Do Ex-JW men really understand women?

by Mindchild 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    "I gave most of the same answers as Aztec. I must be looking for a real woman instead of a lady."

    Gadget, you're really good at sucking up....LOL!

    Walter, Maybies and Crown, (I have nothing else to say)


  • oldcrowwoman

    I don't know? Cause I don't hang around exjw men!Visit Smiley Central!

  • Gadget
    ("your so cute when your mad" isn't the stupidist thing you can say??)

    But what if they are really cute when they're mad?

  • Aztec

    Gadget, we aren't cute when we're mad okay? Accept it.....LOL!

    Sphere, we did worse than most of the men.

    Maybe jwbot is was written by a 14 year old boy...


  • Mindchild

    Aztec said:

    Maybe jwbot is was written by a 14 year old boy...

    You never know for sure but then the question that crosses my mind is: are ex-JW women really that similar to women who were never inside the cult? I can make the arguement that the negative experience we all got from the Borg shaped our views on sex and love differently. How much is the big question? I do think that this test doesn't cover the entire population accurately and when you factor in the different life views of ex-dubs, well hell we were lucky to get what we did on the score. lol


  • Gadget
    Gadget, we aren't cute when we're mad okay? Accept it.....

    I'll just sit here quietly now then....

  • Xena

    You got 4 out of 12 correct!

    hhhmm could explain why I am still just bi-curious and not actually bi

  • teejay

    3 out of 12.

    As far as I can tell, it seems to me that these questions were designed from the standpoint of self-centered, insecure, caricatures of everything that's wrong with women... the kind of female I try hard not to waste any of my time with. This is a "test" I never hope to pass.

  • Aztec

    "are ex-JW women really that similar to women who were never inside the cult?"

    No Mindchild, we're much cooler!

    Actually I emailed the link to a friend of mine who grew up as a very lax Catholic and she gave similar answers to mine so....who knows?

    Gadget, sweetie, I don't even know what to say...LOL! Stay away from telling us wer'e cute when we're mad and you should be fine.


  • Yerusalyim

    Any man that claims to understand women is a liar

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