God's Word and Modern Man

by TheLiberator 54 Replies latest social humour

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    In my opinion God has had great difficult in expressing even the simplest sentences. This is only my opinion, but it is why I think it absurd we need an entire bible to share what should be a common message of love.

    Is the bible a common message of love?

    In my opinion if the bible is the words of God it's a disgrace to a higher intelligence, in fact much of it I find dark and brutal. In fact I once did try to base my life on the bible or the watchtower interpretation of it, I was a brutal homosexual hating shit. I am glad i have have kissed Gods word in the bible goodnight.

    The Rebel.

  • DangerMcDanger

    @Cofty, I wasn't being serious about not believing in science. I was using an example of how saying, "Believing religion involves indoctrination through one's childhood," is wrong. Let me lay it out like this.

    1. Believing religion involves only indoctrination through childhood teachings.

    2. That kind of knowledge would vary based on location and time of birth.

    3. Therefore, religion is false.

    Yet, your knowledge of literally everything would vary based on location and time of birth. In China, you'd believe a totally different arrangement of the fossil record. What you'd learn about evolution in textbooks would look wildly different. If you were born in 900 B.C., you'd think the universe was eternal and the earth is flat. Just because there are varying ideas does not mean you can throw it all out the window and say all of it is false. There are different trains of thought even within sciences. So, let's throw all of science out the window, yeah? No, that's ludicrous.

    P.S.: Science builds weapons of mass destruction and kills millions of people. Science births Darwinism, which was Hitler's justification for the Holocaust. I could go on. Yet, science isn't responsible for any of this and neither is religion, but the broken condition of man is. People will use anything justify their evil. People have killed each other over music for goodness' sake.

    @Smiddy, I am none of those things, but thank you for the broad generalizations. Why do atheists act like all religious people are stupid? There are great minds within varying fields of academia that are deeply religious. Not only that, 95% of the Earth's population is religious. So, I guess everyone is just stupid except the 5% of atheists, right? Let's be sensible here.

  • cofty
    In China, you'd believe a totally different arrangement of the fossil record. What you'd learn about evolution in textbooks would look wildly different. - Danger

    Please provide a reputable source for this assertion.

    Evolutionary biologists from China attend the same conferences as those from any other country and publish in English in the same journals. They are bound by exactly the same rules of evidence. In fact some of the most amazing fossil evidence for early life come from the Chengjiang region of China and has been described by paleontologists from all over the world. Chinese students do not have a different theory of evolution from the rest of us.

    If you were born in 900 B.C., you'd think the universe was eternal and the earth is flat.

    Yes. So what? The rigorous application of methodological naturalism is not much more than a century old. The results have been astonishing.

    Science builds weapons of mass destruction and kills millions of people.

    Science is simply a method of discovering what it true about the world. It has proven to be a highly successful method. What we do with that knowledge is a moral decision. The knowledge we have gained from applying the scientific method has cured the sick and fed the hungry. Something thousands of years of religious superstition never achieved.

    Science births Darwinism, which was Hitler's justification for the Holocaust.

    Evolution is a fact. It answers how every living thing descended from a common ancestor over millions of years. There is no controversy about this fact within science. The process of natural selection has been summarised as "survival of the fittest". Being "fit" often includes an ability to cooperate with others, the ability to attract a mate.

    Hitler believed in an idea of social evolution that has nothing to do with the fact of evolutionary biology. He confused "survival of the fittest" with survival of the strongest. His crimes have nothing to do with evolution.

    Yet, science isn't responsible for any of this and neither is religion, but the broken condition of man is.

    What do you mean by "the broken condition of man"? Are you suggesting there was a utopian time before we got broken? We live in the greatest time in all of human history. Despite all our failings we have achieved the most prosperous, fair and peaceful world that has ever existed.

  • cofty
    I guess everyone is just stupid except the 5% of atheists, right?

    I don't think that religious people are stupid. By definition they do believe in irrational superstitions so that tells us something about their lack of commitment to evidence.

  • WhatshallIcallmyself

    What is the end result of arguing about which religion is correct or which interpretation of a particular religion is correct?

    What is the end result of following the scientific method to understand the word around us?

    I know which one I would rather spend my limited time on...

  • Vidiot

    smiddy - "...God hasn't spoken to man for over 2000 years now, maybe he/she is afraid of being outed as a fraud not having a clue about modern day scientific facts..."

    The Simpsons gave a much simpler explanation in the episode "Thank God it's Doomsday"...

    "My son went down to Earth once. I don't know what you people did to him, but he hasn't been the same since."


  • Heaven
    What I like about Science is this... if you choose not to believe them, they don't threaten you, upon your death, to judge you and if found guilty/unworthy, torture you for all eternity in a burning lake of fire.
  • cofty
    if you choose not to believe them, they don't threaten you...

    ...and if you can prove something important to be wrong they will give you a Nobel Prize.

  • DangerMcDanger

    @cofty, What I was saying about believing different ideas based on date and location is that it doesn't negate a truth claim just because there's variety. Richard Dawkins made two points:

    1. People only believe religion because they are indoctrinated, so it isn't true.

    2. If you were born somewhere/sometime else, you'd believe something else, so all religion is false.

    My counterpoint to #1:

    The truth is, all knowledge we have is indoctrinated. Science, math, languages, politics, history, etc. It's taught to us for free for twelve years and more if you please. Yet, just because we were indoctrinated to believe all of it does not mean it's all false. Religion isn't any different. I used science as an example not because I'm some creationist that fights the flow of science (I'm not), but because the science you learn is also indoctrinated from a very young age throughout your adulthood. It does not negate it's legitimacy.

