My Best Friends Still Love Me

by Piph 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Piph

    I had a talk with my best friend (who is still an active JW) the other day, and told her that I wasn't interested in remaining an active Witness any more. I knew she would accept my feelings, because she's a wonderful person and is actually very emotionally healthy, but was afraid because I didn't really know how tight a grip the mind control had on her, and didn't know if she would feel obligated to back off in our friendship any. I was deeply afraid of that, because we're as close, if not closer than, sisters.

    To my pleasant surprise, she not only totally accepted my feelings, but she already knew what I was going to say before I said it. She told me that she understands and supports me, even though she feels that she needs to stay close to Jehovah herself for now. We talked about it for a few hours, and I was a little afraid she didn't really understand that I was going apostate, but after a while she started talking about how unfair it was that someone couldn't just decide they didn't want to be a Jehovah's Witness anymore without getting df'd. We talked for a while about the unscripturalness of disfellowshipping and about all sorts of other unscriptural and/or unhealthy things Jehovah's Witnesses teach.

    It was such a big relief to me, because even though I knew she would accept my feelings, now I know that I even have her support. My other closest girlfriend, also a loyal JW, also knows about Euphemism and my -um -defection, and though she doesn't understand, she's still loyal enough to want to continue associating with us despite everything, because she doesn't really believe in the whole disfellowshipping thing herself.

    But anyway. I just feel good that I still am able to keep my two closest friends, and I wanted to share my good news with you guys. I figure it's only a matter of time for my closest friend to reach the point emotionally where she's ready to leave...I'm not sure about my other friend, but at least I know she still loves me.

    I'm still afraid of how my parents will react...I know they'll be a lot less accepting and understanding!

  • tinkerbell82

    yay for piph!!! i am so so happy for you, girl!!! :)

  • Aztec

    That's great Pip! I'm very happy for you.


  • Gopher

    Piph, Piph!! -- HURRAY !!

    True friendship doesn't have conditions on it. We'll see how true your parents are.

    You don't need "false" friends in your life, life is too short. Glad you have some real gems among those you already know. Most others of us have had to create new friendships on exiting the Borg, because the "organization" counted more than anything to our old friends.

  • Piph


    Thanks you guys.

    There are a lot of friends I know I'm going to lose, and I'm just really glad I can count on at least a couple of people in my life. (Other than all you guys, that is )

  • Badger

    Piph...That sounds like my ultimate dream...find my soulmate, leave out the back door, and keep your real friends.

    Good luck with the rents...that's my big worry, too, if I leave.

    Way to be, sis...

    (((Phip))) (as long as Euph doesn't mind)

  • Flowerpetal

    Hi Phiph!

    Thanks for sharing your experience with your friends.

    It's really too bad when the org. stresses so much on d'fing/DA think and not let people make decisions and freely expressing them, without feeling like they are going to lose their best friends and/or family. Even though I think your one friend associates not wanting to be a witness anymore with not wanting to have anything to do with Jehovah, at least she expressed where she's at right now to you and accecpts your decision without judgement. If the org. could set at atmosphere for people to feel free to do that, and being non-judgemental toward those who want to leave, that would be a big step in the right direction. Hope your parents will take it well too.

  • frenchbabyface

    Oh ... it is good to hear that Phip !

    Best wishes for your parents (hope you'll got the same result)

  • bikerchic

    Yeah Piph I'm really happy for you, friendships are not something to be taken for granted. You make your lifelong friends in your informative years and how wonderful to keep them throughout life.

    My best JW friend told me we could no longer associate even via email, I'm bad association! It really broke my heart I didn't expect it from her. She was the only JW I knew who ever spoke against the elders, privately of course. I had never known anyone else who would really say it like it is in the borg cept her. So her stance towards me took me by surprise.

    I hope you don't get too much grief from your parents. Remember no matter how it goes down in the beginning, time is a great healer and just don't let them shun you! Keep contact! In your face as if it isn't even there............I think it will throw them off guard if you act like their rules aren't your rules!

    Good luck!


  • morty

    so good to hear piph!!!!!

    You are your lucky to have that support...alot of jws turn away,regaurdless of best friends or not

    wishing you lots of support when it comes to your parents....


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