More JW left ideology examples

by neat blue dog 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Some of the most problematic OT passages were not meant to be read literally.

    I enjoyed Dr Bob’s explanation of the 42 kids killed by two she bears for calling Elisha the prophet a bald head.

  • Vidiot

    Calling the WTS "leftist" always sounds strange to me, considering how much the Org has in common with the Religious Right.


    I have an Aunt and Uncle who tested positive. They are in their 70’s. She was a little sick, but had been taking Vitamin D, C, Zinc Quercitin, ect because she has diabetes and for some reason her Dr. had suggest those vitamins for other reasons. My uncle had not been taking anything, but also had 1/3 of a missing lung. He felt terrible and went into the hospital, he never came out once they put him on the respirator.

    Many of their peer group got sick, but pulled through as they opted for oxygen and didn’t get on the respirator.

    On that note, I recently watched an interview with an ex-Military Nurse who moved from Florida to work in the Hospitals in NY, because they were “swamped” and needed help. She was hired and sat in a hotel for a couple weeks... all the while making thousands of dollars a week.

    She reported that once you go on the respirator, you’re probably dead. 9/10 on average died once they went on that machine.

    All these events are anecdotal of course, but as the numbers continue to come out, as the truth continues to come out, as people continue to come forward, it’s being proven that a lot of shady business is going on. Also, even in the older age bracket, without co-morbidities, you’re survival rate is still in the 94% range.

    It sucks that people are dying. It’s sucks that it’s a family member. It sucks when it happens to you, but that doesn’t change the facts. Covid-19 is overblown, people in charge overreacted, now they have to back-pedal and eat crow and they avoid that at all costs for political reasons, reasons of ego, ect. These lockdowns will destroy far more lives than Covid-19.


  • Vidiot
    slimboyfat - "Some of the most problematic OT passages were not meant to be read literally."

    I have a theory that this is actually at the root of the Dark-and-Middle-Ages-era Church's historic antisemitism....

    ...the WTS's assertion that the Bible is actually a single, overarching piece of work is not original to them; the Nicea Council selected the "official" Bible books to be used, in part, to reinforce it.

    However, to accomplish that, the newly set-in-stone cosmology required that the Genesis creation narrative be regarded as literal history, in part to legitimize Jesus' primacy.

    However, if the Church's loyal subjects learned that the Jews - the actual writers of the Old Testament - didn't view Genesis as literal, it would undermine that legitimacy, and therefore, the Church's authority... Jews were demonized and discriminated against to prevent that information from being widely known.

    I could be wrong.

  • slimboyfat

    People who say it’s an overreaction, I have a question.

    In London and other parts of England hospitals are beginning to fill up and can’t take new patients. Critically ill people are waiting hours in ambulances because there is no place for them in the hospital. Doctors are making videos begging the public to stay at home and not mix because they cannot cope with the number of sick people. All this has happened despite low level restrictions that some are complaining infringe their liberty.

    What would you suggest we do now that hospitals are nearly full or in some cases already full? What do you actually propose we do? Just go about as normal and continue infecting one another? How is that supposed to work? I just don’t get it.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    How full were hospitals in general? Is some of the problem overtaxed personnel? California is in the news as being swamped, where I live is doing OK so far. Now there are ads on TV to not avoid getting other things addressed, be it bleeding, stroke ....

  • slimboyfat

    See audio clip from London doctor in link

    Prof Montgomery, who works in intensive care at London's Whittington Hospital and leads a research group at UCL, told Radio 5 Live: "We are in a lot of trouble in UK intensive care now.
    "Just huge numbers coming in, my heart goes out as well to our emergency departments, seeing a tsunami in the last week or two of cases. Everyone is working at maximum stretch."

    It is weird to call them “Leftist” but the more I meet other Xians the more I realize that the GB/WT are more like Communists than Bible believing evangelical/patriotic folks.

    They do want their God to kill off most of humanity and then live in an eternal Commune/Utopia..


  • pistolpete

    A disease so severe that many people don’t even know they have until they are tested. How many people have had the rona and never knew?

    Me! I had it and didn't even know. All my friends were mocking me to go get tested and I finally caved in after a week and went to my personal doctor to get tested. About a week later I got the results back-------I had the Covid antibodies in my system-----and I never knew that mother nature had imbued me with immunity. When all my friends found out I had gotten covid, they all went to get tested and all of those suckers had also gotten Covid and never knew it. Now all of us had the antibodies just like that. It was natural. BTW all of us are in our late 20s - early 30s.

    Lockdowns should just be for older people and also for those who just want to be locked down

  • GregW

    Yes use the bible to cheer you up, there you'll find babies having their heads smashed against rocks.

    The Hebrew nation invading another ancient civilization killing all the inhabitants except virginal girls and talking all their valuables.

    Hebrew children who dishonored their parents being killed.

    Hebrew girls who were raped being bought by the men who raped them from the girl's parents.

    A lot of people being enslaved and murdered and not to forget people at Armageddon who are going to be burned alive by god when he hurls fire bombs down upon them, only later to have birds eating their dead carcasses.

    JWS are especially waiting for that to happen, they proclaim its going to happen real soon now.

    So yeah if you want some relief from being fatigued and depressed of being home bound because of this pandemic, pull out the bible and start a reading, you soon feel happy and refreshed.

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