    Apart from that, as I mentioned before, there has been an international revival of religiosity. Sociologists were predicting in the 80's that by our time religion would diminish to near non-existence. In fact, great intellects have been predicting that for centuries. Historically, secularism is always a trend and trends do NOT always predict the future. Deism was popular during the Enlightenment era, positivism was popular during the late 19th century and early 20th century, existentialism dominated philosophers for a solid century, etc. It's funny, there's been a remarkable resurgence of theism with modern-day philosophers.

    Counterpoint to #2:

    Different ideas based on time and location also does not negate its legitimacy. I used examples of how science has modified its teaching over time. Yet, with the logic of point number two, science too should be nothing more than a fraud. But it's not. All knowledge is taught without inherently knowing it, such as science, history, mathematics, and *gasp* religion. That does not mean it isn't true.

    Addressing this point of religion and violence, religion has been a minority of problems throughout history. Religion has been the cause of only 7% of all wars, 2% of all deaths from wars, and not even half a percent of all deaths throughout human history. It's nothing more than propaganda. If we're speaking about specific religions here, Islam is responsible for the vast majority of religion-related deaths and over half of all religious wars. The 20th century was the bloodiest century in all of human history, which was dominated entirely by secular wars.

    You did not debunk my point about Darwinism. I wasn't saying it wasn't true, I was saying science birthed Darwinism which people used as a justification for genocide, like with Hitler. Hitler's greatest influences were Darwin and Nietzsche (19th-century existentialist philosopher), which he largely used to justify his abhorrent evils. You're sidestepping my point.

    You're also sidestepping my point on weapons of mass destruction. You instead went on about the contributions science has made, which I'm not disagreeing on. Science is wonderful. However, science has also undoubtedly made some frightening inventions as well. You say, "What we do with science is a moral decision," yet I say the same about religion. Religion is a tool for people to find spirituality, yet what people do with that is a moral decision. You're applying a double standard for religion simply because you don't like it. What we do with ANYTHING is a moral decision. No one blames the gun for the killing, they blame the killer! What I am trying to convey about science creating weapons of mass destruction is that I could blame science for all the killings in the past century, yet you wouldn't be too fond of that and it would be a logical fallacy. It's the same thing with religion.

    What I was also trying to say about the broken condition of man is that the real root of all evil isn't science, religion, politics, etc. It's the broken condition of humanity. All of those topics are neutral and don't care one way or the other, but humans aren't neutral. This Enlightenment idea of evil coming from purely outside sources and not us couldn't be further from the truth. When it comes down to someone dropping an atomic bomb (science), a terrorist beheading a woman for not wearing her hijab (religion), or a politician starting a new war (politics), these are all the results of decisions made by humans. Not religion, science, or politics, but humans. Which reveals there is something internally broken inside of all of us. Obviously to differing degrees as we're not all war-mongers, but our brokenness exists nevertheless. Also, the most fair and peaceful world is entirely untrue! The 20th century was bloodier than the previous 19 centuries combined! Are you aware of the tensions among nations throughout the entire world? The immense poverty and starvation? The middle east? World War 3 could be right around the corner and you're saying we're living the best period of time in human history.

    You should also thank religion for science, since the world of modern science was birthed out of the church! For centuries it was the church that funded new discoveries in science. All of the greatest scientists for centuries were deeply religious, mainly Catholics as well. There are plenty of religious charities that have fed the hungry and cured the sick. The Catholic church is the largest provider of healthcare in the world. Feed My Starving Children, Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc. All religious organizations or founded on the basis of religion. Also, Yale, Oxford, Princeton and Harvard? Started out as seminaries. Some of these schools even still have religious mottos. Thank goodness religion existed to get the ball rolling on all of that!

    Also, as for China believing in different fossil records, Google Peking Man and what the Chinese believe about it.

    Thank you for taking the time to read all of my posts despite how large they grow, I truly appreciate it. Dialogue like this is fun. You are a bright fella as well.

  • cofty

    D.McD. - Trying to equate scientific knowledge with religious superstitions is a fool's errand

    What I was saying about believing different ideas based on date and location is that it doesn't negate a truth claim just because there's variety.

    No but it is very significant that the vast majority of religious people follow the religion of their parents.

    all knowledge we have is indoctrinated

    No it isn't. You are confusing teaching and indoctrination. Science stands up to scrutiny. It is founded on objective facts. Religious belief depends on a person's ability to take things on faith. All of the facts and evidence are against the truth claims of religion. Scientific facts are totally independent of a person's race or culture.

    there's been a remarkable resurgence of theism with modern-day philosophers.

    I have no interest in "modern-day philosophers".

    You're sidestepping my point.

    I addressed your point about Hitler and Darwin very directly. I said...

    Evolution is a fact. It answers how every living thing descended from a common ancestor over millions of years. There is no controversy about this fact within science. The process of natural selection has been summarised as "survival of the fittest". Being "fit" often includes an ability to cooperate with others, the ability to attract a mate.

    Hitler believed in an idea of social evolution that has nothing to do with the fact of evolutionary biology. He confused "survival of the fittest" with survival of the strongest. His crimes have nothing to do with evolution.

    You say, "What we do with science is a moral decision," yet I say the same about religion.

    Yes. If you can find a single post where I blame religion for all of the world's ills you might have a point.

    Science discovers morally neutral facts about the world. Religion advocates morally harmful beliefs.

    Which reveals there is something internally broken inside of all of us.

    What would that be exactly?

    I am very well aware of world events. We live in the very best time in all of human history. There has never been a time that was more equitable and peaceful. Please tell me which century you would prefer to live in. If you haven't done so please read "The Better Angels of our Nature" by Steven Pinker.

    Religion has been the greatest enemy of scientific knowledge and moral progress throughout human history. Have you heard of the Dark Ages?

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