by You Know 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • COMF
  • Scarlet Pimpernel
    Scarlet Pimpernel

    You Know : Why doesn’t he bloody well get on with it!

  • You Know
    You Know
    So god is like a big gun in that guns don't kill people, people kill people. And he didn't kill millions in the flood, every one just jumped into the ocean and drowned themselves.

    No doubt when the system crashes, big talkers like yourself will be the first ones to slit their neighbors' throats over a crust of bread. / You Know

  • Englishman

    You Know,

    Anyone can prophesy. Anyone can say "You're all going to die!" When it doesn't happen and the objects of the prophecy pour derision upon the prophet, that is a perfectly justifiable thing to do. If the prophet turns round and says he got the dates a bit wrong but you are still all going to die, then he has, IMHO, somewhat lost his credibility.

    Now this is exactly what I have actually witnessed occur. The WTBTS has missed out on many dates, and you yourself have also prophesied that there would be financial collapse in the USA in autumn 2000.

    Because ex-witnesses are now skeptical of your prophesies you seem to think that such skepticism - mockery if you like - is some sort of fulfillment of prophesy. In effect, you are just writing your own newspaper headline and then rushing out to fulfill it, rather like author Irving Wallaces hero in "The Almighty".


  • LovesDubs

    Oh ROFL!! Thanks YOU KNOW...I love these holier than thou, up on that soap box, doom gloom gloom doom, damn Im SPECIAL aint I?...type posts you put up. They remind me of all the little (JW) men I have known with little man syndrome who puff up and bellow and rant and rave and get up in everybody's faces trying to prove that "THEY BE BIG!" And they only succeed in making themselves look like asses all over again. Yeah we were all there for the FOURTH reading of the "Revelation GRAND CLIMAX" book with page after page after page of GOD WROTE THE BIBLE ABOUT US US US US US!!" making us all puke and hurl. Really...why dont you all just parade down Madison Avenue with your own version of the Thanksgiving Day Parade? Better yet make Bethel your Macy's and you can all dress up gayly and wear banners and wave your literature and do little dances. Make big freakin balloons of Jehooover and his Governing Boootay members to awe the crowd and SCARE them into becoming JWs LOLOL!!! Them balloons and YOU...all just a bunch of hot air. Or march on Washington! Yeah thats it...the 6 MILLION DUBBY MARCH!! All those polyester suits and Little House on the Prairie dresses...my my my what an awesome sight!

    Gosh...all those scriptures about being HUMBLE and TEACHABLE and LOWLY go right out the window with you Dubs. ROFL!! All those about CHARITY LOVE KINDNESS AND JOY do too! All the ones about God HATING liars and petty people and gossipers and ADDING TO THE SCRIPTURES?? POOF! All the slams Jesus made against the PHARISEES for CHANGING THE LAWS TO SUIT THEMSELVES wherein he called them VIPERS...are lost on you. And why is that? Because Jehovahs Witnesses are taught that they are SAVEEEEEEED because they carry that damn little membership card around with them. They are SAVEEEEEED and with that membership card comes the right to be the most obnoxious, disgustingly self righteous, hard hearted, cold and uncaring UNHOLY group of people on the planet who smile over their judgemental sniffing at humanity....and then CRY CRY CRY when somebody DAAAAARES to take issue with their crap.


    Well duh boy wonder...if hatred of you means persecutiion for Christ's sake, then you have great company...the likes of Hitler, the Ku Klux Klan and Satan himself. So go ahead...pat yourself on the back til ya break the bone. Aint none of us gonna do it for ya.

  • Undecided

    Hi YK,

    Let's see if I understand this situation between God and humans. I was born, I had no choice in this. Then I learned later that I was evil because some one thousands of years before me ate a piece of fruit. I didn't know him or did I have anything to do with his disloyalty. God says I will make them all die, everyone who is born will die because I will change their genes, but Adam made me do it, so it's his fault.

