More JW left ideology examples

by neat blue dog 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mickbobcat

    The cult got a lot of hippies and granola nuts in the 60s and 70s to join. My guess if they are targeting these nuts as they seem to fall for anything that echos their nuthole ideas. With numbers falling off I think that they are grabbing at any angle to bolster the ranks.

  • Biahi

    The “new system” sounds more and more like a spiritual North Korea.

  • WTWizard

    If they cared about people, they would be instructing people to take hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, and/or green tea along with zinc and vitamin D. This combination is known to reduce the severity of other coronaviruses (such as those that cause regular colds), and quercetin is a nutrient that just happens to protect you from this virus without bad side effects.

    If everyone took these supplements in sufficient doses, there would be no need for all this nonsense. No "social(??)" distancing, no masks, no closing down things, no mandatory vaccinations, no nothing. You get the virus while taking these supplements, you barely get sick if at all, you become immune to the whole thing, and that's the end of that. Once that happens, you cannot spread the virus (aside from touching something with virus on it, and then touching something else that then has the virus on it). Obviously, if everyone took these supplements, no one would ever get sick from touching these surfaces, the virus would lose effectiveness, and SARS-CoV 2 would become critically endangered and go extinct.

    Or, they can use it as an excuse to enforce these measures. The washtowel is based on fear, and "giving Caeser's things to Caeser". This, of course, is going to mean mandatory vaccines regardless of the suffering they cause. Satan will be blamed, of course--and the "solution" will be that abomination of a god they have supposedly destroying the culprits. Instead, that thing will have those culprits ruling the whole earth, enslaving everyone under the worst possible conditions. Lifespans will be drastically reduced, that "70-80 year limit in that stupid bible will be enforced, and science will be totally dead.

    I think I would rather not listen to the washtowel. Yes, while the virus was new and we didn't know how it would act, it was prudent to be careful and stay apart until more was known. (And that was when they were spreading it door to door in field circus.) Once more is known, it is good to act on that knowledge--once I found quercetin worked (even better than hydroxychloroquine, for those who are trying to get this drug banned), I quickly ordered a long course of quercetin so I could be protected (I already take zinc and vitamin D). And now that I know how to tame this virus, they want everyone to wear those stupid masks, stay 2 meters apart, and ultimately take that torture shot.

  • doubtfull1799
    They aren’t going to inform their flock that the inventor of the PCR test said Faucci was a joke and invited him to a debate, which he refused. Or that the PCR test is being used fraudulently in a completely illogical manner that the inventor never supported.

    Fact check/Citation please? (on the second claim - I have confirmed that he didn't like Faucci and thought he was just a bureaucrat, but the inventor died in Aug 2019 before PCR was being used for Covid testing)

    If they cared about people, they would be instructing people to take hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, and/or green tea along with zinc and vitamin D. This combination is known to reduce the severity of other coronaviruses (such as those that cause regular colds), and quercetin is a nutrient that just happens to protect you from this virus without bad side effects.

    Citation, please?

    If everyone took these supplements in sufficient doses, there would be no need for all this nonsense. No "social(??)" distancing, no masks, no closing down things, no mandatory vaccinations, no nothing. You get the virus while taking these supplements, you barely get sick if at all, you become immune to the whole thing, and that's the end of that

    Citation please?


    There’s video clips of the gentleman who invented the PCR test out there. You just have to find a source of uncensored information. He explains the test and what it’s for, and not for, far better than I ever could. Yes, he did pass away but he was well aware of how the PCR test could be used improperly, which applies to the current “Pandemic.”

    There’s a new Joe Rogan podcast with Alex Berneson that’s very interesting. Watch that and I think you will find it informative. I’m sure you could track down a lot official documents, ect as he should be citing them in his articles.


  • Diogenesister
    am so glad that here in the U.K. Fighting the virus, as well as the need for less destructive economic practices are not seen as political issues or “left” policies .

