Did you participate in a Drama?

by Hecce 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Hecce

    Agree 100%
  • ducatijoe

    Yes, I directed 4 dramas. They were very time consuming however I did enjoy the experience.

    Thinking back though I will say it was more about my ego than anything else, as are many of the parts on a DC level.

    Very happy to be done with all that.

  • Hecce

    Acting in a drama was "heavy".

    Directing one was like getting to the "peak of Everest".

    An here we have 4.
  • Ucantnome

    i don't really remember any of the dramas. I remember in LA it was really hot and they asked people to take down the umbrellas. I didn't stay for the drama, I was still an active witness and wouldn't leave for another 15 years. I had a friend who was in one of the dramas, they left the witnesses a few years later. When I was a kid we were in demonstrations at the assembly and my brother gave a talk.

    i was mentions in a public talk once as a good example but the brother had it wrong

  • KWJoe
    I was in a couple of dramas in the early 70's.....If I remember correctly, one about Balaam....and the other about Jezebel. I was young....it was fun.
  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble
    3 times - late 80s early 90s - hard work, but great fun. One of the few good memories in the org.
  • Hecce

    A common feeling "it was fun".

    Conclusion, a JW is not entitled to any "fun" whatsoever.

  • Hecce
    Seeing the trailer for the next DC drama, we can see that the WT is going "Hollywood"; nothing like the older ones made with true grit.

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