I'm sick of being mistaken for a prostitute!

by Aztec 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • kyria

    It seems like I get more catcalls when I'm dressed crappily than when I'm dressed up.

    I haven't yet figured out if the best way to deal with it is to ignore them or to tell them to f**k off! I feel like ignoring them is best, since it doesn't even justify their behavior.

  • czarofmischief

    Ballistic - be careful, a drunk guy often hops into bed with a hooker and wakes up with NOTHING left in his apartment. She calls her friends after you pass out and cleans you out.

    Not that that's ever happened to me...


  • dottie
    I had a guy once ask me if I were a two bit hooker. I hit him over the head with my bag of quarters

    OMG Stacy!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!! *I would have paid $$ to see that*

    Aztec, I've seen pics and you definately don't look like a hooker. I agree with the others in saying that it must be the area.

  • SixofNine
    *I would have paid $$ to see that*


  • dottie

    ROTFLAMO!!!! OK OK my last post was a bit of a Freudian slip I guess....

    Leave Me Alone!!!! There is No decent coffee south of the Canadian/US border and I'm suffering from Tim Horton's coffee withdrawls!!! (not too mention I had way too many beers last night ) I'm feeling a tad broken right now *LOL*

  • xjw_b12

    Aztec. It's because you're a "Pretty Woman"

    Seriously the tip about the back pack is right on.

    Hookers don't use them, unless they're carrying "MiniMe" back to his secret hideout.

  • drwtsn32

    OMG Az!! That's horrible! I have never had the privilege of being mistaken for a male prostitute..yet.

  • expatbrit


    There is, of course, one obvious method to avoid being mistaken for a prostitute.


  • Valis

    expat...a book bag full of Watchtowers and Awakes?

    Well, I guess if you can't change the way that some cretinous men act you have to change the way you look if you are going to be exposed to them. Back packs are good, maybe a walkman, and I know this is going to sound like a pain, but perhaps just wear some jogging clothes till you get to your destination? I don't know the circumstances of you getting around town to work or school or whatever and I doubt that you intentionally dress provocatively for every day stuff, so maybe the baggy clothes or something would work , then that way they would be looking at your pretty face instead of assuming you wanted to sell your body just cuz you had some slammin clothes on. Just a thought.


    District Overbeer

  • Odrade

    Valis, Jogging clothes won't do it. In fact, she'd be more likely to get pick-up offers if she wears them. Most people have this picture in their minds of the "average" prostitute. Heels, red lipstick, provocative clothing, big hair... While that is probably the case in places like Vegas, and redlight districts in major cities, the majority of working girls (and boys) on the street wear comfortable clothing--joggers, jeans and t-shirt.

    One neighborhood I lived in was a block off of one of the major hot-spots for pick-ups. Most of the hookers wore jeans and sweatshirt/tshirt, and carried no purse. They would walk near the bus routes. They looked like any student, except for no backpack, and they would watch over their shoulder for cars to slow down.

    The tips I gave Azzy were given to me by a friend who worked vice with the Portland Police. When I started using them, it cut my pickup offers from about one a week to about one every six months.

    Glad I could help Az.


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