I'm **so** glad I won't be in 'the new system'

by Simon 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joyzabel

    lol @ gardening! I agree

    You have a huge yard for there in England! whow, have fun mowing it.

    hehe @ "Our littlest one (in the fake nose / glasses) is a right little clown." I wonder who he takes after!


    ps, can't wait until you see our "yard". no grass what so ever.

  • Swan

    I'm so glad you won't be in 'the new system' either! I can't imagine a worse hell than slaving forever for the Dub Global Landscaping Project.


  • Scully

    Swan writes:

    I can't imagine a worse hell than slaving forever for the Dub Global Landscaping Project.

    It kinda makes you wonder..... if Jehovah is supposed to be God Almighty™, why the heck can't he do his own frikkin gardening? Why does he need 6,000,000 JWs to do it for him, when he could just snap his fingers, or point, or wiggle his nose etc and be done with it??

    Love, Scully

  • teejay

    There's a scene in Dr. Zhivago where the main character has gone to town to see his girlfriend and is slowly riding back to his family. When I saw that it made me think of the time I'd have in the new order. I looked forward to that.

    Being able to live for twenty years at the foot of a mountain range, getting bored with it and packing up to go and live for twenty years at the beach; then in the desert; then in sub-Saharan Africa; then in a Brazilian rain forest. I looked forward to traveling all over the world and living several life-times getting to know other people's culture. And making, literally, a world-full of friends who all knew me by name.

    Then, I will never forget the talk I heard about life in the new order where the speaker said: "we can't be dogmatic and say for certain what Jehovah has in mind when it comes to space travel. We don't know but that he may have in mind populating the universe with humans." I had never in my life heard anything as fantastic as that said from the platform. It blew my mind and opened up a world of possibilities.

    Yeah... truth be told, I'll miss not living forever in a paradise earth. It was just about the one teaching that kept me in the truth so long. And what made it so hard to give it up.

    tj ~ who doesn't mind gardening, so long as somebody else does it

  • drwtsn32

    I absolutely hate gardening. My parents had a huge garden when I was groing up, and I didn't like how my dad "made" me work in the garden. But I don't mind mowing the lawn at all or doing other simple stuff.

    We too just got our backyard landscaped. It's nice having grass, trees, and plants instead of dirt, rock, and weeds.

  • Swan

    tj wrote:

    Being able to live for twenty years at the foot of a mountain range, getting bored with it and packing up to go and live for twenty years at the beach; then in the desert; then in sub-Saharan Africa; then in a Brazilian rain forest.

    Yes, that would be nice, but do you really think it would be that simple? Before I left I began to doubt it that we would ever have that freedom, even in paradise. In 1986 I began to think that maybe the pictures the WTBTS painted were not so rosy after all. I began to think it would be more like the WTBTS would tell you what section of ground you would be assigned to make into paradise and then maintain. It would also tell you which elders you would be assigned under, who your CO and DO would be, and then on top of that we would have Princes resurrected from the dead added to the hierarchy.

    I think that poor Simon would be stuck on some treeless bluff with nothing but green grass to mow, except on days the CO visited made inspections.


  • Simon

    I think my dislike for growing things is because I was brought up on a farm and spent many, many, many hours in back-braking labour ... picking potatos and carrots by hand (even when it was so cold you hands and arms went numb)

    Nothing beats good solid concrete which never needs cutting !

  • Special K
    Special K

    It all looks WONDERFUL from where I'm sitting at the computer chair.

    Simon and Angharad... GOOD JOB!

    I think that you both deserve the "Robomow" and the "Roomba Vac" just as a reward for all the work you have put into this outdoor living space.

    I'm sure you and your family and friends will enjoy your new space. It looks very inviting.

    and thank you for modeling for us.

    Your post, shows to me, that a day will come when other ones of us here on the forum will be able to put some of these stresses of leaving the J.W.'s in the past and start living again.

    A good thought, is that we will eventually be able to get back to concentrating on living life in the forward motion and I think, for me, that is what your post and pictures are showing that you are doing.

    Gardening as well has a very "grounding" effect as well as a sense of accomplishment.

    Enjoy your garden


    Special K

  • Nicolas

    Why not put asphalt instead of grass? It would be less problem...

  • SillyPutty

    Scully, I've often wondered that exact thing myself.

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