CO'S "encouraging" letter to circuit

by nowwhat? 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthlover123

    well 2024.... that should be about the time the new audio/video cash cow black hole will be coming to a finish - 2025??

    Contributions are down according to local accounts report by 50% with the combined congregations footing bills for the empty halls- I would say for all the halls left unsold that are standing empty, this wonderful combining of congregations is a bust! --so this audio/visual centre does not seem to make sense in these times. NO one can support this call for money at every turn. This is a new world, going in a totally different direction.

    This so called CO letter is just another load on top of another pile of s......

  • slimboyfat

    I don’t know about KHs, but I can see them panic selling Assembly Halls first, if reticence about large gatherings carries on for any length of time. Assembly Halls have switched from being revenue generating assets to being liabilities overnight. Who pays for upkeep of Assembly Halls when no one is using them? Let me guess: when they were in use the revenue went to Watchtower, but when not in use the costs fall to congregations? Sound about right?

    Watchtower have been too clever by half. They can switch all the assets and income from congregations to central branch all they like, but if the flow of money stops then it simply stops, no matter what clever structure they have in place. People will look after themselves first, and when the headquarters doesn’t have the income they once relied upon, then difficult choices will need to be made.

  • Vidiot
    Hoser - "He told me some are opening saying they are never going back because they prefer the zoom meetings. These seem to be older ones as they are simply afraid of catching covid."

    Like I've said, the Corona crisis seems almost tailor-made to facilitate transitioning to an e-religion.

    Hoser - " these crazy times paranoid is the new normal..."

  • Vidiot
    slimboyfat - "They can switch all the assets and income from congregations to central branch all they like, but if the flow of money stops then it simply stops, no matter what clever structure they have in place. People will look after themselves first, and when the headquarters doesn’t have the income they once relied upon, then difficult choices will need to be made."

    Anything that makes it easier for fakers, faders, and fence-sitters to GTFO, amiright? Vidiot

  • Kosonen
    slimboyfat5 hours ago

    "I don’t know about KHs, but I can see them panic selling Assembly Halls first."

    Perfect! That's what I want to hear. Soon the figurative "woman" of God mentioned in Revelation 12 will have to flee to a specific place in a wilderness. So no need for assembly halls. Neither for kingdom halls. Better to have the cash to be able to flee and settle down in a wilderness.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Kosonen: It is becoming more and more of an issue, the upkeep of the halls is a major cost and could even land them in court.

    I used to volunteer where this happened and yes, to save money and avoid local building code regulations, the high voltage cabinet was installed and maintained by JW's:

    All halls, especially quick-builds are a poorly built death trap and the liabilities, as the org is now taking on ownership of the halls themselves, is a major problem.

  • slimboyfat

    That’s amusing—Watchtower took over control of all local properties just in time for them becoming empty due to coronavirus, thus making themselves liable for large maintenance costs. They’ll presumably tell local brothers that they need to pay the costs locally. But if the money isn’t forthcoming, and they’ve asserted ownership over all the properties, ultimately they are liable for the all costs themselves, no? What can they do? “If you don’t donate more then we’re going to sell your Assembly Hall and local Kingdom Hall”? It would be interesting to watch how that plays out.

    It looks like they’ve been too clever at hiding assets in Australia too, and the media, and it is to be hoped, the government will close down that particular attempt to avoid responsibility.

  • LV101

    Anony Mous - Halls are death traps re/their construction? How'd they pass code? Oh my - wish someone would break news online and watch the reaction. Sure hope this critical info is revealed to buyers!

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    The C. O. in a local circuit said that Warwick, Walkil & Patterson compounds would remain in lockdown mode til October 2020. So if that's true...Assembly Halls and most Kingdom Halls will more than likely see very little use til then as well. That's another 4 to 5 months of these properties sitting idle and collecting to speak. I drove by our local hall & it's beginning to look abandoned...a ghost-town...imagine what it'll look like come September or October!

  • LV101
    I can't imagine the aged JWs not sending in their checks to the elders/headquarters to maintain their beloved religion - probably extra to make up for the shortages. They'll keep the faith and pay no matter.

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