President Trump has tested positive for COVID-19

by Funky 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • minsky

    Funky: Please try the following exercise: In a short amount of time, Trump will be out of the hospital, healthy and back on the campaign trail after a period of mandatory isolation. The media sources you listen to will immediately move on to a new "breaking" scandal, in the hope you forget about all the other failures to get anything right, including this story.

    It is called propaganda.

    Do you remember how the election was being stolen two weeks ago? Do you remember how Trump was going to the poor house last week?

    All I want you to do is to reflect about how the media managed to get this story wrong, and not immediately assign some charitable interpretation (such as, Trump was really ill and it was covered up, or even experts get it wrong, and so on).

    But sure, until then you are free to believe the president does not actually work, and you are free to believe he was crashing and dying Friday as he was walking to the helicopter and they thought fuck it, let's just wing it with this one and give him a bunch of random experimental drugs, what is the worst that can happen?

  • Funky

    I see you have no counter to my debunkment (?) of your "it's just a mild case of COVID because he's getting [best practice] drugs as a preventive treatment" argument.

    We can talk about Trump's tax situation if / when he has recovered. It's not going away, it just got (rightfully) elbowed out of the way since the president's health crisis is more urgent.

  • minsky

    It is debunked every day by

    • A team of ten doctors who give on the record press appearances saying he is doing well
    • Regular video updates of Trump who looks perfectly fine; in fact, he looks better than usual without the heavy tanner

    But sure Funky, someone on twitter who used to be a tax record expert until friday when he became a medical expert is posting long words so here you are, telling the rest of us not to trust our lying eyes.

    Lets put it to the test. I make two predictions. Then let me hear yours:

    The first is he will soon be out of hospital, still in isolation (as he has to be), but otherwise perfectly healthy. What is your prediction?

    The second is you have some vague ass answer like "it can go either way" or "cnn may say he is like really bad at some point" or some other face saving bullshit. It is like listening to the GB explaining the generation.

  • Funky

    Hey, I'll play.

    And happily acknowledge if I am wrong.

    What is your prediction?

    My prediction: Trump remains hospitalized for a minimum of one week. At least until October 12. There will be occasional videos produced when he's flying from the "up" due to his steroid treatments, but there will be continuing nonsensical and/or vague answers from the medical team.

    After hospital release: A greatly reduced schedule of public appearances, if any. No more rallies, no debates, virtually nothing where he is seen "live". I predict his COVID will cause long-term debilitating effects which will become increasingly difficult to disguise.


  • minsky

    Your predictions have nothing to do with the severity of his present situation. You somehow expect that the default protocol would be he did not self-isolate at the hospital for a week?

    I will take you up on the debates/rallies.

  • Funky

    I don't follow - you wrote you thought he would be out of the hospital "soon", now you're saying he will be in the hospital, but strictly for purposes of self-isolation?

    I just want to understand your prediction: "out of the hospital soon", or "isolating in the hospital for a while yet"?

    Let me clarify mine: I predict he will be in the hospital actively receiving treatment, not merely sitting around in isolation, for a minimum of one week.

  • minsky

    CDC says you should isolate until all fever is gone, and then for some extra time. It makes sense to do so at the hospital, although he might not. I think we can be sure CNN will bang on about how dangerous it is if he returned to the white house with a fever.

    I predict he will keep looking and feeling pretty well. That this will be more or less like a flu. That all the alarmist talk and guesswork on twitter, trying to guess what this or that drug means and drum up a scenario where Trump has to be 25th amended, is false.

    It is an easy prediction to make. it is just assuming everything stays the same.

    you are watering down all the guesswork you have posted about drugs and so on to mean he stays isolated for a week, which is in my experience in the low range for how long a normal flu/cold lasts. I have better things to do than argue whether that prediction is brave or not.

    Let's leave it here and see if there are more rallies/debates/public appearances (there surely will be).

  • Funky

    I was being conservative

    I still stand by my assertion that is much, much sicker than the doctors are letting on. And for that reason he's getting not one, not two, but three aggressive and/or experimental therapies that are indicated for the most severe cases.

    I have no idea how long it may take that aggressive combination of therapies to make a difference. I suspect very few, if any, 74 year old obese males with a positive COVID diagnosis have taken that exact same combination of drugs, so we can't know how effective it may or may not be, or how soon to expect to see a change.

    Obviously the doctors think it is the best course of treatment. It may well be effective.

    I have a hunch, a prediction, it's not enough to overcome his illness. His comorbidities are too intense. He may well be incapacitated and hospitalized for much longer than a week, but I'm not ready to assert that yet.

  • frozen2018

    Many, many people in Trump's inner circle are testing positive. Maybe too many? Is this outbreak of COVID in reality an assassination attempt?

  • Simon
    Many, many people in Trump's inner circle are testing positive. Maybe too many? Is this outbreak of COVID in reality an assassination attempt?

    Yeah, makes you think.

    It would be easy to do as a dirty trick - have someone infected wheezing away in the green-room before they arrive and bam, what damage could be done?

    It's one of those potentially devastating attacks that would be incredibly hard to prove. Any time there is a situation like that with low risk / high reward, you have to think the corrupt actors would go for it, because we know they have gone for so many other more risky things - if dems are in the building then corruption is already in the air. Maybe we'll find some texts in a few years, maybe some people will "suicide" themselves so they can't talk. Watch this space.

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