is due to reappear, but in a deep void in null space. Perhaps they are going to be hiding inside a nebula.

    Anyone know the password for the nebula?

  • Euphemism

    I assume that the "Captain" is Nutrino, who founded the zone, but hasn't been active for a while. At least, his profile used to say 'Captain'.

  • SYN

    Security through obscurity,
    It looks like a bit of charity,
    For those who're unable to go anywhere else,
    At least not until the reality completely gels,
    A favourite place hidden behind infinite combinations of numbers and letters,
    Somewhere they can go to escape their spiritual betters,
    Perhaps they are being led by someone who has been through the looking glass and back,
    Theirs is a veil of confusion drawn over their superiours' urge to attack,
    Hidden but in plain sight they gather,
    Confusion and momentous thoughts hidden behind layers of gooky blather,
    One and three are the figures, numbers, integers, the codes of freedom,
    I wish the best of luck to them.

  • SYN

    I think Gilmour of Pink Floyd said it best (at least I think it was him):

    Where were you when I was burned and broken
    While the days slipped by from my window watching
    Where were you when I was hurt and helpless
    Because the things you say and the things you do surround me
    While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
    Dying to believe in what you heard
    I was staring straight into the shining sun

    Lost in thought and lost in time
    While the seeds of lifeand the seeds of change were planted
    Outside the rain fell dark and slow
    While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime
    I took a heavenly ride through our silence
    I knew the moment had arrived
    For killing the past and coming back to life

    I took a heavenly ride through our silence
    I knew the waiting had begun
    And headed straight... into the shining sun

  • sens

    arh well another dub site gone....Praise Jah

  • detective

    I still miss greatcrowd.com

  • blondie

    detective, what was the real story of that board coming down?


  • Nosferatu
    Attention all crew members!
    The ship is no more. Please contact the Captain if you need relocation coordinates.

    Cyber-armageddon has arrived! They need directions to the narrow path (area with low bandwidth).

    I thought there were some people from here on JWzone?

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