    Amen to that Blues brother.

    Politicizing this awful "two faced" pandemic is evil (2 faced because it goes through the very young in a day, the over 40s like a demon) a healthy 50 year old and it nearly KILLED ME😡 So take this pandemic seriously and yes I commend watchtower in this case for doing the right thing.

    WE ARE DESTROYING this planet....theres too many of us. We're killing so many species it's horrific. Our grandkids will suffer terribly...but many of you guys won't be around to see it. So live in your delusion.


    Anecdotal experience aside, this is not a World-Ending Pandemic. No more people have died in 2020 than in 2019. Ignoring the hype of the Media and listening to the actual Science of many, many Doctors and Virologists who have been censored, you have about a 98% chance of beating Covid-19, IF.... IF you don’t have multiple co-morbidity issues.

    More school age children die of the common flu every year than will die of Covid-19. Do we shut down schools every winter and lockdown businesses?? The panic and lockdowns and economic hardship and countless deaths that will occur because of the lockdowns and use of a never before used and rushed vaccine will eclipse the ACTUAL deaths from Covid-19.

    I’m nearly 50, and have not had a vaccines since Kindergarten enrollment and have NEVER had a flu shot and spend many, many hours outside in all weather and am very rarely ever sick. I haven’t even set foot inside a Gym for 10 years!

    Some of my co-workers got sick and tested positive. A few days later I started feeling weird, got a headache, and a low grade fever. I got tested and it was positive. So, I rested for a few days, ate soup, took naps, took meds to keep my fever down, ect. If I had never heard the term Covid, I would have taken DayQuil and went to work. I had no cough, no aches and pains, nothing but a low fever and a slight headache. That’s it. One week later I was completely back to normal.

    Assuming the PCR test can be trusted ( do your research) and I didn’t just get a normal Flu, the Covid-19 did not even come close to killing me. I take Vitamin D, Zinc, C, do a bit of fasting when I feel like it, ect. I drink, smoke a pipe on occasion, don’t go to the gym and don’t take any medications. So go figure...

    Are there problems on this planet? Yes! Do we need to take better care of the environment? Yes! Do we need to panic over a virus that is less deadly than the common Flu??? No! Do we need to destroy people’s lives with endless lockdowns and draconian measures like tazing women and veterans who don’t “mask up” and go off the trail at National Parks?? HELL NO!!!!

    Do some digging. Stop living in fear.


  • JoenB75

    Anna Marina stated well "yes they are Communists with religion". They also teach a concept of God that includes a fair amount of humanism. Therefore harsh old testament passages are more a problem than in Evangelical circles, as also witnessed among the ex'es here. JW try to conjure up some more or less humanistic excuses for God that just does not work.

  • Diogenesister
    More school age children die of the common flu every year than will die of Covid-19. Do we shut down schools every winter and lockdown businesses??

    We're not closing schools to protect kids, they're fine, but to protect teachers, parents and the community.

    This is NOT just another flu....currently of the cohort in the UK that caught Covid19 at the same time as me 10% HAVE BEEN ADMITED TO HOPSPITAL and the NHS is almost at breaking point.


    The statistics don’t lie. Many, many, Doctors and Virologists- Top Virologists (being censored) even an early whistle blower in Wu-Han, disagree with the claim that Covid-19 is a deadly pandemic.

    Many mistakes were made with models predicting death numbers. PCR testing is a problem as it leads to high case numbers which dictate these insane lockdown measures based on CASES not actual death rates.

    There’s a mountain of evidence on Covid-19 not being the deadly pandemic is was feared to be, and many, many whistleblowers coming forward about the corrupt practices of many Hospitals who directly benefit financially from “Covid” deaths. You just have to search for it.

    The problem is that no one wants to say, “Oh Shit... we really overreacted and screwed people’s lives by locking everything down, and then freaking out, arresting folks for walking their dogs, and then freaking out more and tazing folks, and spreading needless fear.”


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