Do Ex-JW men really understand women?

by Mindchild 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • berten

    >You got 3 out of 12 correct!
    >Less than 4: We suspect that you enrolled in women's studies but were too enraptured with the eye >candy to take notes. The bad news is that the moti-vations and machinations of half of the world's >population make absolutely no sense to you.

    I wonder if that is such bad news,
    if they really abide by such rules of manipulations and/or machinations
    I don't think I want any part of it.

    >The good news is that free, private tutoring is available.

    And where would I find such "free private tutoring"?
    I don't think this exists because most women who agree with
    the conclusions of this test are not interested in educating "inexperienced" men...

  • jwbot

    The makers of the test does not know women.

    So men, there is hope if you scored badly...that test is bullshit!

  • Kaethra

    I only got 6 out of 12 right, and I AM a woman. Go figure.

    On another note, Happy B-day Mindchild!

  • drwtsn32
    So men, there is hope if you scored badly...that test is bullshit!

    Woo hoo! Thanks jwbot for cheering up the losers!

  • Aztec

    This test is obviously retarded cause I got:

    You got 1 out of 12 correct!

    Less than 4: We suspect that you enrolled in women's studies but were too enraptured with the eye candy to take notes. The bad news is that the moti-vations and machinations of half of the world's population make absolutely no sense to you. The good news is that free, private tutoring is available.


    Oh Great! I got the worst score so far! Even worse than Six...

  • Aztec

    It figures...the only question I got "supposedly" right:

    5. Male sex drive : female sex drive, as...
    Correct! Corvette : Aston Martin
    The answer is C. A suggests that the male and female sex drives bear no relation to each other -- clearly misguided. B implies that the male sex drive far overpowers the female--an old myth, as is the predator-prey relation of D. Only C works. An Aston Martin can keep up with a Corvette, but it builds its reputation on elegance and subtlety, not on drag racing.


  • iiz2cool
    So men, there is hope if you scored badly...that test is bullshit!

    You're right. I took the test twice. The first time I answered the questions according to the way I acted when I was actively dating, and I got 12.

    The second time I took the test I based my answers on what I learned about women since then, based on my experiences and on what many women told me. That time I got a big ZERO!

    So I guess I still know nothing about women!


  • Gadget


    You got 2 out of 12 correct!

    Less than 4: We suspect that you enrolled in women's studies but were too enraptured with the eye candy to take notes. The bad news is that the moti-vations and machinations of half of the world's population make absolutely no sense to you. The good news is that free, private tutoring is available.

  • Aztec

    Walter, you're in good company. Apparantly I know nothing about them either and I AM A FREAKIN WOMAN! I think this test was written by a fourteen year old girl personally. *shakes head and laughs*


  • Robdar

    You got 3 out of 12 correct!

    Hahahahaha.....It's true. I do not understand most women.


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