JWs have more good points than bad

by lsw1961 183 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lsw1961


    I will not run away. For me your disagreement is just disagreement which I will not take personally. I have no attachment to any particular view. I will stick to JW in so far as they have more good points than bad (which means I am not fanatical about them). If this reversed, then I will have my option.

  • SecretSlaveClass

    All points have already been adressed except one which I will adress.

    You claim all JWs willingly become JWs while being well aware of the disfelloshipping/shunning policy. So ten year old children coerced into baptism are well aware of the consequences? A ten year old who barely understands why he has to be disciplined for misbehaving? Give me a break!

    Not one point you made proves the JW cult is in any way special or better than any other superstitious belief out there. I hope you wake up kid (I say kid because your reasoning is on par with an infant) so you can actually enjoy a full, free life.

  • jookbeard
    Isw1961, "with careless need" you are right I did dismiss the good points, and for a very good reason, I'm very well qualified to do so, I was abused by my elder father who died in good standing in his local congregation, and yes I did pray to jeehovah to ask that the abuse did stop, yet it didn't , I "left it with "jeehovah" like many victims do and yet nothing happened, are you willing to address these issues, did you get the chance to look at the Australian Royal Commission into child abuse cover ups? are you aware of the Candace Conti lawsuit? have you heard of The Silentlambs website?
  • lsw1961

    The Searcher

    I do mention to my bible studies regarding disfellowshipping/shunning. A few stopped studying with me. But others commented this is understandable.

  • lsw1961


    All such things are exceptions. In a garden, it is natural that some weed would also come up. But this should prevent us from benefiting from the garden.

  • lsw1961

    Driving Force

    You got the spirit of my posting. We should take benefit from each and every organization, and ignore the rest. There is nobody good for nothing.

  • punkofnice

    Isw - Yayyy, you're back. Good show, old bean. I was raised a JW and saw the dark side when I was an elder. I left despite it being a captive religion as Angus Stewart described it. It cost me my family and shouldn't have if god was involved.

    Each to their own. If you want to be a JW, that's your choice...it just isn't for some.

    BTW, what are your thought on the interviews at the Aussy Royal Commission?

  • Saintbertholdt

    Hi Isw1961,

    I'm glad to see you've responded.

    ... But when you allow it to take a monstrous form of blind enmity, spilling venom in all directions

    I find that the greatest venom has been reserved by the Watchtower towards everyone, and I mean everyone. Is it not the Watchtower organization who refers to apostates (anyone who disagrees with their interpretation of dogma) as "mentally diseased"? That is pretty venomous.

    I also think the worst criticism against the organization that can be leveled against it, is that it is a cult.

    The two main characteristics of cults are as follows:

    1. Controlling member access to information.

    2. Taking extreme measures against criticism and dissent.

    You well know that you cannot share with anyone within your religion the fact that you are attempting a public defense of your beliefs. Why? Because it would result in you being shunned.

    Would Jesus have kept his views quiet? Aren't what you are doing on this forum exactly what Jesus would have done? So why do your public arguments have to be kept a secret from your fellow witnesses?

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Well done Isw 1961 you have an independent mind! That is not the JW way but it will eventually allow you to realise that the WTBTS do not have a monopoly on truth...and if they don't, then they are not God's appointees.

    If you are genuine about finding what is real it would be worth reading Raymond Franz's authoritative appraisal of the workings of the Watchtower in his book Crisis of Conscience. This explains the fact that for the sake of keeping a large stake-hold in the religious scene in Mexico, the WTBTS was prepared to accept that bribing officials for exemption to military service would be in their interest. However in Malawi they declared that the compulsory purchasing of the national party card would automatically be a disassociation matter and the consequences for those who did not buy had severe repercussions. This was gross hypocrisy and use of "two sorts of weights".

    How can this be condoned?

    Have you heard of the matter of the Watchtower joining its avowed enemy the UN as an NGO? Another case of gross hypocrisy...and why they did it is even more telling.

  • SecretSlaveClass
    All such things are exceptions. In a garden, it is natural that some weed would also come up. But this should prevent us from benefiting from the garden.

    Your reply is in reference to child abuse. Well sir, 1600 covered up child abuse cases in Australia alone amounts to an awful lot of weeds. Using your garden analogy, when a garden has been overrun by weeds the preferable method of dealing with the problem is to rip the entire garden up or kill the entire garden and start anew, check any horticultural website. In this case I agree, with your analogy. The entire garden needs to be destroyed so all those trapped can have their seeds of freedom have a fresh start and a chance of surviving.
    Your beloved cult is as rotten as the Catholic Church who also do a lot of good, yet I guarantee you the Catholic Church gets no praise for its good works from you. I bet to you it is nothing more than a harlot feasting on the blood of the innocent? You don't see your double standards, do you? Of course not. The best cults are excellent at preventing self examination.

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