My Prediction Regarding New Space Telescope That Will See Back to 100 Million Years From the Big Bang

by Sea Breeze 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Sorry, but this is simply retarded.

    @ Simon: The greatest scientists who have ever lived believed in God. Pretty good list of retards !

    • Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
    • Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
    • Ernst Haeckel (1834 –1919)
    • Erwin Schrödinger (1887 –1961)
    • Francis Bacon (1561-1627)
    • Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
    • Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)
    • Guglielmo Marconi (1874 –1937
    • Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) ...
    • Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1627) ...
    • Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) ...
    • Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) ...
    • Rene Descartes (1596-1650) ...
    • Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) ...
    • Isaac Newton (1642-1727) ...
    • Robert Boyle (1791-1867)
  • waton

    to repeat: the scriptures in gen 1:1 say that the Earth was created at the beginning, together with the stars, galaxies aka "heavens".

    prediction: the webb instrument will not show the Earth existing at that time, that far away.

    The greatest scientists who have ever lived believed in God. Pretty good list of retards !

    This is a list of independent thinkers, creators of powerful theories, equations, made in the image of their father. not a blood thirsty sacrificing god, but a maker, family person.

  • blondie


  • markweatherill
    The secularist has limitless faith that Nothing Exploded into Everything.

    I can't help reading that in the voice of Kent Hovind.

    It's on a par with 'they believe their great granddaddy was a rock!'

  • waton
    • Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

    • Who, commenting on war atrocities wrote:" Wo ist der mächtige Jehovah?"
    • Belief in God like that does not equate with endorsing the Judeo / Christian concept of a worshiped entity.
  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    @ GabeAtHouse: Really? Please start a thread and provide your evidence. I have never seen ANY evidence that would "demolish" the Creation Account. What you got?

    Personally I would like to know how plants survived before the Sun was created.

  • TonusOH

    The Sci-Fi fan in me can't help but imagine how awesome it would be if one of the images captured was of a large hand gently nudging a galaxy into place.

    The images captured so far are quite incredible all on their own, though. It's wild to think that most of them are showing an area that is an infinitesimally small part of the whole.

  • waton
    are showing an area that is an infinitesimally small part of the whole.

    It is counter intuitive, but as we receive these old photons, we are looking at a smaller and smaller universe, where they came from so long ago. Things were packed closer then. The gravity distortions, lensing shows, that these are not straight line sightings going off into infinity, and the universe is bigger and bigger the farther we gaze.

    In general it is obvious, that religions have given us but a caricature of a possible creator/ trice. We know though, that all that energy tied up in those galaxies is uncreated. some much for the "creator" enJoy. .

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    TonusOH : The Sci-Fi fan in me can't help but imagine how awesome it would be if one of the images captured was of a large hand gently nudging a galaxy into place.

    @TOH: The accounts say that God spoke it all into existence. I find this interesting because science has now pretty much agreed (reluctantly for the Material Naturalists) that the fundamental nature of all thigs is INFORMATION.

    Here's a little quote from PBS NOVA :

    And an equation like this:“It doesn’t matter whether something consists of equations, words, images or sounds—you can encode any of that in strings of zeroes and ones,” or bits, says Scott Aaronson, associate professor of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT.

    We have known for over a hundred years about the double slit experiment that demonstrates how photons travel as informational probability waves but then collapse into physical photons so your eye can observe them. But the amazing thing is that it has now been conclusively demonstrated that matter (clumps of over 100 atoms) has been shown to do the same thing. The fundamental nature of everything you see is - INFORMATION.

    This is a really big problem for those heavily invested in atheism. The next logical question is; Where did the information come from?

    The LORD founded the earth by wisdom, He established the heavens by understanding. - Proverbs 3: 19

    Atheists are clueless on where the information comes from. Their worldview actually prevents them from even asking questions like these. They have thought themselves into a box and decided to stay there no matter what real science demonstrates.

    Joey: Personally I would like to know how plants survived before the Sun was created.

    @Joey: Jesus created light on Day one. "Let there be light".....As it was in the beginning, so it is now:

    “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:6, ESV).

    It would have been nice to meet the Creator in the Galilee region around AD 30, after having the scientific knowledge that we now have.

    The truly mind-boggling thing is that after the Millennium Reign, Jesus will roll the entire universe up like a scroll and do it all over again: There will be "a new heavens and a new earth".

    This time Jesus will have many, many friends who will have front row seats to the Creation event. It will be the ultimate Popcorn experience I'm sure.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    So the prediction was:

    Instead of finding a big mess as the big bang predicts; they will find fully formed stars, spiral galaxies and black holes.

    Initial images found:

    a turbulent region (aka a big mess) of star birth (not fully formed), and death (not eternal), approximately 7,600 light-years away in the southern constellation Carina

    Creationist disproven or will SeaBreeze move on to another theory and stake his hopes on the next NASA missions. You'll have to wait and find out more, next time on God of the Gaps.

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