My Prediction Regarding New Space Telescope That Will See Back to 100 Million Years From the Big Bang

by Sea Breeze 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    A few years ago...NASA pointed the Hubble Space Telescope at a dark, blank looking spot in the sky. They left it there imaging for 3 months to catch as much faint light as possible.

    The image below is some of what they found. .....10,000 galaxies, beautiful, fully formed spiral galaxies.... supposedly over 13 billion years old. The light gets brighter and brighter and the generation gets longer and longer. Sound familiar?

  • waton
    As a result, we see spiraled arms which are still rotating in the same direction as the galaxy itself.

    SB, not quite so, the spiral arms are quasi standing waves, through which the material of the rotating galaxy moves, i believe we are about to leave the compressed area of the arm we just travelled through. or?

    ALMA gave us milk on the old galaxies in radio wavelength, now jw will go infra red meat.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    @ Ana Mous

    Basically what you and the WTBTS do is have a fixed conclusion and make the data fit accordingly.

    Totally not true. The WT embraced billions of years long ago. This is your position.... not mine.

    I am making predictions from a literal biblical point of view where God created the stars and galaxies IN ONE LITERAL 24 HR. DAY.

    Both models make predictions to see if they come true.... as I have done. This is the opposite of a "just-so story".

    So far, the evidence seems more favorable to a young universe and not to a big bang hap-hazard billons and billions year old unguided explosion.

    According to the day two account of creation (Genesis 1:6–8), God made an expanse in the midst of the waters of the early earth to separate the waters below from the waters above. The day four account (Genesis 1:14–19) reveals that God placed the heavenly bodies in this expanse. This suggests that the universe has an edge and that water is at that edge (see also Psalms 148:4). Neither of these two ideas are welcome in deep-time cosmology.

    Yet vast amounts of water have been recently detected at the edge of the universe. Will NASA find more water with WST?

    A creation model says ...YES!

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Sea Breeze: Let's assume your theory is correct - the creator created a Universe where the visible part alone is 94 BILLION light years large, in 24 hours. Since information cannot travel faster than the speed of light, this is called proof by contradiction that your theory cannot be correct.

    Your theory was proven incorrect right about the original discovery that galaxies and stars were further away than our own solar system, which is really Renaissance-era science at this point, combined with the discoveries of the Planck, Maxwell and Einstein equations.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    This just in from Harvard:

    Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are claiming to have achieved faster-than-light transfer of quantum data. So, there are some possibility that we can achieve the speed higher than light. In this paper we are going to study the speed of the astronomical objects at the hypothetical edges of the Universe by 3 methods and we will show that the speed of celestial objects at the edges of the Universe could be greater than the speed of light.


  • FFGhost
    God created the stars and galaxies IN ONE LITERAL 24 HR. DAY.

    So, if I understand this correctly, your position is that God created the stars and galaxies in "24 hours"....billions of years before the earth was created and the time measured for it to complete one rotation was determined to be "24 hours"?

    Wow, that's a real head-scratcher.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze


    A literal reading of Genesis states that the earth was created on day 1. Stars were not created until Day 4.

    When I left the WT I unknowingly kept some of their teachings.... like billions of years. I have been investigating the liklihood of a literal creation week for a couple years now and have been pleasantly surprised by the findings.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Ok, it's show time:

    First a review. According to the worldview of naturalistic materialism; supposedly, after the big bang vast clouds of gases formed first generation stars, then they burned out after millions of years, then reformed new stars, then they likewise burned out after millions of years, then finally reconstituted themselves (stage 3 stars) to form the beautiful spiral galaxies making up the universe that we observe today. This story is needed because stage 1 and 2 stars could not have the heavy metals that are detected in stars we see today. So, it must have happened right?

    Several months ago (at launch time), I started this thread which makes a prediction on the opening post (OP) about the new Webb telescope that was launched last Christmas Day. I predicted that it would document fully formed galaxies as it looks further away than anybody has looked before - supposedly close to the time of the big bang.

    We now have such an image. Nasa released it yesterday,

    The below image is the "deepest infrared image of the universe ever taken". It's a great time to be a creationist.

    The background of space is black. Thousands of galaxies appear all across the view. Their shapes and colors vary. Some are various shades of orange, others are white. Most stars appear blue, and are sometimes as large as more distant galaxies that appear next to them. A very bright star is just above and left of center. It has eight bright blue, long diffraction spikes. Between 4 o’clock and 6 o’clock in its spikes are several very bright galaxies. A group of three are in the middle, and two are closer to 4 o’clock. These galaxies are part of the galaxy cluster SMACS 0723, and they are warping the appearances of galaxies seen around them. Long orange arcs appear at left and right toward the center.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    This article says that the first galaxies took about a billion years to form. You would expect to see fully formed galaxies 13 billion years old if the universe is about 14 billion years old.

    The Hubble telescope produced a similar picture in 2003/04. They mentioned the same ages then.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze


    NASA Administrator Bill Nelson described the image I posted above to President Biden, saying all the stars and galaxies it encompassed were located in an area of space the size of a grain of sand held at arm's length by someone standing on Earth.

    "We're looking back more than 13 billion years," he said. "That light that you are seeing has been traveling for over 13 billion years, and by the way, we're going back farther. This is just the first image. They're going back about thirteen-and-a-half billion years. And since we know the universe is 13.8 billion years old, we're going back almost to the beginning."

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