What's Your Opinion of the Opposite Sex?

by minimus 96 Replies latest jw friends

  • noidea

    No, I don't think all men are alike. I think there are different types of men. Damn if I can figure any of them out though.

  • sens
    I think there are different types of men.

    Ya dont say

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I will answer the question:

    Are you of the mind that all men and all women are basically the same? You know---all men just have one thing on their mind or all women are just users? There's so much stereotyping when it comes to males and females...TYPICAL man, Typical woman. Do you think negatively or positively toward the opposite sex?

    By reference to my comment on a similar thread here.

    I am amazed by people who can claim that they get on better with men or love women. Really?? You have met them all? You know them all well enough to decide that? They are all the same?
    In my opinion, any blanket statement regarding one gender is negative, even if it appears to be positive, by its implication that a whole section of the population can be neatly stuffed into one pigeon-hole.
    I am not the same as my mother, or my sister-in-law, or the woman who lives next door. How can you possibly judge whether you "love" me, or if you'd rather chat or be friends with me or my husband on the basis of gender?
    In case I haven't made myself clear, NO, I don't think all men or all women are the same.
    And another thing! How long would any of us get away with comments about the general qualities, shortcomings, virtues or faults of say, Mexicans, Pakistanis, Maoris, Greeks or Chinese? Of course, its OK to make insulting generalisations about English people, but thats another rant altogether.............
  • SYN

    I get along with everybody

  • Fe2O3Girl
    I get along with everybody

    That's because all South Africans are friendly, easy-going and gregarious, right?? BTW, what happened to Ever Been Hypnotised? Is there more?

  • frenchbabyface
    Vita Nuova: Can you name any female equivalent (or superior) to the achievements of an Einstein, a Shakespeare, or a Michelangelo?
    frenchbabyface: and how many men stole women's job !!!


    Please relate to me the tale of how Einstein stole the job of formulating the theory of relativity from the unsuspecting Jane Doe. Or how Shakespeare stole his job from some brilliant young English lass. Or even the one about how Michelangelo deviously disguised himself as the Italian woman whom the Pope actually wanted to commission to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

    I told you ... think what you want Man ... If it happen today (in knowing that we can vote today !!!) be sure it happen before ... And I don't give a damn myself about Einstein, Shakespeare, Mickeal who ? LOL or whoever ... those guys have been raised by women !!! and was quiet lazy !!! (sure they got time enough to do whatever they want and could) Men couldn't stand that Jeane d'Arc did what she did but they couldn't denial it (cause everybody acknolegde what she did they couldn't hide it) so they said she was crazy !!! LOL (interesting don't you think ? And she didn't have kids yet ... does that talk to you ??? hum ... ???)

  • Vita Nuova
    Vita Nuova
    Vita Nuova: Can you name any female equivalent (or superior) to the achievements of an Einstein, a Shakespeare, or a Michelangelo?
    frenchbabyface: I don't give a damn myself about Einstein, Shakespeare, Mickeal who ?

    "Mickeal who?" You must be kidding.

    those guys have been raised by women !!! and was quiet lazy !!! (sure they got time enough to do whatever they want and could)

    Sure, they had mothers, I agree. I celebrate the family institution. But as for being lazy? This childish comment can be nothing more than the sum of ignorance and fevered feminism (I know I'll draw ire for that one).

    Men couldn't stand that Jeane d'Arc did what she did but they couldn't denial it (cause everybody acknolegde what she did they couldn't hide it) so they said she was crazy !!! LOL (interesting don't you think ? And she didn't have kids yet ... does that talk to you ??? hum ... ???)
    Well, the remarkable Jeanne D'Arc herself claimed she had the aid of divine inspiration. She was being guided by the "voices" of St. Michael, St.Catherine, and St. Margaret. That's what talks to me... err, not the voices of Saints but that she exhibited enough piety to acknowledge the presence of the divine for what she could have taken credit for herself.
  • frenchbabyface

    To Vita Nuova :

    Again Mickeal who ??? (of course I'm kidding !!!)

    Childish comments : I agree (just like yours about Men worth more or whatever) but still it is true !!!

    (do you understand ... ? And she was christan ? ... Do you got me now ?)

    That will be my last words on this ... why ? ... it's not worthy to have arguments about that, cause men and women are equal !!! PERIOD !

  • teejay

    Well, Min, overall and for the most part, my opinion of the opposite sex is generally favorable.

  • drwtsn32
    Anyone remember "Demolition Man" with Stallone.

    Ballistic: Do you know how to use the three shells?

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