My Prediction Regarding New Space Telescope That Will See Back to 100 Million Years From the Big Bang

by Sea Breeze 141 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • waton
    we're going back almost to the beginning.

    no, the researchers are not going back to the beginning in a block universe of Albert the great. they are trying to see photons/waves that old, that emerged from eternal uncreated energy. but the Webb images show very strong gravity distortions/foreground lensing.

    Imagine when they look at a place/time with an horizon, when all the mass/energy of the universe was compressed into an even smaller sphere?

    What does the big bang look like now? look at your fingers. they were in the big bang too, as new matter made from energy. yes, your body's matter was in the Big Beginning in the form of energy, otherwise you would not be here. and

    somebody living 13.8 billion light years away might be trying to see you right now.ha ha.

  • GabeAthouse

    SeaBreezes's Universe:

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Jesus never said that. But, the WT made a big deal about it.

    I guess you are newly out and still haven’t come to terms with your indoctrination. Give it time.

  • GabeAthouse

    Out 30 years.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Still haven’t figured out the difference between what the WT says and what Jesus said after 30 years?

  • GabeAthouse

    I know the difference. Don't take the cartoon so seriously. Replace 'Don't Masturbate' with anything in any religion thats trivial in the grand scheme.

    Who knows, maybe the new Space Telescope will capture an imagine of some dude that looks like Barry Gibb cobbling together the Universe and you'll be vindicated.

  • waton

    The deeper view will demolish the bible creation account. they will not find the solar system, age 4.5 billion years, or the earth in their "beginning" "hand of god" views*.

    The Earth was not created in the beginning as erroneously asserted Gen 1:1.

    * a term used after one of the balloon lofted experiments over antarctica for the background radiation pictures. more detailed than the hum detected in the horn in New Jersey. Instead,

    the creator works in powerful (energy) and lawful ways. it will appear in the images, that

    the universe created itself. based on energy, pulled together by gravity governed by laws.

    His energy, in His warping space, His laws.

  • GabeAthouse

    The deeper view will demolish the bible creation account. they will not find the solar system, age 4.5 billion years, the earth ditto in their "beginning" "hand of god" views*.

    The Bible creation account was demolished well before the JWST.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    The Bible creation account was demolished well before the JWST.

    @ GabeAtHouse: Really? Please start a thread and provide your evidence. I have never seen ANY evidence that would "demolish" the Creation Account. What you got?


    Isn't it great that we now know that the earliest image of the universe shows "unlimited" fully formed galaxies? It will be great don't you think when they confirm heavy metals in these "early" galaxies so close to the Big Bang?

    It is refreshing to see evidence that is consistent with the Genesis account. Actually, it was very easy to predict.

    Creation Science can make predictions from that worldview as I have demonstrated on this thread over the past 7 months.

  • Simon
    It is refreshing to see evidence that is consistent with the Genesis account. Actually, it was very easy to predict.
    Creation Science can make predictions from that worldview as I have demonstrated on this thread over the past 7 months.

    Sorry, but this is simply retarded.

    The bible has retreated from science ever since it was cobbled together.

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