What's Your Opinion of the Opposite Sex?

by minimus 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vita Nuova
    Vita Nuova

    OK, since everyone is wimping out on actually asserting anything in this thread, allow me to start the fire.

    Fact: Men and women are biologically as well as mentally different. Beyond the cultural differences, men and women have respective tendencies that, by and large, are reflected by the whole of the gender. Just one example right now: Men think in the macro sense. Just look at those classic works of literature that were written by men; most of them burst with themes of God, war, politics, conspiracy, humanity (universal), and large scale events. But women think on a micro scale. Their classics usually deal in the realms of personal relationships, family, humanity (private), spirituality, and themes more droll than grand. I am not judging one over against the other, although I prefer one over against the other. Yet, I do enjoy the sporting nature of the gender wars, so I will pose a question to any: Can you name any female equivalent (or superior) to the achievements of an Einstein, a Shakespeare, or a Michelangelo?

  • stillajwexelder

    Can you name any female equivalent (or superior) to the achievements of an Einstein, a Shakespeare, or a Michelangelo?

    Marie Curie -- discovered radium and was a brilliant chemist

  • stillajwexelder

    Can you name any female equivalent (or superior) to the achievements of an Einstein, a Shakespeare, or a Michelangelo?

    world /great leaders -- Boadicea - Queen Elizabeth 1st, Queen Victoria, Margaret Thatcher

  • stillajwexelder

    Can you name any female equivalent (or superior) to the achievements of an Einstein, a Shakespeare, or a Michelangelo?

    total class brilliance --got to high position on ability despite having the diasadvantage (and trust me I am not racist and use the phrase carfeully) of having dark skin -- Dr Condoleeza Rice

  • drwtsn32

    I love girls...almost all of my friends are women. My guy friends are great too, but for some reason I connect better with women. It might have something to do with me having four sisters and no brothers, or it might have something to do with me not wanting to watch sports on TV. You know how hard it is to find a guy friend that isn't really into sports?

  • qwerty

    They are cute and soft.............Well mostly!

  • Yerusalyim

    Mean and women are essentially different...the French say, "Viva le diference" and I agree.

    Further, each of us is a bit different...not all men think with their penis, not all women are openly emotional. Having said that, sterotypes are often used because they are true.

  • ashitaka
    but for some reason I connect better with women.

    Same with me. Strong women are great (although the shopaholic preppies can go sit and spin).

    But, in the end, I think that people attribute the women/man wars to a couple of assholes on either side.

    Women and men use people for sex. Men and women have used relationships for purposes other than love. Men and women sometimes are incredibly crass to each other for very stupid reasons.


  • jwbot

    Vita Nuova: Do you really think that women artists and poets and philosophers would have been taken seriously at those times around the people you mentioned? Let alone getting published! Of course...a woman back then who did anything other than get married young and start having children would have been looked down on. I assure you, the pool of brillian women would have been MUCH smaller than the pool of brillian men in those time periods. Yet women HAVE been just as brilliant...that in it self is very telling. Men and women are both thinkers-whoda thunk it?

  • God is Dead
    God is Dead

    heh, let me add to the fire. on a primitive level, men come down to this: consistantly trying to get laid by the most attactive female in the vacinity. constantly trying to 'one up' their friends or their last 'laye' so they can rein supreme in the world of sex! (course, half the time they dont' see that bored look in the woman's eyes while they are pumping away!)

    women however, base their choice's of the opposite (or sometimes, same) sex on status. as much as they will disagree, there is a little chip in the back of their head and subconscience that constantly will make them enquire into their possible life-mate's status. whether it be job, car, money, security or simply if he is the most dominant male in his heard.

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