    I will make it possible for everyone to have life though by killing another perfect creature, not me really, you were responsibile, I just sent him there so you would have the opportunity to kill him. Now because you killed him you will have the opportunity to be liked by me. Some day soon? I will send him back to save the world, I mean destroy the world, no save the world, whatever.

    But before you can live you must listen to a group of men who will all give you some truth but mostly lies. Then I will enlighten one mysterious internet man called YK who will have all the answers except when the end is coming. Your judgement will depend on his advice as he will be an apostate but not really an apostate, only judged an apostate by those who run God's earthly organization.
    Ouch!!! I think my reasoning powers just blew a fuse, I can't continue.

    Keep up the confusion YK, you may save someone yet.

    Ken P.

  • JWD

    To `You Know`,

    I never have been able to figure out what is scarry about the WTS view
    of judgement. If you leave the so-called truth or oppose the WT organization you face what...? Annihilation which is...non-existence.
    So,whether you commit suicide,or for that matter homicide,the worst
    thing that can happen to you is that you die and become...non-existent
    ...? So what? What`s frightening about not-existing.Before I was born
    I didn`t exist and I can`t remember it being painful or distressing.
    So,in the WT`s version of judgement I`ll just end up back where I
    started. I ask again, so what?

    Now, the standard protestant view of judgement is much more frightening. In that version you have to pay for you sins with eternal
    punishment.`Fear not him who can destroy your body.Rather fear Him who after having destroyed your body can destroy your soul in Hell` Now that is SCARRY!

    The WT uses terms like `judgement` and `destruction`,but when you get
    right down to it,there`s no lasting punishment,thus nothing really to
    worry about. If judgement were to began in WT style and the possibility of a painful death became apparent suicide would be an
    easy way out. The standard protestant view doesn`t allow for such an
    option since the soul faces eternal punishment.

    So I ask Mr. `You Know`,if you were to believe Christian church`s
    view of judgement people such as yourself would suffer for eternity
    in constant agony and separation from God.On the other hand,if you
    take the WT view,people like me will become non-existent and not
    ressurect on the paradise earth.So honestly,which is the most frightening?

    When thought through logically,the WT scare tactics truly lack
    punch.Maybe, a step back to the Babylonian view of judgement would
    work better to keep the R&F in lock-step. JWD

  • bjc2012

    You Know,

    When was Judas a christain? He died while still under the Mosiac Law. The Christain covenant was not in force until the shedding of the blood of the mediator of this new covenant.

    As far as apostates are concerned, that title belongs exclusivly to Jehovah's Witnesses, any and all, in or out. They are the ones who are most reprehensible as they stand before the world publicly proclaiming that they are God's people publishing his message to everyone. That message has changed constantly and has been exposed as containing many untruths. Surely you know how Jehovah feels about lies, especially those promulgated by His own people. How can you point the finger at anyone else when your message does not stand up to scrutiny, cannot be proven without a doubt to be truth? How can you counsel someone else when your own people are not living up to the standards of the Bible which you claim to follow?

    Jehovah examines the activities of those who represent him, who carry his name, and these are the ones that he disciplines first. 1 Peter 4:17 plainly says that "judgement starts with the House of God," which you specifically say you are. He has no quarrel with anyone who is not in a covenant with him, and you most certainly claim to be in the New Covenant.

    So I say again, your words apply to you, Jehovah's Witnesses. And until you can prove that Isaiah 60:21 which reads: "And all of them will be righteous" applies to you, you are in no position to point the finger at anyone else! In fact, you are not even qualified to represent Jehovah until you can apply this scripture to yourselves!


  • logical

    You Know,

    I cannot believe you justify and cover up the WTS evil and even think they will change.


    The Bible shows they do not change, if they did, then the prophecies would indicate it.

    You are wasting your time polishing the brass on the sinking ship.

  • logical

    Also You Know, how do politics fulfill Revelation 13? Come on, explain it to me, because the WTS version does not make sense.

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