Do you eat out alot?

by iiz2cool 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • iiz2cool

    I eat out a fair bit. I used to eat out alot more - two or three times a day, but I've cut back to about three times a week. Restaurant food is starting to get to me. It seems that I'm consistantly running for a bathroom within 15 minutes of eating restaurant food. And there are other bad experiences, like the time I found a dead cockroach wrapped up with my cutlery. Yes, the waitress removed the offending carcass for me, but didn't offer me clean cutlery. Then there was the raw "baked" potato I got once. Seems the microwave was on the fritz. And the dry pasta, the moldy cake, the tainted meat, the burnt ribs, the unscaled fish, the cooked "steak tartare", and the list goes on.

    Do you eat out alot? What's your worst restaurant experience?


  • JH

    About 5 times a week I go to the restaurant and bring the food home and eat it there in front of the TV, and since a while in front of the computer for pete's sake.

  • jwbot

    I eat out too much so that I gained a lot of weight over the summer. Also...its expensive. :(

  • DevonMcBride

    In the office we are always ordering out for lunch.


  • drwtsn32

    Yes....we do, although we are trying very hard to cut back.

    I used to go out to lunch every day at work, and we used to eat dinner out at least three times a week. It gets expensive!!

  • berylblue

    Tim does.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I eat out a lot. I eat once a day at Taco Bell and lately I discovered the pure joy of consuming a Bacon Egg McGriddle. Yeah baby.

    I ride a bike a lot and so far I haven't gained weight. In fact if I were to stop eating I'm afraid I'd waste away. So far I'm lucky.

  • drwtsn32

    Oh my god...those McGriddles are so damn good! Taco Bell rocks too.... but once a day? Wow, you should have a Chihuahua for an avatar.

  • Maverick

    I didn't when I first was divorced, but when I got back on my feet after the lawyers and bloodletting and all, I went out a lot. My daughter makes her own meals, and she works at a seafood place while going to college. So it's not much fun to cook for one! What is wrong with this picture? Cooking time-30 minutes, eating time- 10 minutes, clean-up time-15 minutes. So I ask you....WHY? I do my sacrifice to the propane god on the weekends but will go all out and cook only if I have company! Otherwise, I visit my local dinner, where everybody knows my name! Maverick

  • Jim_TX

    Well, it depends. I have coffee every morning at a local coffee shop... and usually wind up getting toast to go along with it.

    Lunch time... hmmm... recently, yes... I _have_ been going to fast-food places. Like today. I got an order of fries to eat.

    Suppers... not too much. Mostly eat at home - microwaved bricks.


    Jim TX

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